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List of Veg and Non-Veg Protein Rich Indian Food

Proteins are considered bodybuilding foods because they can help bulk up in the way one prefers. There are a lot more benefits to these diet essentials than just gaining muscle. Fueling our bodies with energy, enabling them to shed fat and promote a fit lifestyle holistically.

Having learned the importance of protein and the quantity that needs to be consumed in a daily diet, let's explore foods that contain protein.

People often confuse fats and proteins when planning diets, leading to miscalculations in diet plans and an overall negative impact on health micromanagement. We have compiled a list of 12 protein-rich foods that you should consume to provide you with enough protein.

Why Do We Need Protein-Rich Foods

Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of a protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women. There are five reasons why you need protein-rich foods in your diet -

1. Build - Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage and skin. In fact, your hair and nails are mostly protein.

2. Repair - Your body uses it to build and repair tissue.

3. Oxygenate - Red blood cells contain a protein compound that carries oxygen throughout the body. This helps supply your entire body with the nutrients it needs.

4. Digest -  About half the dietary protein that you consume each day goes into making enzymes, which aids in digesting food, and making new cells and body chemicals.

5. Regulate - Protein plays an important role in hormone regulation, especially during the transformation and development of cells during puberty.

Protein Rich Indian Food

It isn’t a difficult task to maintain a diet of protein rich Indian food. Whether you are a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, you can find great protein rich Indian foods. With some research and experimentation in the kitchen, you can easily make delicious dishes rich in protein. If you wish for better health and fitness, simple high protein Indian food can be your saviour.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises that you consume a maximum of 0.8 grams of protein per kg of your body weight in a day so that you can maintain your body composition.

You may not have realised you don't need as much protein as you thought was required to build muscle. We get more than enough protein in the food we eat every day. This study discovered that eating excess protein results in adverse effects on the body, such as promoting weight gain. In fact, we probably consume the right amount of protein rich Indian food for weight loss in general.

High Protein Indian Veg Food

Plant-based protein works well for building muscle, provided you have the right intake. Many people believe that plant-based proteins are not 'complete proteins' or as good as animal proteins because they lack one or more amino acid building blocks.

But, that is inaccurate, as our bodies are capable of combining two incomplete proteins into a complete protein. What matters is that we eat both proteins within a 24-hour window and eat enough protein rich Indian food.

So, you no longer have to think it is not possible to have a protein-rich vegetarian diet. It can be easy. We have outlined the best high protein Indian veg food you can implement in your diet to increase your daily intake of protein:

1. Soybeans

Soybeans are rich in all kinds of nutrients. 100 g of soybeans contains 12.3 g of protein. It is also great for you as it is low in saturated fat and high in vitamin C, protein and folate. Soybeans also offer calcium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron, and potassium.

Consider adding soybeans and soyfoods to your diet for many reasons. They help reduce health issues such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, coronary heart disease, and some types of cancer. As a high-quality protein, it improves your bone health and is beneficial to your overall health.

2. Almonds or Badam

Almonds, being high-protein nuts, are great for your heart health. 100 g of almonds contains 21.15 g of protein, making it a great snack. Almonds can also reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. They contain vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, which help oxygen and nutrients flow better through the blood. Keep your heart and bones strong with almonds.

3. Greek Yogurt

Plain Greek yogurt has several excellent benefits as it is rich in nutrients. 100 g of Greek yogurt contains 10 g of protein, making it a great snack. You will experience a feeling of fullness for a long time.

It also happens to be a great source of calcium, which is good for bone health. Moreover, it contains probiotics, which encourage a healthy bacterial balance in the gut. It can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Chickpeas

There is so much you can do with chickpeas in Indian cuisine. 100 g of chickpeas contains 19 g of protein. They are rich in iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K. You can cook them in a curry or even sprout them. There are multiple ways in which you can enjoy eating chickpeas.

As a nutrient-rich food, chickpeas offer a variety of health benefits, such as improving digestion, weight management, and reducing your risk of disease. Since it is high in protein, you can easily use chickpeas to replace meat in many vegetarian and vegan dishes.

5. Cottage Cheese or Paneer

Paneer is an ideal option as it has high protein content but low calories. It contains all the essential nutrients, with 100 g of paneer containing 14 g of protein. You can make tons of Indian dishes with paneer.

It also contains B Vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium. Paneer is a great ingredient to include in your diet if you want to lose weight or build muscle.

