Difference Between Psoriasis and Dandruff

There is a very thin line between dandruff and psoriasis, which most people often overlook; this article brings you exactly that piece of information that you shouldn't overlook.

Difference Between Psoriasis and Dandruff

In a rapidly changing world where trends and the definition of beauty  can change overnight, accepting your body for what it is can be tough sometimes, and it can be even tougher when you constantly have to be looking over your shoulder. Yes! You guessed it; we're talking about the white flaky embarrassment that is dandruff. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about dandruff and its more toxic cousin, psoriasis, and all that you can do to understand it, take precautions, and fix it.

Difference between Dandruff and Scalp Psoriasis

There is a very thin line between dandruff and psoriasis, which most people often overlook; this article brings you exactly that piece of information that you shouldn't overlook.

Dandruff is a skin concern that is easy to detect if you observe yellow or white flaking particles on your scalp, and sometimes, these flakes fall on the shoulder and become a major cause of embarrassment for the affected person.

Psoriasis, on the other hand, is more serious; it is more than just a concern, it's a skin condition. If your flaky scalp is ridden with red patchy dead skin, which more often than not seems to be visible, it’s psoriasis.

Signs & Symptoms of Dandruff

The most common sign, or what could be termed as an early symptom for all, is an itchy scalp. Your scalp can become itchy due to the dry skin on the scalp, which further causes the formation of small flaky particles in the scalp. So, if you have an itchy dry scalp, and shedding of white skin flakes on your scalp, hair, eyebrow, beard, or mustache, chances are it's dandruff!

Signs and Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis

The signs of psoriasis are more severe than that of dandruff. Psoriasis can cause a range of red patches starting from the scalp or forehead, and it can even spread to the elbows, knees, neck, etc. Perhaps, one of the most severe signs of psoriasis is that the dry skin first cracks and then bleeds, making the itch more scaling. Itching, burning, and soreness are also signs of psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis hair loss is a major concern among men nowadays.

Causes of Dandruff

The primary reason for dandruff patches on the scalp is dry skin. If the skin of the scalp is dry, it will form small flaky  dandruff patches on the scalp that will maneuver from your scalp to your shoulder. Not taking care of your hair, not shampooing it enough, or using a hard shampoo with too many chemicals is also one of the most common causes of dandruff. Your poor diet can also be a cause of dandruff.

Causes of Psoriasis

Unlike dandruff, psoriasis is a skin condition that can be defined as an autoimmune disorder. In this condition, the white blood cells overproduce the skin cells on the scalp. The skin cells in the scalp regenerate at a faster rate causing the actual skin to crack and bleed, which further turns into visible itchy red patches. Stress, weather, and infections are some of the triggers for psoriasis.

Scalp Psoriasis Natural treatment/ Home Remedies/ Natural remedies

As we read that psoriasis is an immunity issue that recurs in most cases, many wellness experts recommend natural and home remedies to treat psoriasis. Curing psoriasis at home is possible if treated the right way.

Here is some insight on the natural remedies for psoriasis on the scalp:

  1. Ayurvedic home remedies for psoriasis such as using turmeric, neem and guggul.
  2. Taking dietary supplements such as fish oil, aloe vera, Oregon grape, and milk thistle can help ease symptoms of scalp psoriasis hair loss. Also, including Vitamin D in the diet will make a significant difference.
  3. Preventing Dry Skin/Scalp at all costs. Using a moisturizer, the likes of betnovate cream can be very helpful in keeping away the possibility of dry skin. You can also use a ketoconazole shampoo to keep dry flakes in your scalp away.
  4. Taking regular baths and keeping your body clean and moisturized.
  5. Eating healthy food with omega-3 fatty acids is the best way to deal with this; such foods help in reducing inflammation.
  6. Cutting down on stress, alcohol intake, and smoking will also go a long way in treating psoriasis.

Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo

Psoriasis is a skin disease that requires a shampoo that is made to act on the scalp, at the root of the cause rather than at the hair, like most shampoos. The two main ingredients in psoriasis shampoo are coal tar and salicylic acid. Psoriasis dandruff treatment can be done with the help of such shampoos. So, how to get rid of big dandruff flakes?

These ingredients target the redness, itching, and flaking at the scalp and provide instant, mild relief. Coal tar slows down the growth of your skin cells, making it perfectly suited to treat psoriasis. Salicylic acid helps in shedding dead skin cells, so the combination of both these ingredients can do wonder for psoriasis patients.

Psoriasis can cause big dandruff in hair, and if you are wondering how to get rid of big dandruff flakes, coal tar shampoo is the way to go!

Oil for Scalp Psoriasis

For Indian households, psoriasis cure at home is the best thing. In this regard, coconut oil is a gem of an ingredient that has numerous uses and benefits. It is one of the best answers to how to get rid of big dandruff flakes.The properties of coconut oil to retain moisture and act as a hydrating conditioner are among the main reasons for its effectiveness in treating psoriasis. In short, coconut oil for psoriasis is very effective.

Coconut oil can be massaged gently in the scalp, and after a few minutes, with the help of a wet towel, it can be rinsed off. This will retain the moisture in the scalp and get rid of the excess oil (sebum).

Psoriasis Natural Treatment Essential Oils

When the first line of action – the medication– doesn't provide satisfactory relief, alternative remedies like essential oils can provide symptomatic relief. Since most of the essential oils are made from herbs, this can also be described as herbal remedies for scalp psoriasis.

Following are some of the essential oils which can be used for psoriasis:

1. Lavender Oil (reduces inflammation)

2. Peppermint Oil

3. Tea Tree Oil

4. Geranium Oils

5. Castor Oil

6. Black Seed Oil

7. Argan Oil

Medicines and Topical Solutions

For psoriasis, all the medicines aim to stop the regeneration of the skin cells, which grow very rapidly.

Medicine includes aloe extract creams, steroids, retinoids, and methotrexate.

Topical solutions include the use of Corticosteroids, Vitamin D Analogues, coal tar, Anthralin, and Calcineurin Inhibitors

Note – it is important to consult an expert before choosing the right fit as the severity of psoriasis can vary for every individual.

Is Psoriasis Spread Through Contact?

Psoriasis is an immune disorder, and it might show up on the skin looking like an injury, a rash, or any sort of skin scratch. One shouldn't get worried about it being passed on from someone as it is not contagious. It doesn't spread via water, touch, air, or any other way.

Conclusion – when to see a doctor?

After trying out all the aforementioned solutions, oils, shampoos, and alternatives, if the symptoms don't improve, it's recommended that you should visit a dermatologist. In this case, you might require a customized prescription-based shampoo or any other alternative but with more core strength.

We hope our article has cleared all your doubts about dandruff vs psoriasis. Dandruff can be treated easily, but when it comes to psoriasis, it's always better to be cautious, use proper caveats, identify early symptoms, and follow the remedies that suit you.

Because at the end of the day, looking over your shoulder can be far too tiring!