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Vitamins For Vitality

We have often come across the saying, “health is wealth.” Our younger, insouciant selves probably would not attach much importance to these words, but with time, we realize their worth. Taking care of our health is a fundamental ingredient for a fulfilling and joyous life. Each of us harbors personal as well as professional goals, and we strive to achieve them at every step of the way. 

While persistence and grit shepherd us towards our goals, what fuels us to carry on is our inner vitality. Be it pulling those all-nighters to finish up an important presentation or going on that long overdue trek with friends or making an intimate moment with your partner extra special; vitality is the driving force. 

Causes of Loss of Vitality

Unfortunately, our modern lives are filled with stress, and we seem to be continually chasing one deadline after the other, and in the bid to do so, we often end up spending next to no time on our personal wellness and self-care. This results in the gradual depletion of our bodily nutrients, which in turn causes our vitality to ebb away. This often interferes with our everyday productivity as well as our interpersonal relationships. 

Please don’t panic; there are several supplements for vitality readily available in the market, which can restore our vitality and put us back on the path to a happy and energetic life. Before we get into the details of how to regain vitality, let’s understand what is the key to boosting vitality. 

Why do we need Vitamins?

Vitamins are often comparable to supporting actors in movies. They may not be in the lead role in running our life processes, but they play a vital role in keeping our bones and muscles healthy. Our body typically requires a wide array of vitamins for different bodily functions, but the portion required is not much. For this reason, they are often called “micronutrients.”

Usually, a combination of vitamins is essential for the upkeep of vitality. Each class of vitamins performs a strategic function, and a deficiency in one of the other can enervate us. In order to be at the top of our energy levels in our professional as well as sex lives, doctors often recommend supplements for vitality. But to know which supplements for vitality is best suited for you, let’s first look at what purposes do each type of vitamins, and other micronutrients serve. 

  • Vitamin A helps in building our immunity as well as strengthens our vision.

  • Vitamin B1, B2, and B3 take care of our nervous system.

  • Vitamin B6 facilitates healthy blood circulation and maintains our haemoglobin levels.

  • Vitamin B7 helps in breaking down the body fats.

  • Vitamin B9 and B12 boost the growth of healthy red blood cells in our bodies.

  • Vitamin C protects our bones.

  • Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium in our body and keeps our bones and muscles in good condition. 

  • Vitamin E looks after the health of our skin and eyes.

  • Vitamin K assists in the healing of wounds.

  • Calcium protects our teeth and bones.

  • Iodine maintains metabolism.

  • Iron is crucial in maintaining healthy blood circulation.


How does vitamin deficiency impact sexual vitality?

Now that we are familiar with the critical role the micronutrients play in maintaining and restoring our vitality levels let us understand what are the consequences of their deficiency in different aspects of our lives. A loss of energy adversely impacts our muscles and bones’ health, which in turn impairs our mobility. This not only affects our everyday productivity but also makes regular movements like walking or lifting things difficult. 

Most of all, loss of vitality can significantly impede your sexual performance, leading to mental stress and physical discomforts. 32% of men suffering from Vitamin D deficiency are likely to face trouble in getting erections. According to medical studies, men with a healthy balance of Vitamin B3 in their systems were able to maintain erections for longer. Parallelly, B9 deficiency is directly linked to erectile dysfunctions while on the other hand, Vitamin C enhances the levels of antioxidants in your body and ease out erections. 

Surprised at how macro the importance of these micronutrients is for your sex life? Now, on to utilize this knowledge towards a healthier and energized lifestyle. To begin with, consult your doctor to understand what are the most beneficial supplements for vitality that you must take and increment that with a nutritious diet, which includes vitamins rich foods. 

Supplements For vitality

While vitamins help in elevating our energy levels, our sexual wellness requires a little more than the usual intake of vitamins. Especially for men, an erection is a complex biochemical process that is not only dependent on the vitamin levels but also on the quantity of nitric oxide in our bodies. Often, due to stress and unhealthy lifestyles, our bodies are unable to produce the required volumes of nitric oxide innately. 

Don’t despair yet. The most foolproof supplement to rejuvenate your nitric oxide level is L-arginine. Nitric oxide is essential for smoothing the tissues of the blood vessels in your penis to facilitate increased blood flow during erections. Did you know that an erect penis consists of 6 times the amount of healthy blood in your penis? L-arginine is the building block of nitric oxide, which in turn enables increased blood flow. This is why L-arginine is of paramount importance. L-arginine may be consumed by eating more meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. However, if these don’t suit your dietary preferences, then opt for L-citrulline supplements that perform the same functions as that of L-arginines. There is a flurry of safe medicines available for this purpose. 

While the vigour of youth often compensates for all our negligence, we must not take this for granted. Modern lifestyles not only reap long term consequences but also often adversely impact our current well-being. Thus, being cautious of health and fitness from an early age is pivotal to avoid the onset of diseases. 


Can I take vitamins everyday?

Yes, you can take vitamins everyday provided this is taken within the ideal range of vitamins as per your deficiency. Consult a physician to learn more about the ideal supplementation needed for your body.

When do we take vitamins?

Depending on whether the vitamins are fat soluble or water soluble, there is a specific way these vitamins should be taken. Here is a guide to tell you the best time to take vitamins.

How long should you take multivitamin supplements?

So long as your supplementation is within a prescribed range of dosage- you may have it alongside your diet for as long as you think your body is deficient in certain vitamins. 

What are the health benefits of taking multivitamin supplements?

Apart from doing wonders to you vitality levels, vitamins go a long way in altering your sleep quality, bowel movements, overall health and well being. Here’s a list of all benefits of adding vitamins to your diet.