How to Increase Testicle Size: Tips & Techniques Backed By Studies

The testicles, aka testes or gonads, are oval-shaped male sex glands. They are found behind the penis in a pouch called the scrotum. Testicles are responsible for producing and storing sperms. They are also the primary source of testosterone, the essential male hormone. Numerous men have asked us regarding foods that increase the size of the testicles. This blog discusses just that!

Does Testicle Size Matter for Health?

Healthy production of testosterone and sperm can occur within a wide range of testicular volumes. According to some studies, larger testicles in some mammals are associated with higher testosterone levels, whereas smaller testicles are associated with decreased sperm production.

Testosterone levels can become an issue if you have a condition like Klinefelter syndrome, which is caused by an extra X chromosome. Smaller or undescended testes, as well as female characteristics such as less body and facial hair and breast tissue growth, are symptoms of this condition. Having Klinefelter syndrome usually means having lower testosterone levels and reduced sperm activity. Infertility can result.

The clinical term for abnormally low testosterone is hypogonadism. Symptoms may include:

  • smaller-than-average testicles
  • breast tissue growth
  • less body or facial hair than male peers
  • other signs similar to those of Klinefelter syndrome

Hypogonadism is often treated with testosterone replacement therapy, and it can sometimes begin during puberty.

A 2013 study discovered that fathers with slightly smaller testicles had a more nurturing personality. Lower testosterone levels and testicular volume were linked to higher levels of paternal caregiving.

Inform your doctor if you notice swelling in your testicles. Growing larger testes in adulthood may indicate testicular cancer or another health issue, rather than increasing virility.

What is Normal Testicle Size?

The size of adult human male testicles varies, but the normal range is between 4 and 6 centimetres (cm) in length and 2 to 4 cm in width. This varies slightly depending on age, with younger males' testicles being smaller and growing to full size during puberty. It's important to note that testicle size varies between people and can be influenced by things like genetics, health, and hormonal changes.

If one or both testicles are significantly smaller or larger than normal, this could indicate an underlying medical condition. Small testicles, for example, could indicate an undescended testicle, hormonal imbalances, or testicular atrophy. Enlarged testicles, on the other hand, could indicate testicular cancer, infections, or hormonal imbalances.

If you are concerned about the size of your testicles, you should see a doctor who can perform a physical exam and any necessary tests to see if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed.

How To Increase Testicle Size?

There is no scientifically proven way to increase testes size. The size of the testicles has little to no impact on their functioning. However, one can always take care of one's testes and ensure good health. Some ways to do so are:

  • Research suggests that maintaining the temperature around your testes keeps them cool and comfortable.
  • Studies also found that increasing the intake of vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins in your diet. This enhances testosterone level and the production of sperms.
  • Wearing comfortable underwear and allowing the cremasteric reflex to occur naturally in your body.

Cremasteric reflex: It is a natural reflex of testes to change temperature. Testes hang a little lower every time the temperature around them rises. Studies found that tight clothes result in overheating, and overheated testes produce low semen levels.

All this said and done, why do men think that size matters? There can be numerous reasons. One indeed is the societal notion that links male scrotum size with masculinity. Some men believe that females like men with bigger testes, which isn't exactly true.

So, does the size matter? The average size of Indian male organ or testes is 4x3x2 cm, with a testicular volume (TV) of 12 cubic cms. Some studies show that lower TV means decreased sperm DNA integrity, spermatozoa amount, total sperm count, and testosterone serum concentration compared to normal testicle size.

You may ask yourself- does size matter? There was no study found stating the relation between lower TV and size of the testicles. But, past research has pointed out that healthy testosterone production and spermatogenesis can happen for a wide range of testicular sizes. So, bigger isn't always better. Big testicles or small testicles, the point is they should function healthily.

If you think that your testes are smaller than the standard size and sperm production is low, make sure to consult an expert.

As a temporary deviation from the topic- men often ask us- does size matter in bed? Size does not matter. Your partner can be pleasured immensely even without using your penis. For example, through clitoral stimulation, stimulating their different erogenous zones, and extended foreplay.

Also read: Different types of penises. Sizes, shapes, best sex positions, and more

How To Make Your Testis Strong?

From various foods, vitamins, herbs to exercises- the internet is full of tips and tricks to tell you how to make gonads strong. Let take a look at each of these and learn how credible they are:

1. Exercises for a Larger Scrotum

Exercising your testicles is good to hang them lower in a healthy way, encouraging airflow around the scrotum. This has got nothing to do with the size of your testes.

