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Beard Transplant: Things to Consider, Procedure & Side Effects

If it is difficult for you to grow a beard, do not feel ashamed. It is quite common for many men. Some may experience uneven patches of stubble on their face. It can be quite disheartening to have patchy facial hair as opposed to a stylish beard. Some may have genes that restrict the growth of any facial hair.

However, all your woes can be addressed with a beard transplant. Like a hair transplant, where you transplant your own hair onto the top of your head, you can also opt for a beard transplant.

First, you will need to get your skin and hair evaluated by a doctor to ensure you're a good candidate. Post the doctor's advice, you will have to decide whether you want to bear the cost of this procedure. It is best to find a qualified provider as there is risk in any medical procedure.

What Is a Beard Transplant?

A beard hair transplant refers to the process of taking hair from one part of your body and transplanting it onto your jawline and wherever you wish to grow your beard. As simple as it sounds, there is quite a process to it. A surgeon may choose between two main approaches:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE): This procedure is the more commonly used one. It entails harvesting complete follicular units one at a time from the donor area. This procedure is less painful.
  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT): This process entails the surgeon cutting a small strip of tissue from the back of your head. They then remove the hair follicles from that tissue.

How Does Beard Transplant Procedure Look Like?

Let's break the process down by understanding how a surgeon puts in beard implants.

1. Harvesting

Whether you opt for FUE or FUT, the back of your head will have to be shaved by your surgeon. They will need a closer look at the hair follicles from the harvest areas. You can be assured that you will be given a local anaesthetic so you don't feel uncomfortable or in any pain during the procedure.

2. Implantation

Once your surgeon finishes harvesting the follicles from your head, a local anaesthetic will be injected into the region of your face where the implants need to be placed. After this, the implantation process begins. Each follicle will be put into your facial skin. At this time, they will be shaping your new beard as per the discussion you and your doctor has prior to the surgery.

3. Recovery

It takes at least one full day for recovery post-surgery. You will find tiny crusts forming around your newly implanted hair follicles. Do not fret about it, as they will fall off quite naturally in a couple of days' time. After the 7-10 day mark, you will then be able to start trimming or shaving your beard normally. Most people notice all their new beard hairs fall out by the 2-3 week mark. But, it is nothing to worry about as the hair will slowly start growing in naturally.

Who's an Ideal Candidate for Beard Transplant?

To get a beard transplant, you must be an ideal candidate. You must have healthy hair follicles at the back of your head because it is from this area that hair follicles will be harvested for your new beard. Also, the back of your head is less likely to go bald as opposed to other parts of your head. No matter how much hair you lose from the top of your head, you are still bound to have enough hair growth at the back of your head.

When you first begin your transplant journey, your surgeon will closely examine your scalp to check whether you have the required amount of follicular units to transplant.  Unfortunately, if you do not make the cut, you will not be able to go through with this procedure. But your doctor will offer alternative treatments.

Choosing a Qualified Provider

Considering that a beard transplant is a medical procedure, it is vital to choose a skilled surgeon. A highly experienced surgeon and the clinic will ensure you have a natural-looking result. Here are some tips to bear in mind before you give them the wheel:

1. Training

You can check their websites or bios or even ask the surgeons they trained under. Every reputable hair transplant surgeon has trained under well-established experts.

2. Experience

Procedures like FUE require tons of practice and time. Ask your surgeon how many years they have been doing this and how many patients they have helped.

3. Technique

Ensure that your surgeon has sufficient experience in the particular technique you opt for, such as manual FUE.

4. Specialisation

Compared to experts who provide a wider range of services, it would be better to rely on a surgeon who specialises in hair transplants.

5. Industry Reputation

Is your surgeon a member of organisations like the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS) or the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS)? If they are, you will know that they have a good reputation and are abreast of the latest advances.

6. Good Staff

It is vital that they have an educated staff.

7. Consultation

Before the procedure can take place, the clinic should offer consultations to uncover the underlying conditions affecting your beard growth. They will also need to check your hair density with an advanced program. This is because it is important to calculate the number of donor follicles that are available and how many transplants are required.

Rules to Be Followed After 1 Week of Bread Transplant

Here are the things you need to take care of with your beard transplant after 1 week:

1. You will need to regularly use the medications and antibiotics prescribed after the beard transplant operation.

2. The experts will tell you how to wash properly. Follow their instructions closely for washing in the first week.

3. Following the first week after beard transplantation, you should not rub your face at all.

4. As the wounds heal, you might feel itchy. Wash and dry your face gently without rubbing it or putting any pressure.  

Rules to Be Followed After 3 Months of Bread Transplant

It is recommended to avoid shaving for the first 3 months after the beard transplant surgery. After this period, you may resume shaving. Any facial hair that might grow during that time can be trimmed with beard scissors. If it disturbs you too much, consult your doctor. Your newly transplanted beard will start showing after 10 months. Avoid doing anything before consulting your doctor.

Side Effects of Beard Transplant

Any medical procedure comes with some risks. While your doctor will inform you of these risks, it is your duty to do your due diligence. Your face and scalp might have the following side effects:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Tightness
  • Temporary scabs or crustiness

You will experience scarring in the donor area. You need not worry about the scars as your hair will gradually grow in and cover it up. The scars you get from the FUE procedure will be small and unnoticeable. However, FUT may leave you with a long scar in the donor area.

