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Scrotal Dermatitis: How to relieve an itchy scrotum?

What is Scrotal Dermatitis?

Research has found that Scrotal Dermatitis is a non-contagious skin infection that affects men's genitalia, specifically the scrotal skin, which contains the testicles. A man may experience severe itching, swelling, redness, dryness, and a rash on the scrotum and testicles with a scrotum skin infection. In addition, intense itching sometimes causes wounds on the testicle skin.

Scrotal dermatitis Symptoms

One can classify Scrotal Dermatitis into four types depending upon the severity of symptoms:

Mild, Dry, and Acute Scrotal Dermatitis

You will see irritation and redness around the scrotum skin in patches. An itchy scrotum and a rash on testicles are typical in this type. Usually, it only lasts for a few days, and you will recover without any medical treatment.

Severe, Dry, and Chronic Scrotal Dermatitis

The scrotum looks pale or bright red with scaly skin. You might experience itchy testicles and scrotum like the first type of Scrotal Dermatitis but with higher intensity. It may also impact the thighs and the skin below the penis, as well as the scrotum.

Wet and Chronic Scrotal Dermatitis

In this type of Scrotal Dermatitis, fluid oozes from the scrotum and inner area of the thighs. Infected areas appear moist and soft. Your scrotum will have a foul smell and painful sores. It might look like blood vessels are sticking out in a spider web pattern.

Ulcers and Swollen Scrotal Dermatitis

This type of Scrotal Dermatitis is most severe and painful. The skin of the scrotum gets wounded, and fluid or pus oozes oWhat ut of the infected areas. If not treated in time, the legs and lower abdomen skin may not get enough oxygenated blood, and tissue will start dying.

People often mistake Scrotal Dermatitis with a fungal infection on the scrotum or inner thigh fungal infection because they have similar symptoms. However, their causes and treatment procedures are entirely different. Keep in mind that saggy testicles are normal and aren't a symptom of Scrotal Dermatitis.

Also read: Cyst on Scrotum- causes and treatment

Scrotal dermatitis Causes

The causes of Scrotal Dermatitis may include the following:


Psychological or mental stress can damage your skin. It all starts with an itchy sensation, and gradually you enter an endless loop of itching, which may lead to a scrotal infection.

Allergy to condoms

Some men are allergic to condoms due to the rubber used to make them. It can cause irritation and itching.

Harsh soaps and shampoos

Chemicals in soaps and shampoos can cause irritation and allergic reactions on the scrotal skin. Hence, it is wise to switch to SLS free shampoos and natural soaps.

Heat and Humidity

Continuous exposure to heat and humidity is the leading cause of Scrotal Dermatitis. Moisture gets trapped in the skin, which leads to a scrotum rash and irritation.


Scrotal Dermatitis is hereditary; you can get it through your genes. You must consult a doctor and take preventive measures to reduce the risk if your family has a history of Scrotal Dermatitis.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

A deficiency of zinc and other vitamins can also cause Scrotal Dermatitis.

Other medical conditions

Men who have a medical history of asthma or hay fever have a higher risk of contracting Scrotal Dermatitis.

Scrotal dermatitis Diagnosis

There isn't any specific lab test to diagnose Scrotal Dermatitis. However, your dermatologist can analyse your skin rash and take a sample of infected skin to scrutinise it.

Scrotal dermatitis Treatment

Scrotal eczema treatment primarily aims at killing the source of the infection. Continuous itching speeds up the scrotal dermatitis infection. One uses the below-mentioned treatments widely for preventing this infection:

  • Corticosteroid creams, moisturisers or ointments that you can apply to the infected area.
  • In severe cases, one can prescribe corticosteroid injections where creams seem ineffective.
  • Anti-stress or anti-anxiety medicines in cases where psychological stress is the cause of Scrotal Dermatitis.
  • Pramoxine topical/menthol topical/dimethicone topical absorbent powders and lotions for itch relief.
  • Steroid-free anti-inflammatory medications in the form of a cream or ointment for repressing your immune system response.
  • Ultraviolet B (UVB) Radiation Therapy in chronic conditions of Scrotal Dermatitis.

Scrotal dermatitis Prevention

The following are preventive measures that you can take to reduce the risk of Scrotal Dermatitis:

  • Wear loose and clean clothing which allows air to circulate your scrotum area.
  • Avoid using scented chemical-based soaps and shampoos. Switch to herbal soaps and shampoos.
  • Don't use a condom that causes an allergic reaction to your skin. Look out for brands that might suit your skin.
  • Refrain from continuously scratching the infected area and aggravating your skin.
  • Take a bath with cool water, dry yourself with a soft cotton towel and apply the lotion or cream recommended by your dermatologist.
  • Maintain hygiene and cut your nails short.
  • Avoid exposure to high temperatures, which leads to sweating and a burning sensation around your scrotum.
  • Learn stress management techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Ensure you have a proper diet that consists of zinc, other vitamins and minerals required for a healthy body.

Also read: What is Asteatotic Eczema?


Ajay Krishnan, Sumit Kar (2013) Scrotal Dermatitis - Can we Consider it as a Separate Entity? (Oman Medical Journal) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3769120/