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13 Effective Anjeer (Fig) Benefits ~ Science Backed | Be Bodywise

Fig, also known as anjeer, is a delicious fruit enriched with antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, and other vital nutrients. That's why this dry fruit is considered beneficial for overall health development. In this article, we will discuss the origin, health benefits, and side effects of anjeer in detail.

What Is Anjeer (Fig)?

Anjeer is a fruit belonging to the mulberry family. It is grown in various Middle Eastern and several Asian countries in dry, rocky, and wild regions. It has a soft juicy outer coating and crunchy seeds inside.

Globally, figs are eaten dry because, in this form, their seeds are crispier, making them taste better. These are a powerhouse of nutrients and loaded with various health benefits.

Other Names for Anjeer

Anjeer has various names in different languages, such as

  • Anjeer in Hindi and Marathi
  • Anjura and Seeme atthi in Kannada
  • Simaiyatti in Tamil
  • Nebhaaro in Nepali
  • Common Fig in English

Anjeer Benefits

Here are 13 amazing anjeer dry fruit benefits:

1. Benefits of Anjeer for Skin

  • Rejuvenates Skin: Fig is a source of antioxidants. So eating fig in any form or applying it as a face mask smoothes and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Evens Out Skin Tone: Vitamin C in figs nourishes and adds a natural glow to the skin. Consuming figs regularly helps in attaining bright and even-toned skin as they lighten sun spots, scars, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Prevents Wrinkles: Fig’s nutrients and vitamins help in balancing sebum production, skin melanin, and preventing epidermal water loss. Thus, your skin remains hydrated and wrinkle-free. It also prevents premature aging of the skin and other such problems.
  • Cures Boils and Warts: Fig trees have latex, which has anti-wart properties. Application of figs on boils and warts helps in healing them and reducing skin inflammation.

2. Anjeer Benefits in Pregnancy

  • Strengthen the Bones: Anjeer is rich in calcium. Hence, consuming it during pregnancy helps in the development of the bones and teeth of the fetus. It also strengthens the mother’s bones during and after pregnancy.
  • Helps in the Brain Development of the Fetus: Anjeer has omega-3 and folate, which are crucial for brain development. Consuming figs regularly during pregnancy may help in the fetus’ brain development. However, a pregnant woman must consult her doctor before starting to consume figs. If, during pregnancy, you experience any discomfort after eating figs, immediately stop consuming it and consult your gynecologist.
  • Improves Digestion: Figs contain dietary fiber. Consuming the fruit during pregnancy may help treat constipation by improving the digestive function and regulating bowel movements.
  • Maintains Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels: Anjeer contains potassium and healthy components like omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and phenolic compounds, which help lower blood sugar and cholesterol, respectively.

3. Anjeer Benefits for Hair

  • Promotes Hair Growth: Vitamins C and E in anjeer help ensure blood circulation on the scalp, thereby accelerating hair growth. These hair-friendly nutrients of anjeer will make your hair healthy and lustrous
  • Nourishes Hair: Fig provides moisture and nourishment to the hair. Applying a fig hair mask regularly helps in conditioning hair naturally.

4. Anjeer Benefits for Weight Gain

  • Figs contain potassium, minerals, calcium, and vitamins, among other nutrients. You can eat them along with a variety of other foods to gain weight.
  • Soaked anjeer benefits with healthy weight gain as it contains healthy fat.

5. Benefits of Anjeer for Fertility

  • Promotes Reproductive Health: Anjeer consists of minerals like zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iron that help promote reproductive health and thus enhance fertility.
  • Balances Hormones: The dry form of figs contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which protect you against hormonal imbalances and post-menopausal issues. Women dealing with issues of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) are also advised by doctors and health experts to eat figs to ease the symptoms.

