Why Condoms are Flavoured? Facts to Blow Your Mind

Everyone loves flavoured condoms, but hardly anyone knows why condom has flavour. Know some intriguing facts about condoms that will blow your mind.

Why Condoms are Flavoured? Facts to Blow Your Mind

Condoms are an essential tool against HIV/AIDs and other STDs. The use of condoms is no longer considered taboo.

With changing times, the art of love-making has undergone major changes, and so has the condom. Flavoured condoms have become so prevalent in the market that choosing one to your liking could be overwhelming.

There is no shortage of grapes and mint choices to strawberry flavoured and chocolate condoms.

However, flavoured condoms are not just sales tactics. It might change how you enjoy sex by adding a sense of excitement.

So, why do condoms have flavours?

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Why are Condoms Flavoured?

Flavoured condoms are typically made up of synthetic, non-latex material to avoid the common latex smell, which may be offensive due to the presence of volatile organic compounds they release into the air.

So, the answer to how do flavoured condoms work; they mask the odour and taste of latex, making oral sex more enjoyable.

Flavoured Condoms Facts To Blow Your Mind

Some condom flavour names are Strawberry, Green Apple, Banana, and chocolate, which are known to many, hence everyone's favourite. The juicy aroma of such condoms can amplify the sexual experience of your partner.

However, brands also keep unusual flavours for people who are always up for trying new stuff. Hence, some unique condom flavour name list such as Garlic, Ginger, Chicken Tikka, Scotch Whiskey, and Cannabis will surely add more fun to your oral sex.

According to Quartz.com, flavoured condoms account for around 50% to 70% of India's massive 1,000 to 1,300 crore condom market. This means that flavoured condoms are more popular than regular latex condoms.

The Indian flavoured condom market is expected to increase by 7.9% from 2017 to 2030.

ManMatters Flavoured Delay Condoms

One of the best ways to ensure that you receive complete protection and maximised and lasting enjoyment is by using Delay Condoms.

To give partners a better and long-lasting feeling, ManMatter flavoured delay condoms come with different textures in both Chocolate and Strawberry flavours. Each of their condoms is electronically tested, ribbed, and dotted with exactly 384 ribs, dots, and extra lubrication, giving your partner pleasure that lasts long along with protection without even making you feel its presence.

ManMatter Flavoured Delay Condoms are used for the following benefits:

1. Long Lasting Performance

Partners often complain that they didn’t enjoy the intercourse because it was done too soon, and you can solve this issue, with the help of these ManMatters flavoured delay condoms. They come with 384 dots and ribs in unique positions to make it feel real and make your intercourse last long.

2. Full Coverage

These ManMatters flavoured delay condoms are made contoured with the ease to cover and mould into the required size easily. This makes it easy to use, comfortable and covers the penis completely.

3. Extra Lubrication

ManMatters flavoured delay condoms have built-in extra lubrication as they are powered with Silicone oil. This provides the extra lubrication required to give you the extra smoothness needed for pleasure.

4. Electrically tested

Each of the ManMatters flavoured delay condoms is 100% electronically tested. This rigorous testing ensures that condoms are free from defects and strong enough to tackle any holes or tears.

How to Use ManMatters Flavoured Condom

ManMatters Flavoured Condoms are easy to use and dispose of. The steps to follow are:

1. Step 1

Before the activity, tear the cover of the packet, and pinch the tip of the ribbed and dotted-flavoured condom. Place the condom on the top of your penis and roll it inside. Ensure that the side you roll is the outer part.

2. Step 2

After the activity, roll the condom out of your penis and dispose of it in the dustbin responsibly. Once you remove the condom, wash your hands and the intimate area thoroughly with water and a wash.

Top 5 Tips For The Use Of Flavoured Condoms

  • Before buying any flavoured condoms, you must determine the right size to fit your penis properly with adequate space.
  • While making payments to buy condoms, make sure the condom is properly wrapped and the package is sealed without any torn.
  • Check the expiry date of the flavoured condoms. Some low-quality condoms may lose their aroma and taste due to prolonged storage and expiration.
  • Always keep pairs of flavoured condoms handy with you. Your partner may like to shift from oral to sexual activity with separate flavoured dotted condoms.
  • Always use flavoured condoms with non-toxic lubricants, which are the leading cause of rupture that may carry the risk of pregnancy or sexually-transmitted diseases or STD. Many flavoured condoms are made of latex, and if you are allergic to latex compounds, you should avoid them.

