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Intimate Wash For Men – Why you need to start using It

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aditi S.Trivedi, DNB OBGY, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, Reviewed on 25th January 2021

Everyone knows the importance of taking a shower regularly and maintaining proper hygiene. However, it’s important to give extra care and attention to intimate areas in the body that are more susceptible to moisture and infection. Keeping them clean and dry is essential for good hygiene.

About 3 out of 4 men complain at least once a year of itching and discomfort in their groin area!

Reason? Excessive accumulation of germs in the private area.

Why should I use intimate wash?

Well, most of us are familiar with the sort of discomfort the infamous jock itch causes. But did you know that just by following a proper intimate hygiene routine you can easily avoid infections like Balanitis and Tinea cruris? Now,  I’m sure these complicated names sound scary and confusing but they’re basically yeast or fungal infections which can later cause serious problems.

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Not washing or maintaining proper intimate hygiene regularly leads to body odour, accumulation of sweat and dirt, and even increased chances of penile yeast infection. What you need is a balance between a thorough washing that is gentle at the same time. Goes without saying, our intimate areas are more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections as they remain constantly covered for the major part of the day. Although regular cleaning of your groin is important it is equally important to make sure that the process is in no way harming the skin, especially in such delicate areas. Harsh chemicals in soap and scrubbing too hard can leave skin damaged and inflamed. The answer to this challenge is an intimate wash. An intimate wash is specially designed so that they clean the skin on and around the private parts whilst maintaining the Ph balance of your skin and without causing any side effects.

SWASH is designed to provide the most gentle, yet effective cleansing for male intimate area.

Do men really need to use an intimate wash?

The answer is yes! Yes, men need an intimate wash as well.

For the longest time, intimate wash such as V Wash, has been popular. But this intimate wash only helps in cleaning the female genitalia which is different from the male genitalia.

The times have changed. Both men and producers are more aware of why men need an intimate wash and why men need an intimate wash that is not V Wash.

That is why there are V Wash alternatives available for men.

Men’s intimate wash is an alternative to V Wash and here is why you need it. This is why it is designed specifically for the male pubic area which requires different care that V Wash cannot help men with.

The skin in the male pubic area is slightly acidic which helps to maintain the natural body bacteria while keeping their numbers in check. Any disturbance in this acidity (pH) can cause the bacteria to grow out of control and cause an infection.

How does an intimate wash help?

Normal soaps tend to be alkaline and change the pH of the skin. Being very sensitive, the intimate area is prone to catching infections more quickly than the rest of the body. Intimate washes for men are developed by keeping the natural pH of the male skin in mind so as to not affect this area in any way. The cleansing agents help in removing dirt and sweat while keeping the skin in a healthy balance. Intimate washes are very mild so that they can be used daily.

While following an intimate hygiene regime is no rocket science. Here are some tips from man matters to ensure that your groin area stays fresh and clean.

  • Make sure you wash your groin area with an intimate wash while taking a shower.
  • Wear breathable undergarments. Micro modal fabric is the ideal choice as it is 3 times more breathable than cotton and absorbs moisture to prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Make sure you always carry intimate wipes while travelling.

How do men use intimate wash?

All intimate washes for men come with their own set of instructions, but the basic way to use them remains the same for most. It is best to use the wash while taking a shower. Here’s what you should do:

  • Use warm water to wet your intimate area including your genitalia and the skin around them.
  • Pour a small amount of intimate wash into the palm of your hand and lather Slightly.

SWASH is designed to provide the most gentle, yet effective cleansing for male intimate area.

  • Apply to your pubic area making sure to cover the entire area with the wash.
  • Rub the wash gently over the skin to remove and dirt and sweat that might have accumulated.
  • Rinse off thoroughly with water and make sure the area is wiped gently to make sure the area is not moist.

Warm water is recommended as it helps to open up the pores for more effective cleaning. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the water is not too hot, as this too can damage the delicate skin in the area. Once you have washed your intimate area, you don’t need to apply soap to the area again.

Make sure to dry off the area well after your shower. Use a soft towel and pat dry rather than wiping with a rough towel. If possible, leave the area open for a while to air out. Keeping your intimate area clean is not just about feeling and smelling good, but also ensure that you keep in great overall health.

How often should I use intimate wash?

You should use intimate wash daily. Intimate wash is not harmful to your skin and balances the pH levels in your intimate area. Dr. Luthra, an experienced dermatologist, recommends that you can use it up to twice a day, especially during the summer season when it gets hot and humid.

Here is an intimate wash for men to help men keep their private parts odour free and clean.

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What is intimate wash ?

Think of Intimate wash or SWASH  like a cleanser, but for your private areas. It is a Man Matters product thoughtfully designed by medical experts to give you a fresh, dry feeling in your genital area, making sure it remains fresh and kills bacteria and infections that accumulate around the region, causing penis infections and allergies among countless men.

What is intimate wash used for ?

Following a proper intimate hygiene routine you can easily avoid infections like Balanitis and Tinea cruris? Not washing or maintaining proper intimate hygiene regularly leads to body odour, accumulation of sweat and dirt, and even increased chances of penile yeast infection. This is exactly why you need the Man Matters Intimate wash or SWASH that keeps your private areas clean and fresh.

Is intimate wash safe to use ?

Yes! Intimate wash or SWASH is perfectly safe to use, thoughtfully designed by medical experts for your well-being. Not only does it balance the pH levels of your genital areas, it is also paraben free, SLS free, anti-bacterial, anti-odour, and anti itch. Be assured that you are in good hands.

How to use intimate wash?

  1. Take a few dabs of the rich foam of SWASH by Man Matters onto your palm.
  2. Apply it carefully on your intimate areas and massage gently.
  3. Leave on for 25-35 seconds.
  4. Rinse it off thoroughly and then you're done!

When to use intimate wash?

The best time to use SWASH or Intimate wash for men is when you're having a bath. Feel free to use it daily and keep penis and intimate infections and allergies at bay.
