10 Tips and Tricks on How to Grow Beard Faster for Teenager

Many teenagers may be impatient and want solid, intimidating manes. Hence, here’s a way to grow a beard faster in your teenage years.

10 Tips and Tricks on How to Grow Beard Faster for Teenager

One of the most exciting things about hitting puberty, apart from raging hormones, are the significant changes men begin to experience in their body. For example, deep baritones and the sprouting of a light stubble. Many teenagers may be impatient and want solid, intimidating manes. Hence, here’s a way to grow a beard faster in your teenage years.

Beard For Teens

Facial hair is a vital feature in the physical appearance of boys and men. When it comes to beards for teens, genetics play a significant role. They are entirely responsible for the natural growth of the beard. Secretion of testosterone occurs at different stages in different men.

That is why every individual has a different pace of growing facial hair. Most teens get introduced to facial hair between the ages of 15-18. At this time, the beards are usually excessively thin or patchy. Full beards appear only in the 20s in most cases. A teenager of 15 with a full-grown beard is not a common sight.

Understanding The Stages Of Beard Growth

The shave (0 weeks)

Begin your beard growth cycle with a clean shave. After this, please make sure you exfoliate your face regularly as this stimulates your hair follicles.

The stubble (0-2 weeks)

This period is the one where a small beard begins to peep out of your face and develop. Continue to exfoliate regularly as this will help beard growth in the long run. Make sure you use a good cream to lock the moisture in your skin.

The itching (2-8 weeks)

This stage will result in an itchy, flaky beard. However, don’t be disheartened. Feel free to use a hair growth oil that is suitable for your skin type. Please make sure you resist the urge to shave or trim; otherwise, you will begin again from the stubble stage.

The beard begins to grow (8-16 weeks)

A patchy beard will begin filling your face during this stage.

Adolescent beard (16-30 weeks)

You will sprout a noticeable beard in this stage. You may probably never feel like shaving again after noticing the results during this period.

Full fledged beard (30 weeks and above)

This stage marks a fully formed beard. However, now that you have a full-fledged beard make sure you do not ignore your routine and give your skin enough hydration.

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How To Grow Beard Faster For Teenagers?

If you’re wondering about how to get a beard fast in a teenager, then we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips that you can comply with to get a fuller beard:

Exfoliate your skin to grow a beard

You cannot expect to grow a beard without taking care of your face. You can start by following an exfoliation routine using an exfoliant or a scrub. For best results, exfoliate once or twice a week. It’ll stimulate new hair growth and help remove the dead skin cells on your face.

Clean your face regularly to grow a beard

As a teenager looking to grow a beard, it’s vital to clean your face every day. Washing your face daily keeps it dirt free and kills dead skin cells which clog up hair follicles. As a result, it will encourage your skin to grow facial hair. You can use a mild face gel or wash and carry out the process twice a day.

Moisturizing your skin to grow a beard

Only cleaning and exfoliating aren’t enough for beard growth. Moisturizing your face is vital to get rid of dry and flaky skin. Moreover, it enhances the appearance of your face. The moisturizer or cream that you’d use must contain eucalyptus.

It ​​keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized for a longer time. Plus, it removes any rough or dry patches from your face and nourishes your follicles.

Watch out for Ingrown hair to grow a beard

A tweezed or shaved hair that tends to grow inwards is known as ingrown hair. Such hair can cause inflammation in your skin and be detrimental to beard growth. An individual with ingrown hair cannot grow an even beard.

That is why you must be vigilant of the presence of such hair on your face. A potent way to get rid of them is exfoliation and moisturizing.

Manage stress to grow a beard

Working and managing your stress levels helps repair dead skin cells on your face. The result is accelerated beard growth, as beards tend to grow quicker when you’re relaxed. An effective way to do so is exercising. It improves blood circulation that results in the promotion of beard growth.

Use growth stimulants to grow a beard

To promote facial hair growth, you can use some topical medication or growth stimulants. A notable option includes Minoxidil, which is an established hair-growth promoter. That said, it also comes with some side effects like burning sensation and redness.

Essential vitamins to grow a beard

If you’ve been searching ‘how to grow a beard faster naturally at home for teenagers,’ don’t fret. We’ve got a quick hack for you. Consume all essential vitamins like B6, B12, and B1. Such vitamins increase the beard growth rate by getting rid of free radicals from the body.

Free radicals are known to harm hair follicles, and consuming these vitamins helps you grow a fuller beard. Moreover, these vitamins also boost blood circulation in your body.

Resist trimming to grow a beard

Many individuals feel that trimming would accelerate their beard growth. However, there’s no scientific backing behind it. So if you’re looking to grow your beard long, don’t trim it at any cost.

If you’ve started getting some facial hair, only groom it after 4 to 6 weeks. If by any chance you develop a rash in the process, consult a doctor immediately.

Get enough protein to grow a beard

Another thing that’d increase your chances of growing a beard is protein. Eggs, meat, nuts, lentils, and beans are some of the notable sources of protein. Natural protein sources like these will help you grow a beard faster.

Face massage to grow a beard

If you’ve been looking for how to grow a beard faster for teenager home remedies, try incorporating face massage into your routine. It’d promote blood circulation and enhance beard growth. You can use a potent beard growth oil for the same as coconut oil or castor oil.

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How To Take Care of Your Beard?

Taking care of your beard is essential for beard growth. Here are some of the products that you can invest in to grow a beard faster:

Beard Oil

If your beard is past the two weeks scruff phase, using beard oil becomes essential. It will soften your beard and reduce any potential itching.

Beard and Scruff Cream

This product helps soothe beard itch and removes dryness. Plus, it makes your beard smell nice and appear healthier.

Beard Balm

Most beard balms include essential oils and shea butter that leave your beard fresh and well-nourished.

Beard Brush

You must use a potent beard brush to groom and style your beard. Avoid synthetic brushes and pick one with natural boar bristles. It will evenly distribute oil and creams in your beard.

How To Grow Beard Faster for Teenagers: Summing Up…

Growing a beard takes patience. There’s no way around this fact. However, maintaining a regular and consistent routine involving exfoliation, moisturization and hydration will go a long way.