Clean Shaven Vs Beard: Which One Do Women Prefer?

Clean-shaven vs beard, confused about what would impress your date, crush, or partner more? Read on to find out which look attracts women.

Clean Shaven Vs Beard: Which One Do Women Prefer?

Why Some Women Prefer Clean Shave Than Beard?

It depends on the personal choice of a woman, whether she likes a bearded man or a clean shaved guy. However, some women prefer a clean shaved look more than a beard which coil be due to the following reasons:

  • Women may find cleaned shaved men more approachable as a man with a clean shave looks younger and less aggressive than a guy with a full beard style.
  • Beard is good, but a clean shave gives man a more well-groomed look. It gives you a look of sophistication, according to some women.
  • Women also think that clean-shaven men are more intelligent and trustworthy.
  • Some women find a beard a hindrance or an obstruction when it comes to romance or making love. So they believe that a clean-shaven man is better than a beard. For example, facial hair may scratch the skin while kissing, and that’s why some women don’t appreciate it.
  • Clean shaved actors and film stars are on the cover of many big magazines like Vogue, making some women drawn to clean shaved boys.
  • An ungroomed or patchy beard may give a woman an impression that the man is lazy and doesn’t care for personal hygiene. Laziness is not a trait most women look for. On the other hand, a clean shave makes men look sharp and well-groomed.
  • Some women want to see the complete facial features of men. So a clean shaved look is a good idea to show off your beautiful face, which otherwise might get hidden behind the full beard.

Benefits of a Having Clean Shaved Face

Having a clean shave provides certain benefits as well, such as:

  • It can help remove dead skin, which otherwise can lead to acne and pimples on the face.
  • It often makes men look younger than those with a beard.
  • It gives a formal appearance, which is appreciated in the corporate and business world. It is a part of corporate decorum.
  • It is not expensive to get a clean shave look. You just need a good razor.

How To Get A Perfect Clean Shave?

The following steps will help you to achieve a perfect clean shave without any cuts, bruises or itchiness:

  1. Soften your beard by using warm water to open up the pores.
  2. Apply shaving gel or foam on the face and form leather with the help of a soft shaving brush.
  3. Use a clean razor shave in the direction your hair is growing.
  4. Rinse off with water.
  5. Apply aftershave gel or cream.

Why Some Women Prefer Beard Than Clean Shave?

Studies and research on "clean-shaven vs beard" have been conducted over time to understand women's preferences. Some of them are mentioned below:

  1. In 2017 research, it was found out that a man’s facial hair influences a woman's mate preferences. Women are more attracted to bearded men.
  2. Another study proved that men with full beard growth are regarded as more masculine, aggressive, socially mature, and attractive. Men with light beards are believed to be dominant. Women consider men who have light stubble as attractive and prefer them for both short and long-term relationships by women.
  3. One other study suggests that women prefer full-beard men when it comes to masculinity, parenting abilities, and healthiness. That is why they consider bearded men the best for long-term relationships.

According to the above studies, here are several reasons why some women prefer men with beards:

  • Some women find men having beards or facial hair more sexually alluring and attractive in comparison to clean-shaven gents. If your date or partner is one of them and you don’t have good beard growth, then you can use Manmatters’ BeardMax 5% Minoxidil Beard Growth Serum. It helps stimulate hair follicles on the face and boost blood circulation, resulting in thicker beard growth.
  • Some women are of the opinion that a man’s beard is a symbol of his strong muscularity. They tend to have strong procreation desires or raise children, with men having beards.
  • Women tend to have long-term relationships with men who have beards. They think such men make better partners in the long run.
  • A percentage of the women population would rather prefer men with facial hair because they feel that bearded men are more compatible for marriage, whereas the clean-shaven ones are more suitable for casual or random dates.
  • Some women also believe that bearded men tend to be better fathers.

Benefits of Having Beard

Having a beard or facial hair gives multiple benefits too, such as:

#1. Protects your Skin from Sun Damage

Beards not only protect skin from sunburn but also reduce the risk of various serious skin damage by blocking the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

#2. Keeps your Face Warm

Beard keeps your face warm in winters and insulates the face. It protects the face from cold winds, thereby protecting skin from getting dry and patchy. It keeps skin naturally moisturised.

#3. Helps Reduce Allergies

Beards and moustache hair help prevent pollen and dust from getting into the respiratory system. Beard hair works as a filter and stops the allergens from going into the lungs and throat.

#4. Protects Skin from Infections

Beard protects skin by reducing the chances of bacterial infections and acne.

Also Read: Minoxidil for Beard Growth & Facial Hair 101 Guide - Man Matters

How To Maintain A Prim And Proper Beard?

A well-groomed beard is always preferred over unhygienic facial hair. Below-mentioned are a few tips men could use to maintain a beard:

  • As facial hair grows continuously, you must timely and perfectly trim the beard. If you keep a closely-trimmed beard look, trim it every other day to maintain it. Trimming once or twice a week may be enough if you have a full beard.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene are necessary for proper beard care. So you must clean your beard regularly. Only water may not be sufficient; you should use beard wash and beard conditioner.
  • You can smooth out your beard hair and style it in the way you like by using Manmatter’s Beard Development Kit. It comes with a BeardMax 5% Minoxidil Beard Growth Serum and a wooden comb. You can apply the serum to fill in beard patches for new hair growth. Afterwards, comb the hair with a wooden comb specially designed for a beard.
  • To ensure good beard health, you can also use Manmatters’ Beard Gummies for improving the beard's density and BeardGro+ Advanced Beard Growth Tonic for a thicker and denser beard.
  • Purchase the right trimmer and other tools to style your beard.

Final Call: Clean Shaven Vs Beard Look, Which Is Better?

It entirely depends on the preferences of the men and their partners. However, when it comes to clean-shaven vs stubble, women are slightly more inclined towards men with bearded looks.

Irrespective of the trend, the beard is classic and evergreen. It never goes out of fashion. A well-trimmed and groomed beard defines the shape of the men’s faces, adds character to the personality, and gives a more manly appearance.

Beard also protects the skin from sunburn and other skin problems. To maintain a good beard look, you must regularly groom it as an unkempt and patchy stubble can be a turn-off.
