Why Aloe Vera Is Great For Removing Dandruff?

Aloe vera is very effective in fighting dandruff and eliminating a flaky scalp. It's anti fungal and moisturizing properties makes this a effective and affordable treatment for dandruff.

Why Aloe Vera Is Great For Removing Dandruff?
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Navya Chawdry , M.D. (DVL) Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Reviewed on 25th January 2021

Aloe Vera for dandruff is extremely effective in eliminating a flaky scalp. Its antifungal and moisturizing properties make this an effective and affordable treatment for dandruff.

Every man is familiar with the sinking feeling of having white flakes in their hair. Not to mention the itchiness of the scalp that comes with it.

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Dandruff is a nuisance to both health and confidence – it's no joke. We hear you, and we have your back. It can, in fact, be easily treated – let us explain how through this article. Aloe Vera for dandruff is one effective home remedy to treat dandruff. In case you're interested in more, here is a list of all home remedies that can treat dandruff.

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Does Aloe Vera help with dandruff?

In a gel, ointment, or even in its raw form, Aloe Vera is an excellent natural remedy to treat burns and wounds. But what most people don't know is that it is also efficient in treating dandruff.

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Numerous studies show that Aloe Vera can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, the skin condition that causes dandruff.

Aloe Vera gel for dandruff is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is often used to treat burns, wounds, and skin irritation.

Aloe Vera's anti-itching properties can relieve scalp irritation, and its antifungal properties can reduce dandruff. It also contains enzymes that help reduce inflammation caused by the irritation and itching that dandruff brings along with it. This makes aloe Vera for dandruff one of the most common solutions.


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How to use Aloe Vera for dandruff as a natural treatment?

So, how exactly can we use Aloe Vera to treat dandruff? Is Aloe Vera good for dandruff?

How to choose: Aloe Vera, shampoo or juice

Aloe vera, shampoo or juice

Aloe Vera comes in different forms, and many of these are appropriate ways to help with dandruff. The most common form it comes in is as an aloe Vera gel, in its natural form.

The natural gel is often packaged and sold. In fact, you can even use Aloe Vera juice for dandruff or even an Aloe Vera shampoo for dandruff.

Applying aloe Vera gel to the scalp, whether in its raw form or a store-bought gel, is usually more comfortable and hassle-free.

Alternatively, Aloe Vera for dandruff and itchy scalp can can be treated through shampoos as well. Aloe Vera shampoos are shampoos with aloe extracts in them to save time.

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Depending on what amount of Aloe Vera is used and how frequently Aloe Vera is used, both forms of Aloe Vera are useful for dandruff and hair fall.

What are some more ways on how to use Aloe Vera for hair dandruff?

Apply the Aloe Vera gel underneath your hair, on your scalp

You can also learn how to use Aloe Vera gel for hair dandruff. How? Read on.

  • You can find aloe Vera leaves sold in grocery stores, or you can extract gel from leaves if you have an aloe Vera plant.
  • For the best results, let the aloe Vera gel sit on your scalp for around 30 minutes before using a mild shampoo to rinse it off.
  • Do this at least twice or thrice every week to get the best results.
  • Although aloe Vera is safe, it is essential to note that some people face allergic reactions to it. It is recommended for first-time users to apply some of the gel to the elbow or wrist to test out its effects.

This is relation to applying Aloe Vera for dandruff and hairfall.

Having said that, however, look out for a negative reaction such as redness, itchiness, or burning within a few hours to know if you are allergic. Allergies to onion or garlic make it likelier that you are allergic to aloe Vera.

Using Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for men to get rid of dandruff

Aloe Vera and Coconut oil for dandruff will nourish your hair and remove flakes and itch symptoms from the hair.

To make this solution, our recommended steps are:

  • Combine 2 tbsp of aloe Vera gel with 1 cup of coconut oil.
  • Massage into scalp
  • Wait for a few hours before wash
  • Wash in lukewarm water
  • Repeat this twice a week for best results

Coconut oil mixed with aloe Vera is an excellent natural home remedy for dandruff as this mix contains antimicrobial properties. This will fight the growth of yeast cells on the scalp. Aloe Vera is also a mild cleansing agent, meaning it coats your hair strands with a protective layer.

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Things to keep in mind while applying Aloe Vera for dandruff

Although many treatments have been said to work, considering the treatment's safety, side effects and health implications on you is imperative. What works wonders for everyone may not necessarily have the same impact on your scalp.

Is the aloe Vera helping reduce YOUR hair fall and dandruff

Aloe Vera gel is for dandruff generally considered safe when appropriately applied to the skin. Testing aloe Vera gel for your dandruff before trying out other natural or chemical treatments would be a safe and effective way to eliminate dandruff.

Wash your hair after putting applying Aloe Vera

Dandruff is linked with hair fall. Increased dandruff leads to more itchiness in the scalp. While itching the scalp, the hair follicles are weakened.

Once applied to the itchy flaky scalp needs to be washed after 1–2 hour then wash hair. Aloe Vera contains proteolytic enzymes which help heal and repair the damaged cells in the scalp. It also helps curb hair fall and controls hair shedding, ensuring that your hair remains thick, voluminous, and shining.

Assess your hair fall

Has it reduced? The best way to assess whether the aloe Vera gel or the aloe Vera shampoo you are using is an effective natural remedy for your scalp is to check whether the flakes and itchiness have reduced.


Is Aloe Vera good for dandruff?

Yes. It is a very good treatment to get rid of dandruff. Numerous studies show that aloe Vera can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis, the skin condition that causes dandruff. Aloe Vera gel for dandruff is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties,

How to apply Aloe Vera on hair for dandruff?

You can find aloe Vera leaves sold in grocery stores, or you can extract gel from leaves if you have an aloe Vera plant. For the best results, let the aloe Vera gel sit on your scalp for around 30 minutes before using a mild shampoo to rinse it off.

Does Aloe Vera and lemon for hair dandruff work?

Yes, this remedy does work for most men. Make sure to squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with some Aloe Vera gel. After you massage this mixture onto your scalp for a few minutes, make sure to leave it in for about 20 minutes and rinse your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner, afterward.

Also Read: Lemon juice and curd remedies for dandruff

A popular favorite is some Aloe Vera, egg yolk and olive oil mixture that you must make into a consistent paste. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and put on a comfortable shower cap. Make sure to leave this in for about 20-25 minutes after which, wash your hair with cool water.

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What is a good Aloe Vera mask for dandruff?

Many men inquire- is curd and Aloe Vera for dandruff good? This also happens to be a very popular hair mask for dandruff. How do you make it? Combine the 2 table spoons of Aloe Vera gel with  1 tablespoon of Olive oil and 1 cup of curd. Cover your head with a shower cap upon application and wash off after 30 relaxing minutes. These are home remedies for dandruff using Aloe Vera when you do not wish to get it medically treated.

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What are the benefits of Aloe Vera for dandruff?

Aloe vera's anti-itching properties can relieve scalp irritation, and its antifungal properties can reduce dandruff. It also contains enzymes that help reduce inflammation caused by the irritation and itching that dandruff brings along with it. This makes aloe vera for dandruff one of the most common solutions.
