Should We Drink Water Just Before Sex?

Should We Drink Water Just Before Sex?

Did you know something as simple as water can spice up your sex life?

We know its usual benefits, but can it improve your sex drive?

Let’s find out.

Benefits of Water Before Sex

1. Helps in Pre Ejaculation

Precum or Pre ejaculation is a transparent fluid that appears at the tip of the penis when you foreplay with your partner. It happens when you are sexually aroused and helps in frictionless sexual intercourse. Drinking water before sex does help in producing natural lubrication for men.

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2. Ramp up Your Libido

Libido is a term that is commonly used to describe sexual drive or a desire for sexual activity.

If you don't drink enough water, it will affect your sex hormones and libido, leaving you less eager for sex. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water regularly.

3. It'll Cleanse Your System.

Peeing after sex is one of the most important steps to follow to maintain your sexual health.

During sexual intercourse, we often contract harmful bacteria which appears in the urethra that might cause UTIs. Drinking water will help flush them out of the system.

4. Keeps You In The Mood

If you feel dehydrated, it might affect your mental state and lower your sex drive. Staying hydrated helps in reducing performance anxiety and keeps your libido up.

5. Helps In Increasing Sperm Count

As with all your body fluids, semen production depends on water intake. Insufficient fluid intake or dehydration will reduce semen production in the body. Therefore, it is essential to drink plenty of water during the day.

Also Read: How to Increase Sperm Count - A Complete Guide

6. Beats Fatigue

According to the latest study, 25 to 30 minutes of sexual activity is comparable to a 3-mile run. Well, you cannot sustain for that long without water. It acts as a natural supplement to help energise your body and increase performance in bed.

Numerous studies have linked dehydration to Erectile Dysfunction. One particular study has shown that if fluid levels in the body fall, it leads to an adverse release of angiotensin. These hormones trigger your body to tighten the vessels and thus limit blood flow to the penis. This restricts the blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to get an erection and thus leading to ED.

This leaves us with one final question.

Ideal Time To Drink Water Before Sex

It is generally advised to take water at least 10-12 hours before sex to make sure it reaches every part of your body but still, you can have a glass of water just before sex. It will help you last longer in bed and eventually improve your sex life.

So, Should We Drink Water Just Before Sex

In a nutshell, YES, it is absolutely fine to drink water just before sex but don’t overdo it as you might feel the urgency to pee if taken in excessive amount. It’s better to take one glass of water just before sex if you feel thirsty or dehydrated. And, consider keeping yourself hydrated from 10 to 12 hours before sex. This will help you energise and maintain libido, even avoid premature ejaculation, thus making the sex great for both of you.