Types of Millets

Foxtail Millet, Finger Millet, Pearl Millet, and others are beneficial for a healthy life. Read more about the types of millets to include in your diet.

Types of Millets

Are you struggling to lose weight?

Do you want to protect yourself from the risk of certain health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, various stomach disorders?

Well, it turns out, there is one food item that can certainly keep these as well as several other health issues at bay, increase your health quotient and provide ample nutrition.

We are talking about the Millets, which in recent years have become a staple food for a third of the global population.

Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals and full of fibre, these easy growing, low in calorie and readily available cereal, truly makes for a healthy diet.

What are Millets?

Millets are gluten-free cereal grains belonging to the family of grasses which can sustain high drought and other extreme weather conditions easily. Considered to be one of the earliest foods known to humans, they probably were the first cereal grains to be consumed by them.

These ‘Nutri-Cereals’ are grown mostly in an organic way with little or no pesticides and fertilisers, thereby making them highly desirable for consumption.

Foxtail Millet (Korralu)

With the highest mineral content of all millets, Foxtail Millet is also high in dietary fibre, protein, copper and iron, while low in fat. Some of the benefits of Korralu include controlling diabetes, lowering cholesterol levels and boosting-up immunity.

Finger Millet (Mandua)

Finger Millet contains the highest source of natural calcium content amongst all the millets. It is excellent for bone health for all young as well as ageing people.

Pearl Millet (Bajra)

Pearl millet is essentially a favourite cereal grain for winters as it provides warmth to the body. Also, amongst all millets, Pearl millet has the highest source of iron. It is low in calories and hence, aids in burning excess fat from the body and improved blood sugar levels.

Buckwheat (Kuttu)

Loaded with protein and fibre and other vital nutrients such as riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, the buckwheat millet (Kuttu) can be very useful in weight loss management. It also helps in various stomach related issues such as constipation.

Millets benefits

Little Millet (Kutki)

This is one of the best millets when it comes to digestive health, as it contains high amounts of soluble fibre. Besides, little millet contains phosphorus and magnesium, which helps in producing high energy level in the body and aids in repairing of body tissue coupled with improving heart health.

Kodo Millet (Arikelu)

It forms the basis of the dietary nutritional requirements as it contains a high amount of protein, very high fibre content and low fat. The major Kodo millet health benefits comprise of maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as cardiovascular disease. It also helps in keeping a check on your blood sugar.

Proso Millet (Chena or Barri)

Proso millet has the highest protein content amongst all the millets and has higher levels of essential amino acids. Some of the benefits of proso millet include maintaining the neural health system as it contains high lecithin. Also, it decreases the risk of type-2 diabetes as it has a low glycemic indicator.

Benefits of Millets

Millets display a remarkable nutritional profile, including all the essential macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fibres, fats and proteins. It also contains notable levels of key micronutrients, namely, vitamins and minerals required for the proper functioning of the human body.

Hence, it is vital to include them in your everyday diet as it is beneficial in protecting you from various diseases as elaborated below.

Millets Control Weight and Blood Sugar –

Being a low Glycemic Index (GI) food, it takes longer to digest these than standard wheat flour. It reduces unnecessary eating and thus, helps in controlling your weight. Also being a low-GI food, it reduces the chances of having diabetes, especially diabetes type 2.

Millets help in Heart Wellness –

Rich in Magnesium, Millets, aid in decreasing the chances of heart attacks or failure and atherosclerosis. Further, they are also found to be a good source of Potassium, thereby helpful in maintaining low blood pressure by acting as a Vasodilator.

Millets Improvise Digestive Health –

For people having digestive and stomach problems, Millets indeed are a blessing. As being rich in fibre, they help in digestion and other stomach related problems such as constipation, bloating and gastrointestinal problems.

Millets Improves immunity –

Loaded with protein, Millets help in developing a robust immune system and thus, keeping ailments at bay.

The Bottom-Line

“You Are What You Eat”! And certainly including Millets, the powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, not only aids in significant weight loss but keeps you fit and boosts immunity. So, what are you waiting for, begin your journey towards healthy living by introducing these Millets regularly in your daily diet.

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