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Eczema on Penis: Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies to Try!

Eczema is a medical condition in which the skin gets inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough. Some types of eczema can also cause blisters on the penis. Penile eczema can manifest on the penis and around the scrotum, groin, between the buttocks, and around the anus.

This condition looks similar to the following conditions:

  • Fungal infection,
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs),
  • Yeast infection,
  • Psoriasis, and
  • Rashes caused due to medication.

The symptoms of genital eczema in male includes:

  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Painful and sore skin
  • Redness on and around the penis
  • Brown, ashen, grey, or purple colour of the skin in darker skin tones
  • Tightness and roughness on the skin
  • Flaky, scaly, and dry skin

What Is Eczema on Penis and How Common Is It?

Eczema on the penis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects the shaft of the penis and the nearby genital area. It causes the skin on and around the penis to turn red, itchy, flaky and cracked.

It can appear in several forms, including:

1. Atopic Dermatitis

It appears suddenly in the form of rashes or itchy bumps. You may have atopic dermatitis on the penis from birth. It happens due to a skin reaction, which results in continuous itching, swelling, and redness on and around the penis.

2. Irritant Contact Dermatitis

The cause of irritant contact dermatitis on the penis is the contact of your penis or nearby genital area with an allergen or chemical. Irritants may include condoms, underwear, or athletic equipment. These irritants remove oils and moisture from the outer layer of your skin, which allows them to penetrate deeply and cause further damage.

3. Seborrheic Dermatitis

It generally affects the areas which have a lot of oil glands. It happens most commonly on your scalp, but it also affects the other areas, including the groin.

According to a study, nearly 32 million Americans suffer from at least one type of eczema on the penis.

Is It Contagious?

No, penile eczema is not contagious or communicable. It can not spread through sexual intercourse or by touching someone with your penis. However, you may feel uncomfortable while having sex.

You must not scratch a rash if you have penile eczema because that can lead to open cuts, sores, and blisters, resulting in other communicable infections.

An active penis infection can be spread through unprotected sex. You should always wear a condom or avoid having sex until you’ve recovered from penile eczema.

What Causes Eczema on Penis?

The exact cause of eczema on the penis is unknown. However, it is believed that the below-mentioned conditions can be the trigger points of eczema:

1. An Overactive Immune System

The body functions in such a way that when it detects an infection, white blood cells activate an inflammation response to protect the body. Some people's immune systems are overactive in certain parts, which may lead to eczema.

2. Gene Mutation

One of the genes in the body creates a protein called filaggrin which builds a protective barrier on the skin's surface. This barrier locks moisture in and protects the skin from pathogens and other harmful substances. Some people with eczema have a mutation in this gene that reduces filaggrin production. It dries the skin, and thus it gets more exposed to environmental factors such as soaps, body fragrances, and more.

3. Environmental Factors

Certain environmental triggers, such as latex, may cause your body’s immune system to produce an increased inflammatory response, resulting in eczema. Other possible environmental triggers may include chemicals in soaps or shampoos and cleaning solutions, clothing materials, such as wool or polyester, antibacterial substances in ointments or wet wipes, metals such as nickel and cobalt, cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, etc.

Home Remedies for Eczema on Penis

If your symptoms are mild, you may get relief with the below-mentioned home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments.:

1. Use a Cold Compress

Take a cloth or soft towel and dampen it with cold water. Put it gently on the affected penis skin for about 20 minutes. You can also wrap something frozen or an ice pack in the cloth and use it as a cold compress.

2. Take Oatmeal Bath

To reduce itchiness, add a cup of colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath. You can also make an oatmeal bowl, apply it to the penis and other affected parts, and cover it with a bandage.

3. Use An Anti-itch Cream

You can also apply an OTC itch cream with at least 1% hydrocortisone for itch relief. You may apply the cream on a bandage and wrap it around the itchy area. However, you must not use hydrocortisone cream for more than 7 days unless directed by the healthcare provider or doctor.

4. Take OTC Allergy Medications

To relieve allergic dermatitis on the penis, you may also take mild allergy medication, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or cetirizine (Zyrtec). These medications may cause drowsiness.

To reduce the effects of eczema symptoms:

  • Wear loose clothes and underwear.
  • Wear natural fibres, such as cotton and silk, because these are less irritating on the skin and prevent penis itchiness.
  • Avoid using products that may irritate the penis, such as soaps and fragrances.
  • Use a non-biological washing powder to wash clothes.
  • Apply a natural lotion or ointment to your penis regularly to keep your skin moisturised and prevent cracking.
  • Use warm water to clean the genital area. Avoid overwashing because prolonged water exposure can irritate.

Also Read: Scabies on Penis -Symptoms & Treatment

Eczema on Male Private Parts Treatment

Here are some medical and clinical treatments suggested by healthcare experts and doctors to treat eczema on male private area:

1. Use of An Emollient

You may apply emollient after bathing. You can also use it in place of soap or body washes.

2. Antihistamines

It is a type of medication that helps to reduce itching.

3. Topical Steroids

Apply topical steroids 1–2 times per day or as prescribed by the doctor to relieve the symptoms of eczema on the penis. Don’t apply topical steroids on the genital area just before having sex.

4. Antibiotics

If you have an infected cut or sore, the doctor may prescribe you a 2-week course of flucloxacillin (Floxapen) or erythromycin (Ery-Tab).

5. Injectable Treatments

If you have severe eczema and the skin is not responding to other treatments, your doctor may prescribe dupilumab (Dupixent), which is an injectable medication.

6. Phototherapy

To help relieve symptoms of severe cases of eczema on the penis, doctors may prescribe exposing your skin to certain ultraviolet lights.

Also Read: Effective Tight Foreskin Penis Treatment: Ayurvedic Tips & Exercises

When to See Your Doctor?

You must see a doctor at the earliest if you experience the below-mentioned problems along with eczema symptoms:

  • Clear or cloudy discharge from your penis
  • Fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher
  • Difficulty and pain during urination
  • Pain or swelling in your testicles
  • Pain in your lower abdomen

Without proper medical treatment, the following complications can occur:

  1. Eczema on the penis may break the protective skin barrier on and around the male genitals, which increases the risk of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.
  2. Severe cases of eczema on the penis can result in eczema herpeticum, which is a life-threatening disease.
  3. Eczema coxsackium is another serious viral infection caused due to untreated eczema. It can trigger widespread blisters and severe rash.
  4. Staph skin infection can also be caused due to eczema. Its symptoms include:
  • Boils: Swollen, painful, and pus-filled bumps on the skin caused by infected hair follicles.
  • Impetigo: These red sores usually occur on the face, hands, or feet.
  • Cellulitis: It is an infection that makes your skin red, swollen, painful, and warm to the touch. It can spread into the bloodstream and become life-threatening if left untreated.

Summing Up on Eczema on Penis

Penile eczema causes discomfort and, if left untreated, can lead to severe infection of the penis. However, it can be cured with clinical and other medical treatments. If you suffer from any type of eczema on the penis, avoid wearing tight and rough clothes. Wear such clothes that allow your genital area to breathe. You can reduce the risk of eczema penis by talking to your doctor about getting tested for allergens. Remember to be proactive and take necessary precautions before the condition gets serious.
