Men PMS Too: Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS)
Men PMS too. Understand how men's bodies work and how they have mood swings too. Read on to know more.

Do Men PMS?
The acronym PMS has become part of pop culture. We’ve all seen TV shows and films which talk about ‘her time of the month’. Does this make you wonder do men PMS too? Is there a ‘his time of the month’? Well, let’s see.
Do you feel irritated, fatigued or moody for long periods of time? And no, not just because your boss gave you a hard time. Well, then you might just be PMS-ing or in your case IMS-ing.
What is irritable male syndrome?
IMS or Irritable Male Syndrome is a man’s version of PMS. It is nowhere as physically intense as that of a woman’s. IMS is said to be a result of the change in hormonal levels. A change in hormones, especially the male hormone, testosterone can prompt this. Testosterone performs a number of important functions such as helping you acquire your masculine characteristics. It regulates your facial hair, deep voice, muscle mass and your sex drive.
Confused? Find out all you wanted to know about testosterone.

Every morning, testosterone is at its peak and starts to fall as the day goes on. This is normal. With age, the amount of testosterone produced in the body starts to decline as well. The older men get, the lower their testosterone will be. When testosterone levels fall below the normal limits men become susceptible to IMS.
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Causes and symptoms of irritable male syndrome

Apart from a fall in testosterone, other factors such as stress, not eating a healthy diet and anxiety can contribute to this. It is also believed that IMS may be brought on as a sympathetic reaction or response. What this means is that, if your partner is going through PMS you may start showing symptoms of the same, as if out of sympathy. Isn’t that interesting?
If you have been having mood swings, feeling irritated, angrier than usual, they might be symptoms of IMS. Other symptoms include a loss of sexual desire or libido, low self-esteem. As IMS is often caused by a fall in testosterone, symptoms of low testosterone may also be observed. If you find that these symptoms have become a pattern, speak to your doctor. A combination of irritability and anger, especially over a prolonged period can be a sign of depression as well. It is essential to find out what is killing your sex drive if you want to address the root of the problem.
Irritable Male Syndrome is often conflated with male menopause. While the two are similar, they are not the same. Male menopause is largely a manifestation of age.
Dealing with irritable male syndrome
Now that you know what IMS is and what its symptoms are, let’s look at what steps you can take to deal with this. If you think you have a case of IMS induced irritability, you might want to ensure that your testosterone levels are normal. This can be done easily by asking your doctor to prescribe a test. Second, communicate with your partner. Speak to them honestly and openly about how you are feeling.
IMS is more common than you think, but there is little to no awareness or discourse around it. In the long run, it has the potential to damage or hurt your relationship. However, with timely action, you can manage it.
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