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Dealing With The Lockdown: Looking and Feeling Good in The Time of Corona

Is the lockdown messing up your hairstyle? Is your hair growing like  weed and the gardeners on leave? Well, you’re not alone. When it is a choice between keeping yourself safe from the coronavirus by staying in or going out to get that dapper hair cut, the answer is simple. Stay in, obviously!

While this may be a good time to channel the caveman in you and let your hair grow, but if you miss looking sharp, you can always cut your own hair? Yes, you’ve heard us right. Cutting your hair is possible, and you may even pleasantly surprise yourself by how it turns out. 

Don’t worry, you won’t have to figure this one out on your own, we’ll be with you every step of the way. To help you out, we’ve created a video that shows the process. You can watch it here.

The link between how you look and how you feel

Now that we’ve got the instructions and the video out of the way, let’s talk about why looking your best and feeling good are so important during this time.

The lockdown has all of us stuck at home, experiencing a wide array of emotions and feelings, be it boredom, anxiety, frustration, laziness or fear. It is easy to get overwhelmed. Since you can’t go out for a drink or chill at a pub to relax right now, you need to find a way to stay calm and positive at home. One way of doing that is taking care of your appearance.

We know how easy it is to get lazy and not care about your appearance when there isn’t anyone around. Sometimes getting off the couch even to take a shower might require an immense amount of effort, but think about it like this, taking care of yourself boosts your well being. The terms self-care and self-love are more than just catchy Instagram posts. They are real-life mantras to stick by, especially when the going gets tough.            

Many of us dress well to impress others or to fit in, but now that we’re at home and other people are no longer a factor, who do we dress for? The answer is simple; look your best for you. Use this time to forget about social conditioning and demands. Experiment with your clothes, with your hair, with different aspects of your life and figure out what you like, what you want. 

Don’t like your hair, cut it. You don’t even have to worry about what other people are going to say because you won’t see them for another 15 days or more. Even if the haircut does not go as planned, your hair will grow back. This suggestion is not just limited to your hair, though. You have the unique opportunity to rediscover, recreate yourself during this time. Use the social distancing to disconnect with the world, with societal expectations and connect with who you are. 

This is also an excellent time to pick up new hobbies or old ones that got lost in the rigmarole of everyday life. This time can be as productive, as fun or as challenging as you want it to be. The choice is yours.