6. Sprouted Moong Dal

Sprouted green gram, mung beans, or moong dal is fat-free and a rich source of fiber and protein. 100 g of un-sprouted moong dal has 24.9 g of protein. 100 g of sprouted moong dal, on the other hand, has 32 g of protein.

Its high fiber and protein content make it an incredibly healthy and filling food. Some of the benefits of adding sprouted green grams to your diet include better eyesight, enhanced bone and heart health, and an improved immune system.

7. Green Peas

Green peas are one of the best sources of protein and vitamins. 100 g of green peas offers 5 grams of protein. They also happen to be rich in Vitamins C and E, zinc, and other antioxidants that improve your immune system.

They also offer vitamins A and B. They contain coumestrol, which helps in reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.

Protein Rich Non Veg Food

As per the findings of researchers at Waseda University, a private research university outside of Tokyo, "Protein metabolism varies depending on the body's internal biological clock".

They emphasized that the best time to eat protein was at breakfast. According to their research, breakfast was the best time to "increase muscle size and function in both mice and humans".

When it comes to your meal plan, it would be best to eat high protein Indian food early in the day. Hence, add some protein to your breakfast, early snacks, or even an early lunch. By dinner time, your muscles would have gotten their fill of energy to repair and rebuild. At dinner, you can just top off your body's energy supplies before heading to sleep.

As working out entails heavy use of your muscles, you should ideally eat high protein Indian food for your pre and post-workout meals. This will enable quick recovery of the body.

The timing to eat protein matters a lot, especially if you want to build lean muscle tone from all the workouts you do at the gym. The timing matters since our bodies metabolize different macronutrients at different points of time in the day. Any nutritionist will tell you that the timing of food is important, especially in terms of building lean muscle mass.

Meat-lovers will be happy to know that meat is a great way by which protein can be included in your diet. However, you must bear in mind that you require lean meat. Here are some of the best protein rich non veg food:

8. Eggs

It is so easy to add eggs to your diet as there are so many ways to cook them. They are rich in nutrients and easy to cook. Moreover, they are cheap and yummy. They taste amazing whether you have them poached, scrambled, or fried.

They are low in calories and rich in protein. One large egg holds 6.28

g of protein, and about 3.6 g is present in the egg white itself. It will help keep you feeling full for a while. Bear in mind that the yolk holds more fat than protein, so if you plan to eat more than one egg, you can reduce the number of yolks you eat.

9. Chicken Breast

Chicken breasts are probably the most healthy protein you can add to your diet. Moreover, they are delicious. You can mix it into a salad or add it to pasta or a sandwich.

There is 31 g of protein in 100 g of chicken breasts. Most fitness enthusiasts eat chicken breasts as it is a very healthy meat.

10. Shrimp

Shrimp is a source of pure protein. It happens to be low in calories, carbs, and fat. 100 g of shrimp contains 24 g of protein. For those who enjoy eating non veg food but want to remain on the healthier side, shrimp is one of the best food options.

Shrimp is tasty and easy to cook. It also contains astaxanthin, which reduces inflammation and oxidative damage. The plus point is that they barely contain fats or carbohydrates.

11. Fish

Fish is one of the healthiest ways of adding protein to your diet. Of course, it depends on the type of fish you are eating. Generally, you will get around 20-30 grams of protein in 100 grams of fish.

Salmon happens to have one of the highest protein content. Eating fish

helps to improve brain function and vision and aids nerves during pregnancy.

12. Anchovies

Anchovies, or Kati, contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. 100 g of anchovies comprises 29 g of protein. It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Anchovies can also lower blood pressure and ease menstrual pain. You can add it to salads or other sabzis.

Benefits of Eating Protein Rich Indian Food

Our body requires different nutrients to function, such as proteins. Proteins are one of the macronutrients and are the building blocks of the human body. Protein rich Indian food can aid in repairing muscles, speeding up recovery and building strength in your body.

The chemical building blocks called amino acids are present in proteins. They help to build and repair muscles and bones. Proteins also help to make hormones and enzymes in your body. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body, but proteins can also serve as an energy source.

It is important to meet your protein needs by eating different types of foods such as protein rich south Indian food. You can diversify and meet your protein needs from both plant and animal sources. Plant sources include dals, beans, seeds, and nuts. Animal sources include fish, eggs, dairy products, and meat.

As protein serves to aid the body with quicker recovery, it is considered an extremely important nutrient. Read on to better understand the benefits of including protein in your diet.

