You Deserve Your Hair, and Your Hair Deserves the Best!
Baldness from hair loss (alopecia) is the most common complaint reported to dermatologists, as approximately half the population experience hair loss by the age of 50.
Hair loss is normal up to 50 to 100 strands per day. If you lose more hair, you can slowly go bald. Though the condition is physically non-scarring, it has a considerable impact on your quality of life because it is chronic, relapsing, and easily visible to others. Most times, you may not be able to regrow your after balding.
Hair loss not only affects your physical appearance but can also affect your psychological well-being.
Men generally feel low self-esteem, social anxiety, and can even suffer from depression due to hair loss.
Also read: The Psychological Impact of Hair Loss

Why do men go bald?

Although hair loss and male pattern baldness are genetic, the male hormone of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is mainly responsible for hair loss at a young age. DHT is an androgen, a sex hormone, responsible for ‘male sex characteristics’, like change in voice at puberty and growth of muscles.
DHT causes shrinkage of hair follicles and also shortens the hair-growth cycle. This causes thinning of hair and makes hair brittle, causing it to fall out faster and leading to baldness.
DHT causes hair loss in a pattern called ‘androgenic alopecia’, with the hair loss beginning at the temples and then extending to the entire crown.
Pollution, smoke, exposure to UV light, and a non-nutritive diet are also responsible for oxidative stress and inflammation, which lead to hair loss.
Read More: Male Pattern Baldness | Natural Treatment
Ayurvedic treatment for combating DHT naturally
DHT blocking foods and DHT blocking exercises are not the only way out.
You can try out natural ayurvedic remedies to block DHT as well.
You may ask — Do ayurvedic herbal products reduce DHT levels on the scalp?
Yes, Ayurveda is an Indian traditional system of medicine and is also called the ‘Science of Life’. Ayurveda has solutions for all chronic diseases and disorders. Ayurvedic medicines, derived from nature (herbal), are safe, effective, and free from side-effects.
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Ayurvedic medicines detoxify and rejuvenate your body, thus improving longevity. These effects are observed with natural DHT blockers of Ayurvedic origin, used to prevent hair loss, too.
Ayurvedic herb treatment is evidence-based, and hence effective and safe for long-term use. Let us see a few commonly available, easy ayurvedic treatments for hair like Nasya and herbs to combat hair loss.

What is Nasya? How Can Nasya Prevent Hair Hoss?

Apart from massaging ayurvedic herbal oils on the scalp for hair growth, you can also take Nasya. Nasya is an ayurvedic methodology in which medicated herbal oil is applied to the nostrils in extremely small quantities, just to lubricate the nasal passage.
It is a way to eliminate the toxins causing your hair loss. The medicinal substances in Nasya oil get absorbed through the olfactory canal and block the DHT receptors to prevent hair loss. Nasya also helps to achieve a balance between the ‘tridosha’. Nasya essentially ensures a healthier life in all aspects.
Here are a few key examples of Ayurvedic herbs that act as DHT blockers:
Grape Seed Oil for Hair

Grapeseed oil is rich in phenolic constituents like resveratrol and quercetin that act as antioxidants. It also contains tocopherols, carotenoids, linoleic acid, and phytosterols that are antimicrobial and provide nutrition.
The linoleic acid and other α-hydroxy acids of the grape seed oil are potential DHT blockers.
You can add grapeseed oil to your normal hair oil and massage it on the scalp to get the best of grape seed extract. You should know how to make grape seed extract at home.
How to make grapeseed oil? Simply grind the grape seeds to a fine powder, add water and apply the paste on the scalp as a mask. You can also filter the grape seed extract and use it as a rinse after hair wash.
Also read: Camphor And Coconut Oil For Hair And Dandruff
Poppy Seed as a Natural DHT Blocker

Poppy seeds are highly nutritious as they contain approximately 44% protein and have beneficial components for hair health. The linoleic acid, palmitic acid, and α‐, β‐ and δ‐tocopherols in poppy seeds exhibit strong DHT-blocker activity.
Also, poppy seeds contain micronutrients such as niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid that are strong antioxidants and good for the scalp’s skin. Poppy seed benefits are best achieved by adding poppy seeds to hair oil and gently massaging them on the scalp.