2. Testicle Weights for a Bigger Scrotum

Testicle weights are tools men can wear on their gonads, available in various sizes. Their usage as a sex toy is common. Some may recommend it as a helpful exercise to increase testes size. This is not true. According to a report, temporary stretches with testicle weights can damage the testes. Be careful because performing this exercise excessively can result in heavy testicles.

3. Testicle Massage for a Bigger Scrotum

Testicle Massage is also known as testicular holding. You can follow three simple steps of rubbing, pulling, and massaging your scrotum daily for 2-5 minutes. It will help your scrotum become active and enhance the testicular volume. However, people often confuse it as beneficial for testes size: there is no factual evidence in that direction. A massage may also be used as a testicular pain exercise and effectively help relieve it.

Herbs For Testicular Growth

Thinking of how to keep testicles healthy with the help of natural herbs? Natural fruits and vegetables are a convenient and healthy diet plan for every ailment. We have emphasized that there is no natural herb to increase testicular size. Furthermore, a report mentions natural herbs that damage the male reproductive system. Here are two such herbs you should avoid consuming:

1. Neem For Testicular Growth

Research equates neem with antifertility.  When consumed regularly, the herb damages seminiferous tubules located within testes. These tubules contain Sertoli cells that help in the production of sperm.

2. Gossypol For Testicular Growth

It is an effective natural herb but one that functions as a contraceptive. According to a study, gossypol induces adverse effects on testis function. It reduces cell viability and impacts genes related to testes development.

Foods That Increase Testicle Size

1. Vanilla Flavoured Yogurt for Bigger Testicles

According to research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, yoghurt is an excellent food for testicular health. Its consumption was said to help grow larger testicles. Most of us believe the same. However, this study has only been performed on animals. No objective evidence was found related to humans.

2. Whole Grain Cereals for Bigger Testicles

Obesity is one of the leading causes of poor testicular health. Some obese men may also have saggy testicles. Eating anti-obesity foods can go a long way. Charting out a diet made up of healthy testicle food such as legumes, nuts, whole grain cereals, and fruit & vegetables in good quantity will help. Testosterone-boosting foods like onion and ginger are also helpful.

Again, these foods maintain the health of testes; no studies claim that they will affect organ size. These are just foods good for testicles.

Vitamins for Testicle Size

Specific vitamins and minerals are beneficial for increasing testosterone production. Linking them with an increased size of testes is a common mistake. Here are two such examples:

1. Zinc for a Larger Scrotum

Zinc is an essential mineral for good health and is an incredible testosterone booster. This makes it a commendable intake for better sex life. Although, no studies have shown a direct relationship between the size of testes and zinc.

2. Vitamin A for Testicle Size

Studies have found that Vitamin A enhances spermatogenesis or the production of sperms in the testes. In the absence of Vitamin A, the body faces meiotic failure preventing the production of reproductive cells.

However, there is no scientific evidence that suggests it increases testicles size.

You will come across many market claims and gimmicks telling you to use supplements and creams to increase testes size. However, none of these remedies is FDA-approved. Without this approval, there is no definite proof that they work. Hence, be cautious of what you consume.

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Tips for Good Testicle Health

Maintaining good testicle health is important for men of all ages. Here are some tips to help keep your testicles healthy:

1. Practice Good Hygiene

Clean your genitals and testicles regularly with soap and water to prevent infections and other issues.

2. Wear Protective Gear

If you play sports or engage in activities that could result in injury to the testicles, wear protective gear such as a cup or athletic supporter.

3. Perform Regular Self-exams

Check your testicles regularly for lumps or other abnormalities. If you notice anything unusual, consult with your healthcare provider right away.

4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption to maintain overall health.

5. Manage Stress

Stress can impact hormonal levels and affect testicular health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or therapy.

6. Seek Medical Attention When Necessary

If you experience pain, swelling, or other symptoms related to your testicles, consult with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

By following these tips, you can help maintain good testicle health and reduce the risk of developing testicular issues or complications.

Do Testicles Ever Shrink?

Testicle size can fluctuate due to changes in temperature. The size of the testicles may also decrease with age.

Temperature changes can cause the testicles to draw in closer or descend further from the body.

When immersed in colder water, for example, the testicles may appear smaller. Once the body warms up again, the testicles generally return to their usual size.

This is a normal process in which the testicles shrink and expand in order to keep the sperm at a constant temperature.

The testicles shrink as the body ages. The medical name for this is testicular atrophy (TA).

TA is typically a gradual process. It may occur so slowly that the person does not notice the change in size.

Other TA symptoms include decreased muscle mass and a gradual loss of sexual drive.

