How to Cure Gastric Problem Permanently?

How to Cure Gastric Problem Permanently?

Everyone gets gas. Many people pass gas so frequently that they can pass it as much as 20 times a day. If the gas isn't released through the rectum, it's released through the mouth.

Gas can be mild and intermittent or painful and severe. Even though symptoms can occur after eating or drinking, not all gas is caused by food. Gas can also be a sign of a more serious issue.

We'll explore why gas occurs, as well as the conditions that may cause trapped gas.

What Causes Gas In the Stomach?

The changing lifestyle and food patterns have drastically impacted the digestive health of both children and adults. Generally, people above the age of 40 face gastric issues. However, the modern lifestyle is affecting children and adults as well. Before knowing how to cure gastric problems permanently, here are the causes of gastric issues:

  • Some foods like whole grains, legumes, beans, etc.
  • Medical conditions like food intolerances, constipation, chronic intestinal diseases, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, etc.
  • Unhealthy and spicy food intake.
  • Dietary factors like fibre supplements, sugar substitutes, etc.
  • Acidity, indigestion, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.

Gastric Problem Symptoms

Gas causes several digestive symptoms, which can vary from person to person. Common symptoms include:

  • belching or burping
  • chest pains
  • distention, or an increase in abdomen size
  • stomach bloating or a feeling of fullness
  • stomach cramps

Even though gas can feel uncomfortable, it's usually not a serious problem. Most symptoms do not require medical attention and resolve on their own within a few minutes to a few hours.

How to Cure Gastric Problems Permanently?

Mentioned below are some solutions for how to cure gastric problems permanently naturally:

1) Passing stool:

The gas trapped within the intestines is released while passing the stool. Moreover, it makes bowel movement easier.

2) Eat slowly:

One of the best gastric problem remedies is eating slow. A person can take in air along with the food while eating quickly. Chewing slowly and swallowing food bit by bit aids digestion, eliminating gastric formation.

3) Allow it to release:

When you hold the gas for long, it causes pain, discomfort, and bloating. Avoid such symptoms while just releasing the gas.

4) Avoid using straw frequently:

Avoid using wide-mouthed bottles and straws for drinking. If you are looking for how to cure gastric problems permanently, you should take a sip from glass to avoid the air entering the stomach.

5) Prefer non-carbonated drinks:

Soda and sparkling drinks cause gas, bloating, and pain. Avoid drinking such beverages.

6) Drink tea:

Herbal tea is one of the best gastric problem remedies as it aids digestion and reduces gastric pain easily. If you use ginger, anise, peppermint, or chamomile for making tea, it eases the trapped gas.

7) Consume fennel seeds:

Fennel seeds are the best answer for how to cure gastric problems permanently. However, pregnant ladies should consume it only if a doctor recommends it.

8) Quit smoking:

Smoking allows bad air to enter the digestive tract. One should prefer quitting it due to many health-related issues.

9) Avoid chewing gums:

When you chew gum, you swallow air, increasing the gas formation and gas pain. Avoid eating chewing gums if you have frequent gastric problems.

10) Use a hot water bag:

The warmth of heating pads or hot water bags relaxes the gut pain caused due to gas. It relaxes the gut muscles, allowing the easy movement of gas through the intestines.

11) Exercise:

Doing specific stomach yoga poses or gentle exercise relaxes the gut muscles, helping to move out the gas. Doing regular exercise is one of the best gastric problem remedies.

12) Other Ways

a) Use probiotic supplements, which help treat several digestive issues.

b) Drink plenty of water and consume fiber-rich food as it clears the unwanted material from the stomach, solving major reasons for gastric issues.

c) Use apple cider vinegar with water to boost the production of digestive enzymes and stomach acid.

d) Avoid consuming spicy and hot foods or fibre drinks as it is a lucrative item for causing gastric issues.

e) Eat healthy food containing nutritious whole grains, vegetables, and fruits to ease the bowel movement, which further releases trapped gas.

f) Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. Try to have some healthy stuff like sprouts, salads in your breakfast to avoid gas formation.

g) Consume clove oil, especially after your meals, to enhance digestive enzymes and reduce the gas trapped in the intestines.

h) Use the supplements of peppermint oil to solve bloating issues. Research finds it effective in treating symptoms of gastric issues. Actually, peppermint relaxes abdominal muscles, enhancing bowel movement.

i) Avoid using problematic foods like onion and garlic, legumes, beans, prunes, fried foods, artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, aspartame, etc. These foods digest slowly, and their excess intake may lead to the gastric formation.

How to Cure Gastric Problem Permanently Home Remedies?

If you want solutions for how to cure gastric problems permanently naturally, try these home remedies:

  • Tame your stomach with a healthy tea to avoid the discomfort caused due to gastric issues. Just add wholesome herbs like lemongrass, ginger, or peppermint and give it a punch of taste while adding a spoon of honey to it.
  • Some beverages like buttermilk, cold milk, and lemon drinks (non-carbonated ones) are the best gastric problem remedies. It quickly removes the trapped gas and pain caused due to acidity by forming a protective coating on the stomach lining.
  • Use chia seeds or ispaghula/isabgol to deal with frequent gastric problems. Chia seeds have anti-inflammatory factors, which help treat acid reflux.
  • Asafoetida massage relieves the pain caused due to stomach gas as it provides relaxation to the intestinal muscles, allowing one to release gas easily. Mix two-three pinches of asafoetida in a cup of warm water and gently massage over the stomach.

When to See a Gastroenterologist?

If you can cure or manage gastric problems independently or with medications, you do not need to see a doctor.

However, you must consult your doctor if the symptoms of a gastric problem are severe and affect your daily life, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Bloody stools
  • Chest pain
  • Persistent constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn

Summing Up on How to Cure Gastric Problem Permanently

Gas is something we all experience from time to time. Mild gas symptoms usually don't interfere with our everyday lives, but if you experience more gas than normal or if you experience severe gas pains, you should consult with your doctor.