Fortunately, you will not experience scarring on the implant site. Scabbing will occur, but that falls off naturally. If you continue to experience symptoms of crustiness, swelling, redness, or irritation for more than 2 weeks, get yourself checked by your doctor.

What to Expect Post-surgery?

What does a 1 year beard transplant look like? Firstly, all the transplanted hairs will fall out within 2-3 weeks of the surgery. By the 3rd or 4th month, beard hair will start growing permanently. Bear in mind that there is a gestation period. This occurs due to the body's reaction to the relocation of hair follicles. The study suggests that the hair's papilla will stay in its new location and will start regrowing after the hair regenerates.

Cost of Beard Transplant in India

The beard transplant cost may put off some people. But bear in mind how complex the process is. A beard transplant can cost anywhere between Rs 50,000 to Rs 4 lakh. This price range is the same as a hair transplant. If you wish to reshape your beard through a non-surgical procedure involving laser technology, it will cost around Rs 15,000 to 25,000.

The cost of a beard transplant is so high because it is more challenging to rearrange your facial infrastructure compared to a hair transplant. A beard transplant requires the surgeon to transplant single hair grafts at an acute angle of 15-25 degrees. This angle and direction change at different face areas make this procedure harder and more time-consuming than a hair transplant.

Alternatives to Beard Transplant

There might be reasons why you opt-out of a beard transplant, such as the cost or invasiveness of the procedure. However, here are some alternatives you can consider:

1. Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Many people use Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a hair growth treatment for the scalp. You may also use it for facial hair growth. As an over the counter medication, you will find topical Minoxidil in different varieties such as liquid and foam. The downside of using Minoxidil is that you need to keep using it. Once you stop, your new hair growth will slow down and eventually stop altogether.

2. Supplements

Certain supplements encourage natural hair growth, such as Vitamin B Biotin. Another great option is L-carnitine-L-tartrate, which boosts hair growth on your face and scalp.

3. Lifestyle Behaviours

A lot of things depend on genetics, including our hair growth patterns. But certain lifestyle factors influence us as well. If you make these changes, you could see improved facial hair growth:

  • Exercise: Improved circulation from exercise helps to support hair follicle health.
  • Eating healthy: Eating plenty of foods rich in zinc, Vitamin B, and iron will help strengthen your thinning hair. You must include lean protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits in your diet for hair health. Nutrient packed foods containing the vitamins A, B, C, D, and E help hair growth.
  • Sleep: Every adult requires a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep a night to maintain overall health, which, in turn, helps maintain your facial hair health.

Summing Up on Beard Transplant

A beard transplant surgery is a great way to fill gaps in your beard or start a beard if you haven't been able to grow one before. Yes, it is an expensive and invasive surgery, but the effects are long-lasting. If you wish to avoid the implant route, you can try topical treatments, supplements, and lifestyle changes to promote hair growth. Talk with your doctor before you decide on what you want to do. You should fully understand this procedure's risks, benefits, outcomes and alternative treatments.


How Long Does a Beard Transplant Last?

After the surgery, the hair is permanent once the growth phase has begun. You can expect 90% of your transplanted hair grafts to survive and grow provided you get the procedure done by a skilled surgeon.

Do Beard Transplants Look Natural?

Yes, thanks to improved styling and placement of hair, you can get very natural-looking results.

Can I Shave After a Beard Transplant?

Do not shave any of the transplanted hair for at least the first 10 days post-surgery. At this time, it will look like stubble. After a fortnight, you will experience hair fall.

How Many Grafts Do I Need for a Full Beard?

Usually, 350-500 grafts will be placed in the moustache area, 600-700 grafts if you want a full goatee, 200-250 grafts for each sideburn, and 300-700 grafts for a cheek beard.

What Is a Minoxidil Beard?

Rogaine is a popular over-the-counter topical medication for hair growth. It is usually used on the scalp, but you can use it on the beard too. It is typically used to save the hair you already have rather than restore hair growth.

Does a Hair Transplant Hurt?

You will be injected with a local anaesthetic before the procedure, so you do not feel any pain.

When Can I Sleep Normal After a Beard Transplant?

It will take at least ten days before you can return to your normal routine. You should avoid physical activities during this time. You will also need to avoid certain sleeping positions, washing, and so on.

How Long Does a Beard Transplant Take to Grow?

You will need the patience to see the results of the surgery. It will take 3-4 months after the surgery before your hair starts growing. By the 5th month, you should be able to see a noticeable amount of hair in the transplanted area. By the 6-8th month, you will see the result of the procedure.

When Can I Sleep Normal After a Beard Transplant?

If all the crusts are off for a minimum of 4 days, you can sleep comfortably without worrying too much about disturbing the grafts.

When Can I Shower After a Beard Transplant?

You will have to wait for 48 hours before you can wash your beard. You can still take a body bath, but you will have to keep your scalp and face dry. After day 3, you can start washing your head and beard. Be very careful while washing in the first week.