Health Concerns to Look Out for

Certain medical conditions can cause testicles to shrink. If any of these symptoms appear, a person should seek medical attention.

The following are some of the conditions that can cause the testicles to shrink

  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as syphilis and gonorrhoea, tuberculosis, mumps, and some other viral infections
  • a testicular injury

Anyone who has had sex without using protection should be tested for STIs. One or more of the following symptoms may be caused by a STI:

  • difficulty urinating
  • burning while urinating
  • itchy rashes on or around the genitals

However, depending on the infection, a person may not exhibit any symptoms.

If the testicles are injured, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How to Measure Testicle Size

Measuring testicle size can be done by following these steps:

1. Get a Soft Measuring Tape

You will need a soft measuring tape to measure the length and width of your testicles.

2. Find a Comfortable Position

Stand or sit in a comfortable position, ensuring that your testicles are relaxed and not contracted.

3. Locate One Testicle

Locate one of your testicles and hold it between your thumb and fingers.

4. Measure Length

Using the measuring tape, measure the length of the testicle from the top to the bottom.

5. Measure the Width

Next, measure the width of the testicle by wrapping the measuring tape around the widest part.

6. Repeat for the Other Testicle

Repeat the same process for the other testicle.

7. Record Measurements

Record the measurements for each testicle.

It's important to note that testicle size can vary, and a slight difference in size between the two testicles is normal.

Difference Between Testes and Testicles

Testes and testicles are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they do have some differences in their meanings. Testes are the male reproductive organs responsible for producing sperm and the male hormone testosterone, while testicles are the two oval-shaped glands that contain the testes and other important structures such as blood vessels and nerves.

The testes produce sperm cells, which are essential for fertilization and reproduction. They are also responsible for producing testosterone, a hormone that is important for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as body hair, muscle mass, and voice deepening. The testicles, on the other hand, are the physical structures that house the testes and support their functions. They are made up of a variety of tissues, including blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and are responsible for regulating the temperature of the testes to ensure optimal sperm production.

Summing Up on How to Increase Testicle Size

Genetics and age play a significant role in determining the size of your testicles. However, some of the methods that may help to increase testicle size include exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing stress levels. It's always best to speak with a healthcare professional before attempting to increase testicle size through any of these methods to ensure that you are doing so safely and effectively. Ultimately, focusing on overall health and wellness is the best way to support the health of your testicles and ensure optimal reproductive function.


Do Men's Testicles get Bigger with Age?

No. However, your testicles will likely grow smaller as you age. This is known as atrophy. Your scrotum will hang lower than before as well. There is nothing to worry about as these are natural changes in your body. If you experience pain or notice a considerable shift in testicle size, it is best to visit a doctor.

What is the Normal Scrotum Size?

The average scrotum size ranges from anywhere between 4.5 - 5.1 cm, which amounts to around 1.8 - 2 inches.

Does Size Matter in Bed?

Size does not matter. In fact, your partner can be pleasured immensely even without using your penis. For example, through clitoral stimulation, stimulating their different erogenous zones, and extended foreplay.

What is 'Grow Some Balls' Meaning?

'Grow some balls' is a phrase used to describe the lack of male genitals, implying a lack of masculinity. It could also be used as a substitute for calling somebody a coward or spineless individual. This term can be invoked both jokingly or in a derogatory manner and is used irrespective of gender.

How to Keep your Testicles Cool?

You can keep testicles cool easily by identifying which underwear you should own and maintaining everyday hygiene, such as cleaning your genitals with lukewarm water. Using an intimate wash is also a great idea to keep your testicles cool and free from bacteria.


Cathryn A. Hogarth, Michael D. Griswold (2010) The key role of vitamin A in spermatogenesis (The Journal of Clinical Investigation) -

Whasun Lim , Jiyeon Ham (2019) Gossypol Induces Disruption of Spermatogenesis and Steroidogenesis in Male Mice (PubMed)

Rythm Bansal, Parveen Bansal (2010) Antifertility effects of Azadirachta indica (Neem) - A review (Research Gate)

Shereen Cynthia D'Cruz, Selvaraju Vaithinathan (2010) Effects of plants and plant products on the testis (Asian Journal of Andrology)

Eliana Pintus, José Luis Ros-Santaella (2015) Beyond Testis Size: Links between Spermatogenesis and Sperm Traits in a Seasonal Breeding Mammal (U.S. National Library of Medicine)

Thais Rose dos Santos Hamilton, Camilla Mota Mendes (2016) Evaluation of Lasting Effects of Heat Stress on Sperm Profile and Oxidative Status of Ram Semen and Epididymal Sperm (Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity)