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How to Prevent Hernia?

Hernia treatment in ayurveda helps balance the Vata, Pitta, and Kaph energies of the body. Read about therapies, home remedies, preventive measures for hernia.

4 min read
How to Prevent Hernia?

A hernia is a disorder in which the intestinal or abdominal wall swells either externally or internally. It happens when your muscles become weak and tissues push them outwards. Hence, to prevent hernias, you should follow a healthy diet (rich in fiber) and exercise regularly to maintain muscle strength.

Hernia Treatment in Ayurveda

Treatments and ayurvedic medicines for hernia function by balancing three prime energies of the body: Vata, Pitta, and Kaph.

  • Vata: Energy of movement
  • Pitta: Energy of digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Kaph: Energy of body structure and lubrication

Symptoms of this disorder are the result of disruption in these three energies. Here are a few popular and highly effective treatments in Ayurveda for all types of hernia, including hiatus, inguinal and hiatal hernia, which causes weight loss.

1. Snehana for Hernia

Snehana is a type of warm medicinal or essential oil massage. This is done on hernia patients to remove toxins from the body. Commonly used oils are:

Treatment Duration: 3 to 7 days

Benefit of Snehana: Removes toxins deposited in the body

2. Asthana Basti as an Ayurveda for Hernia

Asthana Basti or Niruha Basti is a hernia natural treatment. Herbal decoction enema is anally injected into the patient’s body. What is an herbal decoction enema? It’s a mixture of herbal oil, liquid, and paste. It is often prepared according to the symptoms and intensity of the disease.

Treatment Duration: Five days for preparation and approximately eight days for therapy.

Benefits of Asthana Basti:

  • It helps in cleansing and strengthening the muscles of the intestines.
  • It treats Vata disorders, reduces scrotum inflammation, and rebuilds the body tissues.
  • Strengthens the colon by removing toxins and feces from the system.

Also read: Yoga asanas for digestive health

3. Virechana for Hernia

Virechana helps treat all three doshas of hernia in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kaph.

Kaph Treatment: In this procedure, natural herbs are used for cleansing the bowel of hernia patients. This helps in reducing the swelling caused by an imbalance of Kapha dosha. These herbs are:

  • Amlaparni (rhubarb)
  • Triphala (mixture of Amla or Indian gooseberry, vibhitaki or belleric myrobalan and haritaki or chebulic myrobalan)
  • Senna
  • Trikatu (mixture of pippali or long pepper, shunthi or dried ginger and maricha or black pepper)

Vata Treatment: It is treated using a hot and salty mixture of oily purgatives (laxatives) such as ginger, rock salt, and Isabgol (psyllium husk).

Pitta Treatment: Above mentioned herbs and oils also help eliminate excess bile from the liver, intestine, and gallbladder.

4. Pinda Swedan for Hernia

Pinda Sweda follows a two-step procedure:

  • Oil massage to the affected body part
  • Ease pain via moist paste (poultice) made from hot rice. This step is known as fomentation.

Treatment Duration: 7 to 21 days

Benefit of Pinda Swedan: Effective against muscular atrophy or the loss of muscle tissue.

Herbal Healing

Ayurvedic doctors prescribe herbs periodically and in their proper dosage as a natural cure for hernia. They may recommend eating the following herbs or buying capsules available in the market. Some ayurvedic herbs for hernia treatment and their benefits are listed below:

a. Senna for Hernia

Senna consists of a group of sennosides that help improve bowel movement by stirring the bowel’s lining.

Benefits of Senna:

  • Acts as laxative
  • Helps in regulating intestinal muscle contraction
  • Promotes peristalsis (movement of the alimentary canal that helps in pushing food forward for digestion)

b. Indian Madar or Manjistha for Hernia

Roots of manjistha plants are used to treat hernias as oil, decoction powder, or ghee.

Benefits of Manjistha:

  • Purifies blood
  • Reduces inflammation and thus helps in treating tumor and Kapha disorders
  • Helps in healing tissues after intense therapy or surgical operation

c. Hing as an Ayurvedic Herb for for Hernia

Hing is a resin extracted from the asafoetida plant. It has the following properties:

  • Antispasmodic (relieves muscle spasm)
  • Laxative (eases bowel movement)
  • Carminative (relieves gas),
  • and Expectorant (loosens cough mucous) properties.

Benefits of Hing:

  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves Vata disorders like cramps, gas, abdominal distention
  • Improves intestine functioning
  • It helps in relieving constipation

d. Karanja Helps in Treating Hernia

Karanja has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that make it an excellent natural remedy for hernia to relieve digestive issues.

Benefits of Karanja:

  • Improves functioning of digestive juices in the alimentary canal
  • Maximizes absorption of essential nutrients in food
  • Relieves stomach bloating
  • Strengthens the intestines for digestion

e. Kutaja Aids Hernia

Kutaja is used for treating hernia because it is endowed with the following properties:

  • Anti-dysenteric (treats diarrhea)
  • Anthelmintic (removes pathogens)
  • and astringent (contracts body cells) in nature.

Benefits of Kutaja:

  • Aids digestion of food
  • Improves appetite
  • Expels harmful bacteria from the intestine

Also read: Indian food and gut health

Home Remedies for Hernia Pain

  • Add plants rich in fiber to your diet. Some examples are carrots, Brussel sprouts, beetroots, celery, and broccoli.
  • Consume anti-inflammatory herbs like Turmeric and Ashwagandha along with your meal.
  • Plan six to seven small meals throughout the day instead of 3 heavy ones.
  • Limit sugar and carbohydrate-rich diets as they help in bacterial flora growth in the intestine.
  • Practice intermittent fasting.
  • Include more karela (bitter gourd), cucumbers, horseradish, and garlic in meals.
  • Avoid eating legumes.
  • Do not consume medicines with hernia-instigating properties like kashaya (astringent), tikta (bitter), guru (heavy), katu (pungent), and ruksha (dry), etc.