Balding: Can Hair Grow Back After Balding?

Have you recently noticed signs of balding? Wondering if you can grow your hair back after balding? In this article, we talk about effective ways to address balding

Balding: Can Hair Grow Back After Balding?

Have you recently noticed signs of balding? Wondering if you can grow your hair back after balding? In this article, we talk about effective ways to address balding.

Our hair is so precious to us. We spend so much time styling it, making it look good and let it define us. We love it until we reach an age where we notice clumps of it coming out quickly.

For some of us, we’ve just recently started noticing this. Your hair can easily be saved. Then this article isn’t for you, instead, read here on things you can do to prevent your hair fall.

For starters, you could start using a derma roller for your hair. A derma roller helps to regrow your lose hair and boosts new hair growth.

This article is for those who are seeing very advanced signs of balding where the middle of your head reflects the light and you don’t know what to do with all the hair that’s still there on the sides.

Also read: 5 Early Signs You're Going Bald. Fight Hair Loss Immediately

Why Do We Go Bald?

Genetics. Bad Water. Stress. Male Pattern Baldness. Parabens. Bad luck.

These are one of the many things that can cause hair fall. Unfortunately, once you’ve reached an advanced stage of balding (here’s how you can figure out if you’ve reached an advanced stage), growing your hair back tends to become an expensive process requiring a hair transplant.

Here are some things you can do when you realize you might have very advanced stages of hair loss:

1. Change your hairstyle

change your hairstyle if you are balding

For some of us, especially ones who have a more patchy hair loss, it’s still possible to cover up our hair by switching up our hairstyles. Try new looks and look online for inspiration, or check out our list of hair styles as well.

2. Grow a beard

Grow a beard if you are balding

Believe it or not, a beard is a super effective way to take the attention away from your balding hairline. A nice thick beard adds to your personality and shows the world that maybe your scalp doesn’t have too much hair, but you still can grow hair in other areas!

3. Consider hair transplants

Consider hair transplants if you are balding

Technology has evolved rapidly and in 2020, hair transplants are a very safe and accessible way to achieve this. Hair transplants can cost anywhere from 35,000 Rs in price to 5 lakhs, depending on the quality of the grafts and the doctor. Look out for a hair specialist doctor, usually a dermatologist or trichologist.

We would always suggest looking into a reputed doctor who has a history of successful hair transplants so you can be assured you a higher level of success in the treatment. The last thing you want is to come back for another treatment because the initial hair transplant didn’t work out.

4. Own the look

own the look if you are balding

This might be the most important one. Sometimes, we get too obsessed with how our hair looks. It really doesn’t matter that much. Your confidence and personality are way more important. Be proud of your baldness and own that look.

Also read: Stress And Hair Loss- How To Reverse Telogen Effluvium In Men
