11 Amazing Health Benefits of Ragi That You Should Know!

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Ragi That You Should Know!

What is Ragi?

Ragi is an exceedingly nutritious millet. It appears like mustard seeds and is rich in protein, iron, fibre, and calcium. Ragi contains amino acid methionine, which is lacking in the diets of the underprivileged who live on starchy staples like polished rice or plantain.

That is why it’s an extremely valuable millet. Individuals mix ragi with other grains like rice and wheat for preparing traditional dishes like Upma and Idlis.

Ragi Benefits

1) Holistic Breakfast Food

Ragi is loaded with vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, antioxidants, and calcium. Additionally, it also contains fibres, proteins, unsaturated fats, and sufficient calories. The stomach and intestines display peak levels of metabolism early in the morning.

Consuming ragi-based breakfast activates the digestive juices. Ragi Upma and Ragi Paranthas are wholesome breakfast options to start your day with.

2) Natural Sleep Inducer

Ragi helps in relaxing the nerves and reducing stress. That is why many individuals use it to treat headaches and insomnia. It happens due to the presence of an amino acid called tryptophan that facilitates nerve relaxation.

3) Battles Anemia

Ragi is a potent source of natural iron. That is why it’s exceedingly beneficial for individuals with low cholesterol levels and anaemia. Once this millet is allowed to sprout, vitamin C levels tend to increase. The result is easy absorption of iron into the bloodstream.

4) Enhances Bone Strength

Apart from dairy products, ragi is another calcium-rich item that helps strengthen your bones and teeth.

5) Augments Heart Health

Ragi is devoid of sodium and cholesterol. That is why it can be consumed safely by individuals with heart ailments. The abundance of vitamins and dietary fibre helps increase good HDL (good cholesterol) levels. So, it averts fatty deposits in heart vessels and enhances heart health.

6) Ragi for Breastfeeding and Lactation

Ragi can be exceedingly beneficial for lactating or pregnant women. It manages hormonal activities and stimulates milk production due to its abundant iron and calcium content.

7) Ragi Java Benefits

Ragi java is blessed with the goodness of dietary fibres. So, it can be exceedingly helpful in handling irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

Ragi Malt Benefits

Ragi atta can be used to make ragi malt. Also known as ragi porridge, ragi malt is a nutritious and healthy dish made using ragi flour, jaggery, and water. A healthy breakfast drink, ragi malt, is easy to make and can be enjoyed by both children and adults.

Ragi for Weight Loss

In addition to enhancing your digestive system, ragi also helps you with weight loss. That is because it is low on calories and keeps you full for longer. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, make sure to make ragi a part of your diet. It also helps in controlling diabetes. Additionally, it is rich in fibre and gluten-free.

Ragi Benefits for Skin

The vitamin E and calcium present in Ragi helps to form new and healthy skin and prevent skin damage. A natural moisturiser, vitamin E creates a layer that allows your skin to grow. Moreover, ragi helps heal the scars on your skin. One of the common ragi flour benefits is skin revitalisation.

Ragi Benefits for Hair

Adding ragi to your diet or applying a ragi hair mask enriches hair growth and renews the tresses’ texture. By regulating the fall of hair, ragi avoids premature greying and balding. One of the main ragi atta benefits is that it soothes follicles or hair roots.

If you’re an individual with dandruff trouble, try applying ragi as a herbal paste. Since ragi is a natural relaxant, it also prevents hair loss from occurring due to stress.

Ragi For Babies

The key to a baby’s healthy growth and development is a wholesome diet. By inducing healthy meals in your young one’s diet early, you’re laying the foundation for a fit lifestyle. A super-food that you must include in your baby’s diet is ragi.

Apart from being a rich source of calcium and iron, it is also loaded with dietary fibre. It allows the young one to stay full for longer and aids digestion. The methionine present in ragi helps in the development of healthy hair and skin in babies.

Disadvantages of Ragi

Wondering if there are any disadvantages of eating ragi? Read on to know.

1. Not Recommended For individuals with Constipation

If you’re someone with a constipation issue, then you must avoid eating ragi regularly. That is because ragi takes more time to get digested.

2. Ragi Can Cause Diarrhoea

Ragi can cause diarrhoea and stomach gas in individuals who have sensitive reactions to foods.

3. Not Good in Cold Weather

Ragi provides a cooling effect in your body. So it can be disadvantageous to consume it in the colder months of the year.