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Here's Everything You Need to Know About Coconut Oil as Lube for Males

No matter the quality of your sex life, chances are it can be enhanced with a little lubrication.

According to a 2015 study, approximately 30% of women reported pain during their most recent sexual encounter. Lube can help increase sensitivity and arousal while also alleviating some of the vaginal dryness that may be causing this discomfort.

Lube works by reducing friction in your genital area. This can be beneficial if your body does not produce enough lubrication as a result of ageing, medications, or hormones.

While there are many different types of lube designed specifically for this purpose, you may want to try something more natural and free of some of the chemicals found in other products.

It's also known for its moisturising properties, which makes it a particularly appealing lubricant. Continue reading to find out if using coconut oil during sex is safe.

Is Coconut Oil as Lube for Males Safe?

Yes, Coconut oil is generally safe and effective to use as a lubricant. Coconut oil is safe as an overall moisturiser, including for sensitive vaginal and vulvar tissue, as long as it is organic. However, because each person's body reacts differently to different foreign substances, it's critical to pay attention to how your body reacts to coconut oil when applied to your vulva or penis.

Pros of Coconut Oil as Lube

1. It doesn’t contain alcohol

Some lube on the market contains alcohol (look for an ingredient ending in "-ol," such as "phenoxyethanol"). While alcohol can provide a "cooling" sensation during sex or masturbation, Ingber warns that alcohol-containing lubricants can dry out mucosal surfaces, which are most commonly found in the anus and vagina. This can result in pain, urinary tract infections, or yeast infections.

2. It's moisturizing

Aside from being a natural product, coconut oil is also extremely moisturising, making it an effective lubricant. When used as a moisturiser, coconut oil has been shown to treat dry skin and reduce skin inflammation. While it may not be the best lube for everyone, Gilberg-Lenz says it can help people who have sensitivity or dryness at the vaginal entrance and during penetration.

Coconut oil is less effective for women who experience general dryness in their vaginal areas, such as those experiencing menopause or perimenopause.

3. It doesn’t contain glycerin

Glycerin, a sugar byproduct, is occasionally found in lube and is not recommended for people with vaginas. "It can frequently serve as a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria," says Ingber. (Glycerin is a common ingredient in K-Y Jelly and can also be found in some JO lubricants.)

4. It's natural

Some people prefer to use natural ingredients on their skin and bodies rather than man-made ones. Coconut oil is a natural, plant-based lubricant that can be bought relatively raw and unprocessed.

Are There Any Risks or Dangers Associated With Using Coconut Oil Lube?

There are a few risks associated with the use of coconut oil as lube that you should consider before adding it to your routine.

1. Bad for Use With Condoms

Coconut oil is not safe to use with condoms or most sex toys. Mineral oils have been proven to decrease the strength of condoms by 90%, according to one study.  The oils erode the strength of these surfaces, causing them to crack.

Because coconut oil cannot be used with condoms, it may be safer to use during toy-free masturbation, depending on how your body reacts to it.

2. It Can Alter Vaginal PH Levels

Before menopause, the typical vaginal pH is "acidic," hovering around 4. Many coconut oils have a pH of 5.5 to 7.5, which means they are alkalinizing or making the vagina more "basic."

When experimenting with coconut oil, always be cautious and do some trial and error. If you notice foul-smelling discharge after sex, an increase in yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis (vaginal bacterial overgrowth), discontinue use.

3. It Can Stain Your Sheets

Coconut oil, like many other oil-based lubes, may stain your sheets. If staining occurs, apply baking soda to the affected area and let it sit for an hour or so before washing your sheets.

Can You Use Coconut Oil as Lube With Condoms?

Because most oils dissolve latex, you should avoid using coconut oil with latex condoms to avoid breakage. You can use coconut oil as condom lube if you use lambskin or polyurethane condoms as replacements.

According to a 1989 study, exposing commercial latex condoms to mineral oil for as little as 60 seconds can reduce their efficacy by up to 90%.

If you're using latex condoms or dental dams, it's critical to use water-based or silicone-based lubes to avoid contamination.

Any Alternative to Coconut oil as lube?

You might be tempted to use coconut oil during intimacy, but more research is needed to determine its safety.

In the meantime, there are plenty of tried-and-tested lubes you may consider. You can consider ManMatters Intimate Lube. Made from the safest ingredients; it keeps you moisturised for a long period of time, eliminating the need to reapply.  Our lube is intended to provide you with an enjoyable experience. This jelly is made with Cellulose Polymer rather than skin-harming silicone. Cellulose Polymer contributes the smooth, silky feel required for a friction-free experience. It doesn't dry off easily when combined with a water-based formula, so there's no need to reapply.

Bottom Line

In general, using coconut oil as a lubricant should be safe. If you experience discomfort, odour, or discharge while having sex, stop using it and consult your doctor. Then simply switch to a different lubricant that is made with safer ingredients and has no side effects, such as ManMatters Intimate Lube.


Gambhirsinh Sursinh Vala, October 2014; Medicinal benefit of coconut oil - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268805677

Michael Shilling, Antimicrobial Effects of Virgin Coconut Oil and Its Medium-Chain Fatty Acids on Clostridium difficile - https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/jmf.2012.0303

B Voeller, January 1989; Mineral oil lubricants cause rapid deterioration of latex condoms - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2535978/