Benefits of Kalonji Seed as a Natural DHT Blocker

You must be wondering, what is kalonji seeds? Kalonji seeds are black cumin seeds that are very effective for treating hair loss as they contain linoleic acid, a DHT blocker.
Kalonji benefits are also achieved from thymoquinone, a hair growth promoter. Simply add kalonji powder to any of your standard hair oils, like coconut oil or olive oil, and use it regularly for hair loss treatment. Remember that there is an onion seed and kalonji difference while buying from the market.
They look similar, but kalonji seeds taste like cumin, while onion seeds have an odor and taste just like an onion. Kalonji oil benefits for hair include an increase in density, thickness, and shine.
Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) as a Natural DHT Blocker
Brahmi is considered a wonder herb for hair growth and has been in use for ages. Bramhi contains many important constituents like betulinic acid, wogonin, stigmasterol, and β-sitosterol that block DHT. It also contains flavonoids like luteolin and apigenin that promote hair growth.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) for Hair Growth
Benefits of Amla powder for hair include strengthening. Amla contains tannins like ellagic acid, chebulagic acid, and pyrogallol, and flavonoids like quercetin. All these ingredients are potent DHT blockers.
The use of amla for hair is essentially attributed to the large amount of vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and reduces scalp skin damage.
Amla, for hair growth promotion, needs to be applied to the scalp as a fresh juice or added to any base oil to make amla oil.
Best, amla powder for hair can be mixed with water and applied as a paste and rinsed out with water after 15-20 minutes.
Also read: 5 Hair Care Tips For Men

Licorice (Yashtimadhu) for Hair
Licorice is rich in flavonoids such as liquiritin, glabrine, and glabranine. The flavonoids block the action of testosterone, and the phytosterols directly block DHT, thus promoting hair growth. It is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and protects skin and hair from UV radiation-induced damage. Use a licorice paste as a mask for hair or add licorice powder to your regular hair oil.
Uses of Shankhpushpi
Shankhpushpi (convolvulus pluricaulis) contains aromatic essential oils and fatty acids, like myristic, palmitic, and linoleic acid that block DHT. The benefits of shankhpushpi are mainly because of β-sitosterol and flavonoid-kaempferol, which stimulate the hair follicles and block DHT. It is a rejuvenating herb that supports hair growth and prevents hair fall.
Jatamansi for Hair
Jatamansi (spikenard, commonly referred to as muskroot) contains aromatic oils that are anti-inflammatory for the skin. The benefits of jatamansi for hair arise from its components like nardal, jatamansic acid, and nardin that promote hair growth. Pure essential oil of jatamansi is available. You can add a few drops of jatamansi oil to any base hair oil and massage it on the scalp to enhance hair growth.
Flax seeds
Flax seeds are rich in the omega-3-fatty acid α-linolenic acid and the antioxidant lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside that block DHT and also act on skin and hair conditions. You can eat flax seeds daily or add a few drops of flaxseed oil to your hair oil and massage the mixture gently on the scalp.

DHT Blocking to Prevent Hair Loss
With the increase in DHT blocking medication, shampoo, and supplements, it is obvious that DHT blocking is crucial to prevent male pattern baldness. Depending on the stage of male pattern balding you are on, you can use those options. Ayurvedic ways to block DHT can be used as preventive and sometimes reversible methods to reduce DHT. Unfortunately, there isn’t an all-encompassing, conclusive method to tackle DHT. It varies from person to person, depending on their product compatibility and hormonal structure of an individual. More often than not, most pharmaceutical products have varying degrees of effectiveness as well as a fixed set of side effects.
To escape the clutches of harmful side effects while revitalising the hair, many men turn to natural ways of DHT blocking, and Ayurveda has a whole treasury of effective treatment that will redefine your hairline as well as your confidence.
Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a herb derived from a plant called Serenoa repens, typically found in North America. The berries from Saw Palmetto help in blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzymes and thus reduce the production of DHT. Saw Palmetto is one such natural remedy that will not only effectively abate alopecia but also spare you from any unwanted side effects. What is even better is that Saw Palmetto is rather malleable and is increasingly available in various usable forms. Saw Palmetto is available in multiple forms. Be it the dried berries or liquid extracts from the plants to tablets and powdered capsules, Saw Palmetto is increasingly being integrated as a chief component of hair care products. Recently, several shampoos and serums are using Saw Palmetto extracts as well. Saw Palmetto tea made from the berries might also be found in the markets.
Ayurvedic Oils
Ayurvedic oils are rich sources of nourishment as they act as natural conditioners. Applying ayurvedic hair oils has multiple benefits. They contain essential nutrients and unprocessed natural herbs. This improves the health of our hair and strengthens the roots. Ayurvedic oils are full of vitamins and micronutrients, which revitalise the hair tissue.

Some of the most effective ayurvedic oils for DHT blocking are:
Bhringraj Oil
Bhringraj oil is extracted from the herb Bhringaraj, a relative of the sunflower family. It is clinically proven that Bhringaraj is rich in vitamin E and other vital nutrients, such as iron, magnesium and calcium. The constituents help in rapid hair, and the antifungal and antimicrobial properties of the Bhringaraj oil prevents greying. It is readily available in the market, and regular use is sure to yield the desired results.
Also read: Does Biotin Work For Hair Growth?
- Donna Jean; Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Loss – Part 1: Western Ayurveda 101-
- Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan, May 2019; Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Loss-
- T. V. Padma, July 2005; Ayurveda-
- Wikipedia; Dihydrotestosterone-