What is Isabgol (Psyllium Husk): Benefits & Side Effects

Looking for a natural way to relieve constipation and lose weight? Isabgol is what you need. Read on to know about the uses and benefits of Psyllium Husk.

What is Isabgol (Psyllium Husk): Benefits & Side Effects

Looking to get rid of constipation, lose weight or lower your cholesterol? Isabgol might be the perfect solution.

What is Isabgol?

With a gluey and oily texture and a sweet and astringent taste, Isabgol is a digestive remedy that has a cooling effect on your body and helps in weight loss.

Isabgol originated from Sanskrit words 'Asp' and 'Ghol' that together mean horse flower. Some of the synonyms of Isabgol are Psyllium Husk, Umto, and Ashwakarna.

Isabgol Plant

Derived from the Isabgol plant's seeds, Plantago Ovata, Isabgol is a dietary fiber that promotes laxation and helps increase stool.

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Isabgol in English

Isabgol in English is known as Psyllium Husk, the main ingredient in Metamucil (A supplement of fiber that reduces Constipation).

Native to Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean region, Psyllium Husk also helps clear out toxins from the digestive stretch.

Want to know more about this dietary fiber? Read on to learn about its uses, benefits, and side effects.  

Isabgol Uses

1. Isabgol Cures Constipation

Due to its ability to soften stool, Isabgol can cure Constipation. However, to effectively treat it, you must drink enough water during the day as Isabgol absorbs and retains moisture.

Tip: Wondering how to take Isabgol for Constipation? It's best to have 1-2 tablespoons of Isabgol with milk.

2. Isabgol Relieves acidity

Isabgol helps protect the stomach lining from acidity by forming a layer in the stomach.

Tip: If you're wondering how to use Isabgol for relieving acidity, you can have 1-2 teaspoons of Isabgol with buttermilk.

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Isabgol Benefits

1. Isabgol Regulates Blood Sugar

Isabgol contains gelatin that slows down the breakdown and absorption of glucose in the body. Absorbing glucose helps control the amount of blood sugar in the body. As a result, it is highly effective for diabetic people.

Tip: You can take 1-2 Isabgol capsules once or twice a day for this.

2. Isabgol Helps in Lowering Cholesterol

Another Isabgol benefits include that it has hypochloremic effects that help with cholesterol regulation. As per a study, a daily intake of Isabgol for six weeks can help lower cholesterol levels.

Tip: Consume 10-20gm of Isabgol daily with 230-235ml of water to reduce cholesterol.

3. Isabgol Relieves Diarrhea

Due to its antisecretory and antidiarrheal properties, Isabgol helps relieve diarrhea.

Tip: Consume Isabgol with curd. Add 1-2 teaspoon Isabgol husk in a small bowl of curd and have it during the day for diarrhea.

4. Isabgol For Weight Loss

As Isabgol can control appetite, it acts as a natural cure for weight loss. Isabgol increases satiety, curbs food cravings, and lowers the overall fat intake. Just the perfect Isabgol ka fayda you were looking for!

Tip: Want to know how to take Isabgol for weight loss? Consume it with warm water and ½ lemon. The recommended dosage for adults is 8-11g in one to three doses. It's beneficial to take this bulk laxative with 150ml of water.

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How to Take Isabgol?

Isabgol Ki Bhusi

The pulverized form of Isabgol husk is Isabgol Bhusi. It consists of the collapsed layers removed from the dried ripe Isabgol seeds. You can consume 5-10g Isabgol Bhusi with a glass of milk, water, or fruit juice. Ideally, it should be consumed twice a day.

Isabgol Powder

Isabgol powder is a convenient way of consuming this fiber. The ideal dosage of Isabgol powder is 1-2 tablespoons. It's best to have it in warm water once or twice a day. You can also have it with curd right after a meal.

Sat Isabgol

Sat Isabgol can be consumed for weight loss. You can have 1-2 tablespoons of Isabgol seeds in 240ml of warm water with ½ freshly squeezed lemon.

Isabgol with Milk at Night

An efficient way of treating Constipation is to have Isabgol with milk at night. You can add 1-2 teaspoons of Isabgol powder to warm milk and have it.

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Isabgol Price

Brands like Dabur, Organic India, Patanjali, and more have their variants of Isabgol husk that you can easily find in the market. For a 100gm pack, the price ranges from INR 80 to INR 150.

Isabgol Side Effects

As Isabgol has laxative effects and creates intestinal bulk, it can pose some side effects. Here are some of the side effects of Isabgol.

  • More frequent bowel movements
  • Gas
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cramps
  • Abdominal pain
  • Stomach pain


When consuming Isabgol, one must be cautious. Here are a few precautions that one must take.

1. If you have problems swallowing or throat issues, it's best to avoid Isabgol.

2. Always consume it in the recommended dosage and duration.

3. As Isabgol may reduce your blood sugar level, it's advisable to track your blood sugar levels daily while consuming it.


Isabgol has been in use for centuries now. And it's safe to say that it's one of the best fibers for digestive health and weight-loss, amongst other things.

So try Isabgol today and experience all its benefits.


1. How to take Isabgol with Lemon?

Take some lukewarm water with 1-2 teaspoons of Isabgol powder. Add half a lemon, mix it and consume.

2. How to Drink Isabgol?

To drink Isabgol, you can mix it in warm water or milk.


Elizabeth Rajan, December 2019; Digestion: How long does it take? - https://www.mayoclinic.org/digestive-system/expert-answers/faq-20058340

Cambridge University Press, August 2010; The effect of a fibre supplement compared to a healthy diet on body composition, lipids, glucose, insulin and other metabolic syndrome risk factors in overweight and obese individuals - https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/effect-of-a-fibre-supplement-compared-to-a-healthy-diet-on-body-composition-lipids-glucose-insulin-and-other-metabolic-syndrome-risk-factors-in-overweight-and-obese-individuals/DDE90317EE5D477C1E0594B6E2B1AA79