What are Parabens?

Are you using products with parabens in it? In a study, Parabens were proven lower quality of semen, testosterone levels in men. Here's a complete guide on why you should stay away parabens.

What are Parabens?

Why are Parabens bad for you?

Parabens aren’t just affecting women.

In a study conducted, men exposed to parabens were proven to have a lower quality of semen. The study concluded that men who had been using products loaded with parabens had lower testosterone levels and abnormally shaped sperms.

Using parabens, in the long run, in whatever amount it may be, is likely to hamper your fertility. Paraben effects can be on hormones as it acts as a hormone disruptor. Parabens can cause developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune-system side effects.

Medicines, soaps, shampoos, facewash, pesticides, plastics, detergents, food, toys, and flame retardants – synthetic parabens are used in everything. So imagine this, the minute amounts of paraben in all of these products add up. We use these products day in and day out without any second thought. What amount does that add up to?

Not to forget that we use these products for years together, oblivious to all the health hazards that it poses to our bodies in the long run. Have you ever thought of the effect of parabens on our skin?

What are parabens?

Paraben meaning chemically created preservatives. Parabens are added to protect products from bacteria, microbes, and fungi. Breaking it down, parabens act as preservatives because they are antimicrobial in nature. They do not allow fungi, bacteria or other microbes to ruin products. Therefore, a product packed with parabens will not expire soon.

Though they are used in small quantities, parabens mimic microbial agents in plants and keep germs at bay. Parabens affect the skin and our health in immeasurable ways.

Why are parabens used?

Parabens as preservatives in personal care products is a research paper that highlights the effects of paraben on skin.

Products are crammed into small packaging with no breathing space. These products are often stored in warm and moisture-filled bathrooms. Sometimes, while using the products, our fingers are dirty.

All of this is enough to become a breeding ground for microbes. Parabens are meant to protect our products from getting spoilt and protect us against germs and diseases like dermatitis.

Parabens are found in sunscreen, face wash, shampoo, lotions, beard conditioners, oils, and wax to protect these products from microbes.

Parabens and shampoos

Parabens are one of the toxic ingredients that you don’t want in your shampoo. There are at least ten harmful things that you don’t know about parabens one of them is that parabens are awful for your hair.

One of the most common personal care products that use parabens is shampoos. Though it keeps shampoos clean and increases the shelf life of shampoos, it is essential to pick paraben-free products. Man Matters’ shampoo is an effective paraben-free product. This shampoo helps in getting a healthier scalp and shinier hair. The shampoo is an expert-backed solution and aims to make the science behind wellness more accessible.

Research shows that parabens lead to hair fall and hair thinning. Moreover, parabens are absorbed by the skin when applied to the scalp. This grants parabens easy access into our bodies. Studies substantiate this by revealing that traces of parabens have been found in urine.

This is why we added parabens on the top 5 hair care tips for men so that you are aware of the hazard and toxicity it brings to the scalp and body.

Bidding goodbye to parabens: Alternatives to parabens

  • Since parabens are present in too many products like shampoos, mousses, gels, and other hair care products, Harvard Medical School suggests that opting to shop at natural stores could be an effective way to paraben-free products in our lives.
    Looking out for brands that have paraben-free products and natural alternatives.
  • Looking out for “paraben-free” labels is also a good start. Natural and organic product manufacturers have effective alternatives to prevent microbial growth.
  • Take the paraben-free labels one step forward. Reading the ingredients of products that you are looking to purchase is a huge step to a healthier lifestyle.  Parabens are easy to spot thanks to the fact that their full chemical names always end with “paraben”. For instance, methylparaben, propylparaben, or butylparaben are parabens that you need to start avoiding today.
  • Alternate and less harmful hair care preservatives to look for instead of parabens can be sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate.
  • A simple tip while shopping is to opt for airtight packaging which minimizes the exposure of products to open-air and helps limit bacteria growth.

So we’re saying:

  • YOU need to last longer, not your products.
  • Buy smaller quantities to keep the freshness intact but buy paraben-free.
  • It may seem like a trade-off right now, but the switch to paraben-free alternatives is sure to help you in the long run.
  • Use the Think Dirty App. Scan your shampoo and this app will simplify the ingredient list and help you make an easier, paraben-free decision.