Can a Man with Phimosis Make a Woman Pregnant?

What Is Phimosis?

Phimosis is a condition wherein the foreskin of your penis is tighter than usual, making it difficult to retract or pull back. There are several causes for Phimosis:

  • It could be caused by recurring episodes of Balanitis or inflammation of the head of the penis. This condition is observed more among uncircumcised men.
  • Poor hygiene standards such as not washing and cleaning the penis regularly could lead to Smegma build-up under the foreskin, making it challenging to retract.
  • Many men are born with Phimosis and it is unrelated to their lifestyle.
  • Phimosis may present itself as an early symptom of diabetes mellitus.

Can A Man with Phimosis Make A Woman Pregnant?

There is a prevalent fear among men that if they struggle with Phimosis, they will be unable to conceive. However, a man with Phimosis can definitely make a woman pregnant. Hence, this fear among men is false. How? This is because Phimosis is a condition where semen and the testicles that produce it remain unaffected. It is a medical concern of the foreskin alone.

If a man who has Phimosis, otherwise has good overall health, his semen will be potent enough to make a woman pregnant.

However, it is true that Phimosis can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable for men as the foreskin could forcibly get pulled back due to friction during sexual intercourse.

Phimosis Treatment

Coconut oil for Phimosis

Coconut oil serves as an excellent Phimosis treatment. Why? The high 76 degree melting point of coconut oil reduces friction if massaged into the penis gently, prior to sex. Moreover, the insoluble property of coconut oil allows it to double up as a  lubricant during sex.

Castor oil for Phimosis

Numerous Ayurvedic treatments for Phimosis recommend a penis massage using Ayurvedic oils. Castor oil is an efficient Phimosis remedy as it has a high viscosity. What does this mean? That it is resistant to flow. Hence, it stays on your foreskin longer, nourishes it, and removes accumulated dirt and dead cells.

Stretching exercises for Phimosis

Exercises, if performed correctly and regularly can help combat tight foreskin concerns among males. Here are some easy-to-follow exercises for tight foreskin:

  • Increase the elasticity of your foreskin by following these steps:

Step 1: Use your thumb and index finger to gently pull the edges of your foreskin in an outward motion

Step 2: Hold this position for about 30 - 60 seconds and repeat.

How often should you perform this exercise? About 3 times a day for best results.

The Bottom Line

There is no need to worry, because Phimosis is a treatable condition and with time, the skin will become more comfortable to retract. If left untreated, however, it could lead to an accumulation of urine and dead skin cells, leading to a pungent and unpleasant odour. If you are noticing a difficulty pulling back your foreskin, please visit a urologist immediately.