6 Benefits of Sabja Seeds | Basil (Tukmaria) Seed Benefits
Sabja seeds uses are numerous - from sabja seeds for weight loss to acidity. Owing to its nutritional content, Sabja seeds benefit users.

You might have heard a lot about the Sabja seeds if you are extra conscious about your skin health. Sabja seeds for weight loss are also trendy.
If you haven't, worry not. We have got you covered with the Sabja seeds' benefits or what is commonly called the Kamakasturi seeds.
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Sabja seeds are one of the most beneficial herbs in native India. In English, sabja seeds are called sweet basil seeds, Tukmaria seeds, or falooda seeds.
P.S.: Don't confuse the sweet basil with the holy basil plant, common in most households and a primary immunity-boosting herb.
It is mostly confused as the chia seeds because of their resemblance in appearance with the chia seeds. However, there is a difference in benefits between the chia seeds and the sabja seeds.
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Let's read further to find everything about the Sabja seeds (kamakasturi seeds) benefits along with the side effects.
Benefits of Sabja Seeds:
Some men want to go the extra mile to get clear skin using home remedies. Well, Sabja plays a crucial role in keeping your skin healthy, along with other benefits.
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In a nutshell, Kamakasturi seeds contain no calories enriched with antioxidants and play a significant role in controlling diabetes.
Sabja seeds for Weight Loss
Wondering how Sabja seeds for weight loss works? Here is how.
Sabja seeds (tukmaria) are useful in weight loss as it contains healthy fats- Omega 3. Sabja seeds essentially contain fat-burning acids called Alpha-Linolenic Acid, and that is how it facilitates weight loss.
Sabja seeds for weight loss are crucial as it contains soluble dietary fibers that keep an individual full for a longer time. In doing so, Sabja seeds support weight loss by ensuring that hunger pangs do not frequent you and that is how it facilitates weight loss.
Basil seeds contribute to weight loss as it is also rich in pectin fiber that fulfills the calorie intake requirements and reduces the adiposity in the tissue aiding in weight loss.
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How to have Sabja seeds for weight loss
Soak 2 teaspoons of Sabja seeds in water and drink this before meals. Sabja seeds assist with weight loss by ensuring that you are not extremely hungry. It reduces your appetite and controls calorie intake.
Sabja seed benefits to reduce Body Heat
Basil seeds, also known as Kamakasturi, benefits in reducing body heat and is widely available in Asian countries like Thailand during summer. Sabja seeds should not be had directly in its raw form, as it is hard to swallow.
You can mix Sabja seeds with water, sugar, honey, and coconut milk to create a refreshing drink for beating scorching heat. It works as a natural coolant and keeps our stomach clean and free of heat.
Sabja seeds (Tukmaria) help Control Blood Sugar Levels
Basil seeds serve as one of the best remedies for treating type 2 diabetes in most men. According to the NHS, Men suffer more from diabetes than women.
Sabja seeds slow down the body's metabolism and reduce carbohydrates' rate into glucose. This makes it a great source of treatment for diabetic people.
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Sabja seeds for Constipation and Bloating
Sabja seeds act as a great natural cleanser for your stomach and treat bowel movements.
It detoxes your body when mixed with water and keeps your gut healthy.
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Sabja seeds contain an oil that also provides relief against gas from the gastrointestinal tract.
Sabja seeds for Acidity and Heartburn
Sabja seeds (tukmaria) work best when soaked in water and help treat conditions like Acidity and Heartburn.
In Ayurveda, Sabja seeds are known to balance vatta and pitta- primary causes for acidity and acid reflux.
It relieves the burning sensation in the stomach by smoothening the stomach lining. Kamakasturi works in neutralizing acidity by flushing out the toxins from the body and neutralizing HCl's acidic effect.
Sabja seeds for Healthy Skin and Hair
Most widely, Sabja seeds benefit skin and hair. It works by mixing the crushed Sabja seeds in coconut oil. It treats skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and acne when applied to the affected areas.
Consuming the raw Sabja seeds soaked in water can help secret the collagen, creating new cells in our body.
Basil benefits for skin and treating hair. Basil oil is rich in Vitamin K and protein, making it a more viable choice for treating dandruff and hair loss problems.
The best way to get healthy hair is by applying the seeds mixed with your hair oil.
Overall, Sabja seeds have various nutrients that keep you fit and fulfill your calorie intake need. Besides this, Basil oil health benefits also include improved mood and alertness, skin condition, and digestion.
Sabja Seeds Price
Based on the type of Sabja seeds you choose to buy, 1kg of Sabja seeds is priced as low as Rs. 100 per kilogram online. Sabja Seed prices are higher depending on the quality, method of sourcing, and brand you are purchasing.
Sabja seeds are also known as kamakasturi seeds, tukmaria, or falooda seeds. They are easily found in local markets by any of these names.
Irrespective of sabja seeds prices, be sure to pick the best quality of sabja seeds within the budget in your mind. This way, you will get the best benefits of kamakasturi seeds (sabja seeds).
Pro tip to get the most reasonable Sabja Seeds Price: Check out your local market's prices of Sabja seeds. Avoid mentioning sabja seeds in English - as Basil seeds. Ensure to use the right local name for sabja seeds. For instance,
Sabja seeds in Hindi - Sabja seeds (सब्जा सीड्स)
Sabja Seeds in kannada - Sabjā bījagaḷu (ಸಬ್ಜಾ ಬೀಜಗಳು)
Sabja seeds in tamil - Sapja Vitaikal (சப்ஜா விதைகள்)
What is the difference between Chia and Sabja seeds?
Sabja seeds and Chia seeds look somewhat similar, but there is a difference in their taste and nutrients.
Sabja seeds are elliptical, whereas Chia seeds are oval in shape. Sabja seeds are jet black in appearance, whereas chia seeds have a mix of white, black, and grey.
One of the significant differences is that Chia seeds can be consumed without soaking contradictory to Sabja seeds.
All you need to know about Sabja Seeds
Sabja seeds can be vital for your healthy growth. You are already familiar with the benefits of basil leaves for skin and hair. Besides this, it is remarkable in weight loss.
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Now, you have read the Basil seeds benefits, and we would still recommend you to consult a dietician before including this in your diet.
Sabja seeds uses are numerous - from sabja seeds for weight loss to acidity. Owing to its nutritional content, Sabja seeds benefits users.
- NDTV Food, August 2018; Basil Seeds: 7 Surprising benefits of sabja seeds- Basil Seeds: 7 Surprising Benefits Of Sabja Seeds - NDTV Food
- Ishi Khosla & Ishi Khosla, March 2013; Sweet basil seeds are nutritious, have medicinal value- http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/sweet-basil-seeds-are-nutritious-have-medicinal-value/1085275/
- Times of India, January 2019; What are sabja (basil) seeds? Their health benefits and tips to eat- https://recipes.timesofindia.com/us/articles/food-news/what-are-sabja-seeds-basil-seeds-their-health-benefits-how-to-eat-and-interesting-recipes/articleshow/65054694.cms
- Jayanthi Abraham, Thangaraman V, Thangamani S & Ravi D, december 2016; Antimicrobial, antioxidant & anticancer screening of ocimum basilicum seeds- (PDF) ANTIMICROBIAL, ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTICANCER SCREENING OF OCIMUM BASILICUM SEEDS (researchgate.net)