6. Anjeer Benefits for Diabetes

  • Manages Diabetes: Anjeer has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help manage diabetes.
  • Protects Pancreatic Cells: Anjeer helps in reducing the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body and preventing the damage of pancreatic cells. It helps the pancreas in making enough insulin, thereby decreasing the risk of Type 1 diabetes.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar Levels: Regular consumption of anjeer helps in accelerating insulin secretion in the body and lowering blood sugar levels. Its high potassium content also helps regulate the body’s blood sugar levels. However, a person with diabetes must regularly monitor their blood sugar levels while eating anjeer to avoid lowering blood sugar too much.

7. Anjeer Benefits in Piles

  • Relieves Constipation: Constipation is the root cause behind piles. Anjeer is effective in treating this problem due to its laxative property. It loosens stools and promotes smooth bowel movements, thus, relieving pressure on the rectal veins. Its anti-inflammatory property may also reduce inflammation due to piles.
  • Treats Indigestion: Figs also contain vitamin B6, a digestive enzyme called ficin, and dietary fiber, which help in the effective digestion of food.

8. Anjeer Benefits in Weight Loss

  • Effectively Burns Fat: The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in anjeer helps burn extra calories, which is one of the reasons for fat storage in the body.
  • Controls Calorie Intake: Anjeer keeps you full for a longer duration, thereby helping you control your daily calorie intake.
  • Increases Metabolism: Figs are rich in nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc., which help in boosting metabolism and increasing weight loss, thereby promoting good health.

9. Anjeer Benefits For Heart Health

  • Reduces Triglycerides:  Figs help decrease triglycerides (fat content in the blood vessels that causes heart attacks) in the blood. This way, figs eliminate the risk of heart strokes and various heart diseases.
  • Controls Blood Pressure: Figs contain potassium that balances sodium levels in the blood and controls blood pressure.
  • Improves Blood Fat Levels: Regular consumption of anjeer improves the level of fat in the blood and your vascular health.

10. Anjeer Benefits For Bone Health

  • Promotes Formation of Bones: Being rich in calcium and phosphorus, anjeer promotes bone formation and stimulates regrowth of bones in cases of any injury or deterioration.
  • Strengthen Bones: Figs provide every nutrient necessary for increasing bone density and strength.

11. Anjeer Benefits in Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Promotes Memory: Zinc, magnesium, vitamin K and antioxidants present in figs promote memory retention, reduce anxiety and improve the chances of treating Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Improves Learning Skills: Regular consumption of anjeer ensures better learning ability in Alzheimer’s patients.

12.  Anjeer Tackles Respiratory Problems

  • Hydrates Respiratory System: Essential nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals iron and calcium, present in anjeer help hydrate the respiratory system and clear phlegm naturally.
  • Reduce Respiratory Problems: Including figs in your diet helps soothe a sore throat and reduces cough and other lung obstructions, thereby helping you maintain respiratory health.

13. Anjeer Benefits in Sexual Health

  • Improves Sexual health: The aphrodisiac property of anjeer helps improve sexual health by increasing vitality and libido.
  • Treats Sexual Problems: One of the main benefits of anjeer for males is that it helps treat various sexual dysfunctions like sterility, low stamina, and erectile dysfunction. It may also be beneficial for increasing semen production.

Anjeer Benefits Ayurveda

Ayurveda deems anjeer as a miracle fruit because it has multiple benefits, as described below:

  • It can be used to treat hemorrhage or excessive bleeding conditions because it has Kashaya (astringent) and Sita (cold) properties. These properties of anjeer help in constricting blood capillaries and controlling the bleeding.
  • It has Rechana (laxative) property, which helps with easy bowel movements, relieving indigestion, and treating constipation problems.
  • According to Ayurveda, piles are caused by the impairment of all the three doshas in the human body. Increased vata causes persistent constipation. Including anjeer in the diet helps in reducing piles symptoms by promoting the easy movement of stools.
  • Anjeer helps treat arthritis by repairing a vata dosha imbalance. Anjeer also has Tridosha (including vata) balancing and Balya (strength provider) properties that reduce the symptoms of arthritis and provide strength to the bones and joints.
  • Anjeer, by repairing the pitta dosha, manages skin problems. With its Sita property, it relieves inflammation on the skin by providing a cooling effect to the affected area.    

