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Dealing with COVID - 19 | Importance of Social Distancing

Dealing with COVID – 19 | Importance of Social Distancing

The past couple of months have been full of uncertainty and worry for the world we live in. Coronavirus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19 is at the centre of this uncertainty. International organisations such as the WHO and the United Nations have begun to urge countries to curb this pandemic. The idea of social distancing has become the most popular preventive measure implemented by countries and municipalities alike. Social distancing refers to isolating oneself with the intent to stop the spread of the highly transmissible disease. It refers to staying indoors, working from home, no high-risk public gatherings, lockdowns, a temporary ban on travel and so on.


COVID-19 is known to spread from human to human contact. Simple acts such as shaking hands could become the reason for its further spread. With more and more schools closing down, offices switching to remote working and less people travelling, we have taken baby steps to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Many of the affected countries have reported a drop in confirmed cases due to prolonged periods of lockdown. This is a step in the right direction for every citizen’s wellbeing.


In simple words, quarantine means staying indoors and not physically interacting with the larger society. Being confined indoors at all times is a new experience that a majority of people may have never experienced. While you may find yourself feeling the discomfort and irritation, it is important to look at the bigger picture. When mass movement comes to a standstill, the chances of the epidemic’s survival reduce substantially. In spite of efforts of the medical industry, no vaccine has been found yet, which is why prevention through quarantine is everyone’s best bet.


People such as you and I may think that we can’t do anything to support social distancing but think again! Getting your near and dear ones aware of this virus is the first line of defence to combat it. You can also reach out to your friends, colleagues and neighbours through social media platforms and encourage them to continue this fight against COVID-19. It is time that we take inspiration from the age-old proverb – strength in unity and pledge our support by social distancing in quarantine.


The days may begin to look bleak and the possibility of change may seem to be a little difficult, but it’s important to have hope. This hope will become our foundation to welcome in the newer, healthier tomorrow. So, take this time to begin to reach out to those around you and start contributing to the wellbeing of society. These contributions could be as little as calling up a friend, expressing your emotions, teaching your children a new recipe and helping your family members in household chores. By spreading the feeling of belonging, familiarity and togetherness while maintaining our distance is what will become our winning stroke against winning this fight.

So take responsibility, participate widely and support immensely to welcome a new, healthy tomorrow.