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Self Care Matters

Self Care Matters

Men, multitasking – it is no coincidence that both words start with the letter M. As you juggle multiple responsibilities at work and at home, taking care of your own self may seem more like a luxury rather than a necessity. Just a generation ago, the ‘man’ would have placed his so-called duties above his own self. Today, men are saying that we matter too: our mental health matters, our physical health matters, and our pleasures matter too. 

Self Care Matters

If we were to tell you that you can have good health, greater productivity, better relationships, along with reduced stress and anxiety, you may wonder whether Christmas has come early. Think of Self Care as your very own Santa Claus. What matters is that adopting a few simple techniques and sticking to them will not only enable you to ace all your responsibilities – remembering your wife’s birthday, meeting work deadlines, taking your daughter to her dance recitals – it will also enable you to become the man that you were always meant to be: confident and strong.  

How To Care For Yourself

Here are a few simple tips and tricks you can practice to go from the side hero to the big-ticket superstar of your own personal narrative:

Saying No Matters

Work matters; and your personal life matters too. You would love to be the employee of the month, father of the year, the best husband; but should all of this come at the cost of your health and wellness? Learning to say no at work, at home, to your friends can help you become a better worker, a better husband/father, and a better friend. Prioritise the important things in your life and focus all your energies on accomplishing them. 

Saying Yes Matters

While it is important to learn to say no, it is equally important to know when to say yes. For instance, say yes to a weekend out with your friends; or say yes to an adventure camp during the workweek. Rather than think of it as an overindulgence, choosing small pleasures is vital for our mental health and our social health in the long run. 

Me Time Matters 

Quite often, you may feel like a local train heading from one stop to the next. It is time to take a pause. Cultivating some ‘me’ time on a daily basis can recharge your mental and physical batteries. Try something as simple as having your morning cup of tea on your own, without any distractions. No matter how busy you are, remember to take some time out to relax and reconnect with yourself.

Comparisons Don’t Matter

You will always find someone who has a bit more than you do: a little more hair, a little more money, a little more success. If you focus on what they have instead of what you have, you are taking a shortcut to stress and anxiety. Think of comparisons as the black hole that can suck all the joy and happiness from your life. Do you really want that?

You Matter

You matter; perhaps more than anything else. If you don’t have the mental stamina or physical strength to go about your daily duties, no one else can do it for you. And that may become your greatest regret. Take care of yourself first; everything else will take care of itself.