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Thyroid Yoga: 10 Yoga Poses to Improve Thyroid Health

A thyroid gland is a small gland that makes hormones in the throat. These hormones affect a person’s metabolism, body temperature, and growth. They also affect the way a child’s brain develops.

Yoga is a complementary therapy for thyroid problems and can benefit both the physical and mental health of a person struggling with thyroid issues. This article explores different yoga poses to help improve your thyroid health.

Can Yoga Cure Thyroid Permanently?

Many studies suggest that yoga has therapeutic effects on thyroid disorders. A study conducted on people between the age of 20-30 with thyroid disorder reported that Yoga practices help balance the thyroid hormone in the body. Regular yoga practice also reduces the problems of hair fall, constipation, and tiredness. However, the study does not suggest that yoga can be the permanent cure for thyroid disorder.

Another study conducted on female hypothyroid patients suggests that thyroid yoga is effective in managing the symptoms of the disorder. However, yoga alone cannot permanently cure thyroid. It should be practiced as a supportive or complementary therapy in addition to medical treatment.

Thyroid Yoga: Yoga Poses for Thyroid

The following are some of the most effective yoga poses for managing hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism disorders.

Yoga for Hyperthyroidism

1) Setu Bandhasana:-

According to research, setu bandhasana, also known as the bridge pose, is beneficial in regulating the production of thyroid hormone in the body. This pose puts pressure on the back, stretches the muscles, and also provides a gentle massage to the neck, thereby stimulating the thyroid glands.

2) Shirshasana:-

This yoga asana is commonly called the headstand. It requires you to stand inverted on your head. This asana puts pressure on the neck and increases the blood supply towards the neck and brain, and stimulates the thyroid gland.

3) Shavasana:-

Studies suggest that in some cases, stress can cause the onset of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, Shavasana is one of the best ways to reduce stress and manage hypothyroidism. Also known as the corpse pose, this yoga asana stretches the body and relaxes the mind.

4) Marjariasana:-

Also called the cat-cow pose, this asana requires you to come on all your fours and inhale and exhale. This pose puts pressure on the spine region and helps stimulate the thyroid region by facilitating blood circulation.

Yoga for Hypothyroidism

5) Matsyasana:-

It is popularly called the fish pose, in which you have to arch your back. This pose helps increase the blood circulation to the thyroid gland as it stretches the neck and throat region.

6) Bhujangasana:-

Another beneficial thyroid yoga is the bhujangasana or the cobra pose. In this asana, you have to lay down flat on your stomach and lift the torso upwards with the help of your hands. Since you need to stretch your upper body in bhujangasana, it puts pressure on the neck and increases the blood circulation in the thyroid gland.

7) Dhanurasana:-

Commonly known as the bow pose, dhanurasana is an effective yoga pose for hypothyroidism. It requires you to lay down on your stomach and lift your hands to hold your ankles. This pose also stretches the neck and stimulates the thyroid gland. It helps the gland release the thyroxine hormone.

8) Halasana:-

It is commonly called the plow pose. During this pose, you need to lay down flat on your back and then slowly fold your feet and take your legs above your head. Since you need to lift your body, it puts pressure on the neck and puts pressure on the thyroid gland, which results in the release of the thyroxine hormone.

9) Sarvangasana:-

Also known as the shoulder stand, this pose is effective in treating hypothyroidism. In Sarvangasana, you need to take the support of your neck and shoulders to lift the body. Therefore, it increases the blood supply to the neck region and exerts pressure on the thyroid gland.

10) Viparita Karani:- This is called the legs up the wall pose. You need to lie down flat on your back, close to a wall. Then, slowly lift the legs and place your legs on the wall. You will resemble an L shape. Viparita Karani yoga asana helps calm the nervous system and releases stress and anxiety. It helps to balance the hormones in the body.

Also Read: Yoga For Immunity

Hyperthyroidism Symptoms

In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland starts producing excess thyroxine hormone that accelerates the body's metabolism. The following are some of the most common hyperthyroidism symptoms:

  • Excessive and unintentional weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent heart palpitations
  • Fatigue
  • Fine and brittle hair
  • Increased appetite along with frequent bowel movements
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Trembling of hands or excessive sweating

Also Read: Yoga for Digestion

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient thyroxine hormone. The following are the most common hypothyroidism synonyms:

  • Excess weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling cold and shivering frequently
  • Numbness
  • Constipation
  • Slow heart rate
  • Frequent irritability and mood swings
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Sluggishness

When to See a Doctor?

It is essential to consult a physician if one suspects thyroid problems.

A doctor can identify hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and prescribe appropriate treatments.

As a complementary therapy, yoga is important to remember. It can be combined with other treatments recommended by your doctor, but it cannot substitute the other medical treatments.

Summing Up on Thyroid Yoga

Take a few minutes to do a little yoga every day. Work your way up to our full list of yoga poses to improve your thyroid function.

As you practice these poses, you may notice new variations and postures that benefit you the most. Always listen to your body. Be aware of how each pose affects you, especially your thyroid.


Can Thyroid Be Cured by Pranayama?

Pranayama reduces blood sugar imbalances and adrenal stress, which are both contributing factors to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The practice of Pranayama helps to nourish kidneys and cleanse the blood, all of which contribute to thyroid health. This helps to stimulate an underactive thyroid.

How Can I Check My Thyroid at Home?

For this, all you need is a glass of water and a mirror.

Steps to follow -

  • As you hold the mirror in your hand, focus on the front lower part of your neck, above the collarbones, and below the larynx (voice box). This is where your thyroid gland is located.
  • Look into the mirror and tilt your head back.
  • Take a drink of water and swallow.
  • Watch your neck as you swallow. While swallowing, check for any bulges or protrusions here.
  • Note: Don’t confuse Adam’s apple with the thyroid gland. Further down on your neck, closer to your collarbone, is the thyroid gland. If necessary, repeat this process several times.
  • See your physician if you notice any bulges or protrusions in this area. A thyroid nodule or enlarged thyroid gland may indicate that you need to be examined to determine whether cancer is present or if thyroid disease needs to be treated.

What Exercise Is Good for Thyroid?

  • Water aerobics: In the case of swelling in your ankles or feet, some exercises may be painful. Try water aerobics. Water supports you and reduces joint impact.
  • Strength training: Even when you're sitting still, building muscle burns more calories, regardless of whether you lift weights or use your body weight. This may help you lose weight. Your joints may also benefit from strong muscles.
  • Walking: It is one of the easiest workouts to do. You just need comfortable shoes. It gets your heart pumping and burns about 280 calories an hour.