1. Protein Reduces Hunger Pangs and Appetite

Protein happens to be the most filling amongst all the macronutrients. You do not have to consume much to feel full. This particular macronutrient works by reducing ghrelin or the hunger hormone in the body. It also increases peptide YY levels, which will help keep you feeling full. You can reduce your carbs and fats intake and increase protein rich Indian food for weight loss. You can do this by taking a little less rice and some more protein-rich food like legumes or meat.

2. Protein Promotes Better Heart Health

Higher protein works by lowering your blood pressure levels. When that happens, you have a lower chance of heart attacks and strokes. Apart from lowering your blood pressure, protein also has the power to lower LDL or bad cholesterol levels in your body.

3. Protein Makes For a Strong Immune System

The reason we can recover from disease is because of the antibodies produced by our bodies. These antibodies are composed of specific protein types capable of detecting foreign elements or antigens in the body. Eating protein rich Indian food helps the body to produce antibodies that deactivate antigens.

4. Protein Helps Improve Metabolism

Eating food is one element of temporarily boosting the body’s metabolism. The reason for this is that the body needs calories to digest and utilize the nutrients in the food. This entire process is referred to as the thermic effect of food. Protein has a much higher thermic effect than fats or carbs, which is why protein intake can significantly boost your body’s metabolism.

5. Protein Gives You Better Bone Strength

Protein is a great source for improving your bone health. Consuming a higher amount of protein can help you maintain bone mass better. This will ensure that you have a lower risk of osteoporosis and fractures. This is especially valid for women after menopause as they are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. The best way to prevent this is by staying active and eating plenty of protein-rich foods.

6. Protein Works Best for Developing Muscle Mass and Strength

If you like to work out or are attempting to gain muscle, you must ensure you eat adequate proteins as part of your diet. By now, we are well aware that protein serves as the building block of muscles. Eating the correct amount of protein will help you maintain muscle mass and also promote its growth during strength training. A proper protein-rich diet also helps to prevent muscle loss while working out.

7. Maintaining Your Weight

Protein can help you lose weight, but how do you maintain your weight? If you regularly work out, not only do you need to follow a calorie deficit, but a modest increase in your protein intake to help with weight maintenance. Finding a balance and implementing a permanent increase in your protein intake can help keep you from gaining any excess weight in the long run.

8. Protein Makes You More Energetic

While carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy, protein also plays a vital role as a natural source of energy. It is important to have the right balance of macronutrients in your diet so that your body can properly function.

However, when you fail to eat enough macronutrients to run your body, such as fasting or weight loss programs, the body begins to rely on its functional protein to compensate for the loss of other nutrients. It is important to understand that since our body holds no extra protein, the enzymes and muscles break down protein to access amino acids.

Hence, an improper diet results in your body breaking down your muscles to access protein to provide energy to your body or synthesise glucose. To function, your body calls for an ongoing supply of glucose to the cells.

9. Protein Promotes Healthy Skin

The tissues in our body, including the skin, experience regular wear and tear. Protein provides strength to such tissues. The fibrous protein collagen provides the required strength to these skin cells. Collagen can heavily influence how healthy and youthful your skin looks. The lack of wrinkles largely depends on the collagen levels present in the body.

10. Cell and Tissue Recovery

Our bodies function because our cells and tissues go through a continuous process of renewal and recovery to maintain a perfectly healthy and functioning body. For this to happen, our bodies require a constant supply of amino acids in the form of protein. This specific protein works to manufacture new cells and tissues, like skin and hair.

Since the cells in the skin, blood, and digestive system begin to deteriorate after a few weeks, protein is responsible for replenishing new and healthy cells.

Summing Up on Protein Rich Indian Food

Adding these protein-rich foods to your diet is a great way to boost its protein and nutrient content without having to add many calories. It is also essential to speak with a doctor or nutritionist about dietary portions, since vegan or vegetarian diets may lack some essential nutrients, necessitating the use of nutritional supplements or learning how to incorporate certain foods that are high in these nutrients.


How Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein?

Vegetarians can get enough protein from a variety of plant sources, including legumes, soy products, grains, nuts and seeds. Eggs and dairy products also provide protein for those following a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet.

Can Chapati Make You Fat?

It is true that Chapatis are a source of carbs. However, rotis are not the only carbohydrates we consume in our diet. The amount of wheat Rotis it is alright to consume is dependent upon one’s daily calorie intake. For example, a thin, 6 inch Roti comprises about 71 calories. Hence, if you can eat about 300 calories for lunch, you can continue to consume 2 Rotis along with salad and vegetables. If consumed in the optimal amount, chapatis can aid weight loss.