Flavoured Condoms Side Effects?

Flavoured condoms are standard latex condoms with a flavoured/aromatic layer made over the top of the condom. From chocolate condom to pineapple to desi litchi flavours, flavoured condoms have been continuously evolving, taking the customers by surprise with their mesmerising smell and taste.

Many women may find the smell of latex offensive during oral sex, which is the top reason for its invention. The scent of the flavoured condoms is tantalising enough to arouse your partner on the other end. Flavoured condoms may have side-effects for both partners, as the flavoured condom's purpose is purely oral sex. In vaginal sex, non-flavoured and non-toxic lubricated condoms are recommended.

This is due to organic sugar in flavoured condoms, which may harm the vagina with a yeast infection, as explained by many experts.

Why You Should Use Protection for Oral Sex?

Every year, over 20 million new cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections are reported. Hence, it is important and commonly advised to use protection even during oral sex and not just during intercourse. The strong reason behind the address is to reduce the risk of the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases or infections.

Condoms aren’t just used to avoid pregnancy but also during any kind of sexual activity like vaginal penetration, anal sex, or oral sex when there’s a high chance of spreading sexually transmitted infections and diseases and using protection; you can largely reduce the risk.

Sexually transmitted infections that can spread during oral sex include Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HPV, HIV, Syphilis, and several others. Your partner doesn’t need to have symptoms for these to spread, so protection at all times is a must.

What Else You Can Use Instead of Flavoured Condoms?

While flavoured condoms are among the best ones out there, they may not be the best option for everyone because of allergies and other reasons.

People who do not wish to use flavoured condoms or partners with latex allergies can consider the other choices available than flavoured condoms. Some of them are:

1. Regular Condoms

The use of regular condoms is the most basic and common method of protection during vaginal penetration, oral sex, or anal sex. They protect you from sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

2. Dental Dams

Dental dams can be a good option to help stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections during oral sex.

3. Pill

This is the most common method for birth control; some pills contain both estrogen and progestin, and pills that contain progestin for birth control. After consulting your medical advisor, you will know which pill works best for you.

4. Silicone/Water-based lubricants

Many water-based lubricants are available in the market that can be used and are safe during oral sex. These lubricants, however, shouldn't be bought near or in the vagina.

5. Flavoured Lubricants

Along with regular condoms, you can use flavoured lubricants of your choice instead of flavoured condoms. But remember to keep in mind that these flavoured lubricants shouldn’t be inside or near the Vagina.

6. Diaphragm

The diaphragm is a reusable type of birth control and must be inserted inside the vagina at least 24 hours before penetration. It physically blocks the sperm in the semen from reaching the egg, acting as protection during intercourse.

7. Hormonal Contraception

This birth control method works by releasing a low dose of estrogen or progestin that prevents ovulation from taking place. Here, this method is used to prevent pregnancy during intercourse.

The Bottom Line

Currently, the condom industry is evolving, and the big commercial brands are focusing more on pleasure and thrill. The rich flavoured condoms are available in all corners of India and can be instantly purchased from the online store.

Flavoured condoms should be used only for oral sex and not vaginal sex. Apart from the taste, the smell of genitals can be a spoiler for the partner. Hence, flavoured condoms are indeed essential for oral sex.

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What is the use of Flavoured Condoms?

Flavoured condoms are meant to have a thrilling oral sex experience highlighted by the rich aroma and taste of succulent fruits.

What are the Famous Condom Flavours in India?

Litchi, Pineapple, and Chocolate are some of the best flavoured condoms and are liked by many customers.

Are Flavoured Condoms Safe to use?

Yes, only if you are using it for oral sex instead of vaginal sex.

Can Flavoured Condoms Cause Yeast Infections?

Yes. They may cause yeast infections if you use them during vaginal sex.

How to use Flavoured Condoms?

Flavoured condoms are used in the same way as regular condoms. However, keep in mind that flavoured are meant only for oral sex and should not be used for vaginal sex.