10 Amazing Home Remedies for Burping

10 Amazing Home Remedies for Burping

Burping or belching is the noisily gas that is released from the mouth through the stomach. It is so annoying and awful and occurs when we swallow air while drinking, eating, breathing fast and laughing. Sometimes it has an odour, which makes it all the more unwanted!

Although burping provides relief to one’s body by emitting excessive air which is trapped in the stomach, it is embarrassing and irritating. If a lot of burping happens, then it is a sign of health issues. In this case, you can follow some home remedies for burping that are simple, harmless and do not require much effort.

Home Remedies for Burping

Here are the top 10 tips that are effective in preventing burping-

1) Do some physical activity after eating as it helps to digest the food. Do walking and light work when you have completed your meal.

2) Use ginger in your food or drink. Ginger tea is a common drink that can be easily made at home. Ginger helps to relieve gastrointestinal problems and reduce inflammation. It reduces acid flow in the oesophagus through the stomach.

3) Eating too fast may take the air into the stomach which is why it comes out as a burp. Also, chew the food completely before swallowing it since it can carry air inside your stomach if not chewed properly.

4) Stop consuming carbonated and fizzy drinks that have a high content of carbon dioxide and can result in burping.

5) Avoid drinking water in between your meal. Always, sip a little water before starting. Once you are full, avoid drinking water for some time. Use glass to drink water and avoid using straws. Straws can take you to swallow more air.

6) Avoid eating foods like cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onion, black grams, chocolate and groundnuts, peas, beans, broccoli, mushrooms, whole-grain foods, lentils and dairy products. These foods cause gas problems hence it is better to eliminate one food at a time and check whether you reduce belching.

7) Stop smoking at any cost since not only it is harmful to the lungs, it can leave your stomach filled with air. When you smoke you inhale and swallow the air along with it too.

8) While chewing, close your mouth and chew. In addition to that, avoid talking in between the meal since it can make a passage for the air to enter your mouth while eating.

9) Try to not catch a cold. Cold blocks the nose and most of the time people start to breathe through the mouth in which you swallow the air. If in case, you catch a cold then clean the nasal passage by blowing the nose frequently. It is better to protect yourself from the cold.

10) Do not stress yourself. Stress and anxiety level up in the air. Enforce yourself to breathe slowly if you are stressed. Also, stress results in overeating for some people which should be completely avoided.

With these steps, you can get unwanted burpings during eating or even after finishing your food. Another thing you can do is to eat lesser than your capacity since it will leave some space in your stomach without forcing air to come out as loud burps.

Tips to Prevent Burping

There are many Indian home remedies for burping that will help you get rid of this habit. While you can follow the above home remedy for excessive burping, you can also add natural ingredients to your diet such as lime juice, amla, peppermint, anise seeds, etc. You can make a drink using any of these ingredients and have them after a meal. It will help soothe your stomach and boost digestion.