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Can White Hair Turn Black Again? Here's What You Need to Know

Your hair loses melanin, a pigment-producing component that produces melanocyte cells as you age. Melanocyte cells are what give you your natural hair and skin colour. The less melanin you have, the lighter your hair colour will be. Grey hair has minimal melanin, while white hair has none.

Your hair naturally loses melanin as you age. A study estimates that your odds of becoming grey increase by 20 per cent every decade after age 30. Health and genetics can make some people see grey hair earlier.

Let's debunk some of the most common myths about grey hair and discover alternative ways to manage your hair colour.

Can White Hair Turn Black Again?

Hair is naturally white at its core. Melanin is what gives your hair the colour it has genetically. Hair follicles contain melanin-producing cells that create pigments by combining them with protein keratins.

Hair melanin is naturally lost as we age, especially after reaching our 30s. However, the rate of hair colour loss is largely determined by your genes. The chances are that you will experience premature greying if your parents do.

However, certain nutritional deficiencies and underlying medical conditions may play a role. In these cases, yes, white hair can turn black again.

Can White Hair Turn Black Again Permanently?

If your white hair is caused by genes, then It is not possible to turn white hair black again permanently. However, if it is caused by nutritional deficiencies or other factors such as thyroid disease and vitiligo, you can use various methods to reverse white hair. You should also note that permanent repigmentation is not possible by using methods a few times. You may have to constantly use these products.

Can White Hair Turn Black Again in Teenage?

Again, if the root cause is genetic then it cannot be reversed. Greying caused by diet, pollution, bleaching, and stress, on the other hand, can be slowed with a healthy diet and a good hair care regimen. Learn about your hair to determine the best hair care for you.

Darkenyl for White Hair Treatment

Despite the claims made by online and by-product marketers, many home remedies mentioned on different websites have no scientific backing. Darkenyl is the only solution that has been thoroughly researched and clinically proven to reverse premature greying.

Darkenyl boosts melanin production and helps repigment white hair by up to 56%. An increase in melanin production causes an increase in hair pigmentation and a resulting decrease in grey hair.

Studies have shown that using Darkenyl continuously for four months reduces white hair by three times. Darkenyl contains two ingredients that have also been shown to be effective in treating white hair.

Furthermore, Darkenyl reduces oxidative hair damage and stimulates melanin production. The oxidation process is slowed, preventing grey hair from developing as quickly on the scalp.

You can Buy Darkenyl by ManMatters by clicking here.

What Other Ways to Add Colour?

It's impossible to reverse melanin loss in your hair if it's genetic.

If you don't want to let your hair turns grey, you can talk to your hairstylist about options, including permanent and semi-permanent dyes. Root touch-up powders and creams may also work if you're trying to cover a few grey hairs.

Natural hair dyes are another option to consider if you want to avoid possible hair damage caused by commercial products. These include henna and Indian gooseberry.

On the other hand, you can embrace your greying hair thanks to grey hair care products. They not only enhance your hair colour, but they also prevent grey hairs from turning yellow and brittle.

Hair Colour Restoration Myths

Grey hair is a natural process that is influenced by ageing, genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and medical conditions. However, some websites continue to advertise natural remedies and products that claim to restore your natural hair colour. Let's bust some of these myths -

1. Hair Masks

There are a variety of homemade hair mask recipes touted as being able to darken grey hairs. Coconut oil, lemon juice, and essential oils are all commonly used to reduce inflammation and boost antioxidants in your scalp.

While your hair may feel soft and look shiny afterwards, the likelihood of hair masks boosting melanin production is slim.

2. Get Rid of Grey Hair With Potato Skins

Another myth is that if you put potato skins in your hair, you'll be able to get rid of grey hair. Potato skins contain natural starches that can gradually darken your roots over time.

Furthermore, any results gained from using potatoes in your hair would likely wear off as soon as you stop using them.

How to Delay the Onset of Grey Hair

If you don't have an underlying nutritional deficiency or medical condition, there isn't a clear way to prevent greying hair. You can, however, try some remedies to slow the onset:

  • Stress hormones can disrupt melanin production in the hair follicles, so you should manage stress
  • Quit smoking, which can be challenging, but a doctor can devise a plan that works for you
  • maintaining your weight
  • reducing your exposure to pollution and chemicals
  • protecting your hair from the sun by wearing hats


Premature greying is determined by how your hair follicles produce melanin. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, and other lifestyle factors can halt melanin production. By reversing these factors, melanin may be restored.

However, your genes tend to determine the age at which you start seeing greys and their extent. Greying hair inherited from your genes cannot be reversed.

There are many hair dyes and products you can choose from, whether you want to conceal or embrace your grey hair.
