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4 Regions of the Scalp | Sections of the Head

Hair transplant is the latest craze, not only for those who have lost their hair completely but even for those who wish to alter their hairlines or get a brand new set of permanent hair extensions.

If you’re reading this article, there’s a high possibility that you’re experiencing hair loss or are considering hair transplant or hair grafting techniques.

But before you jump into scrutinizing the plethora of options available in the market, to cater to your dream of the most ideal set of mane- Have you stopped to think about where exactly are you losing your hair?

If you’re nodding your head right now, then this article is for you. We’ll tell you the terms hair loss experts use to talk about the different parts of the head, so you can find the treatment that’s truly right for you.

Here’s a quick guide to help you understand the anatomy of your scalp.

This blog article will focus on the four principle areas of the scalp region (minus the lateral humps and the temple region that is the lateral portions) that most doctors map out before a transplant procedure.

These four regions are as illustrated: the frontal region (or central forelock), the mid scalp (or posterior mid scalp),vertex transition zone and the crown (or vertex)

Frontal Region

Location: The frontal region also called the forelock or the central lock is the zone right in the front.

It is the centerpiece of most hair-transplant procedures because it is the area that can make a man who is balding look bald. It also provides a good frame to the face. Hence, it typically is of highest priority to transplant when performing a hair transplant procedure.

Mid-Scalp Region

Location: The mid scalp refers to the region of the scalp behind the forelock.

It is usually a secondary concern to the forelock in terms of importance.

However, it can still be very important if the baldness is extensive enough that there is involvement here.

If all the hair is transplanted into the forelock and none are allocated to the mid scalp the result can look artificial or not dense enough.

This is especially true when the hair is wet and thins out accordingly.

Vertex Transition Zone

Location: The vertex transition zone also commonly called the Vertex transition point refers to the area where the scalp goes from a horizontal to a vertical plane posteriorly. The vertex scalp region

If the vertex scalp region is also referred to as the posterior hairline.


Location: The crown area of the head is the highest point on your scalp, toward the back of your head.

It’s also called the vertex. The more you learn about hair loss, the more you’ll see this specific term used.

Now that you can correctly identify the parts of the head displaying signs of hair loss- your task of finding the ideal treatment just got a lot easier.

No matter which parts of your head are affected by hair loss, there are effective treatments you can use to stop it.