How to Eat Anjeer (Fig) for Weight Loss?

Figs can also be added to your diet plan if you are trying to shed extra weight. They are rich in fiber. So, they are very helpful in weight loss. Follow the below-mentioned steps to eat anjeer for weight loss:

  • Soak 2-4 anjeers overnight in half a cup of water.
  • Drain the water, and eat the soaked figs the next morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also include other soaked nuts along with anjeer, like almonds and walnuts, in your diet.

Do not overeat figs as they can lead to weight gain instead of weight loss; they contain calories and may also cause problems such as digestive issues, bloating, etc.

Anjeer Side Effects

Anjeer is a healthy snack option and provides enormous benefits to your body, but consuming excessive figs can cause certain side effects, like

1. Stomach Ache and Bloating

Overconsumption of anjeer makes your stomach heavy and can cause a stomach ache. It can also cause diarrhea as it has anti-constipation properties. If you experience pain in the stomach after having figs, then you should drink cold water to relieve the issues. Apart from an ache, it also causes bloating. You may drink aniseed water to cure stomach bloating.

2. Sun Sensitivity

Anjeer is helpful in treating various chronic skin diseases and skin tumors, but overeating them increases your skin’s sensitivity to sun rays and can harm your skin. If you consume figs regularly, you must avoid prolonged exposure to the sun to prevent skin-related problems such as skin rashes. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause many skin problems like premature aging, melanoma, and skin cancer.

3. Problems in Liver And Intestines

Figs are full of fiber, and eating too many of them can cause indigestion and constipation. Overconsumption may also damage the intestines and liver. Seeds of figs can cause obstruction in the intestines’ normal functioning. The seeds are also hard to digest; hence, overconsumption of figs can result in digestive problems.

4. Calcium Deficiency in the Body

Fig consists of oxalates that affect the absorption of calcium in the body. Overeating figs results in such obstruction, which further causes a calcium deficiency. Low calcium levels in the body can weaken bones and cause diseases such as hypocalcemia and  osteoporosis. Oxalates in figs are specifically harmful to people suffering from kidney or gallbladder problems and diseases. Consumption of figs can worsen their conditions. Figs can also harm the spleen, which helps produce white blood cells in the body.

5. Bleeding

Anjeer is warming. So if it is eaten in excessive quantities, retinal bleeding, rectal bleeding, or slight vaginal bleeding can occur. In cases of bleeding, stop consuming figs. If the bleeding persists, then immediately go to a doctor. It can also cause hemolytic anemia (a disorder in which red blood cells in your body are destroyed faster than they can be made).

6. Low Blood Sugar Levels

Excessive consumption of figs can result in low blood sugar levels. It is beneficial for diabetic patients. However, it is harmful to people suffering from low blood sugar problems.

7. Allergies

People sensitive to latex, mulberry, or weeping fig may experience allergic reactions while consuming anjeer. Avoid anjeer in these cases because its consumption can cause conjunctivitis, asthma, rhinitis, and anaphylactic shock.

Summing Up on Anjeer Benefits

Anjeer is one of the healthiest fruits and has many benefits, but it must be eaten in moderation. Overeating it can cause various health problems, as described above. You must eat the fruit in the nutritionist’s recommended quantity. If you experience any discomfort, such as a stomach ache, bleeding, etc., after eating anjeer, consult a healthcare expert or doctor immediately.


How Many Anjeers to Eat Daily?

2-3 figs per day are sufficient and safe to consume.

What Is the Best Time to Eat Anjeer?

As per Ayurveda, morning is the best time to eat anjeers.

Is Fig Hot or Cold?

Figs are hot in nature. That’s why their overconsumption may lead to rectal bleeding and other such problems.

Can We Eat Anjeer (Fig) With Milk?

Yes, you can eat anjeer with milk. Anjeer with milk benefits in many ways. This healthy combination helps in treating constipation and other digestive problems.
