360 health How to Increase Oxygen Levels at Home Naturally: Best Practices, Exercises Tracking blood oxygen levels and making efforts to maintain them has now become synonymous with Coronavirus care. On a biological level, one cannot overlook the importance of oxygen levels either.
360 health How To Increase Oxygen Levels In The Human Body Oxygen levels are vital to the body to be able to perform normally. A decrease in oxygen levels in the body can lead to numerous health problems, including death.
360 health How to Increase Oxygen Level in Blood: Top Things to Keep in Mind It is no secret that current times are challenging with the world amidst a full-fledged pandemic. Coronavirus is fatal and has claimed numerous lives and continues to do so to date. However, certain steps in the right direction have proved helpful in preventing the virus.
sexual health Are There Any Side Effects of Sex? Yes. There are specific side effects of sex. However, we must clarify that sex is not supposed to hurt or pain any partners involved. This is a myth. If performed correctly, sex is without side effects and brings immense pleasure to those participating in it.
hair Shocking Side Effects Of Onion Juice On Hair Applying onion juice to your hair does not sound shocking to Indian men. This is an old and natural technique used by many to regrow hair. However, do you know the science behind it? Onion juice provides essential sulfur that facilitates strong, thick and lustrous hair.
hair Castor Oil for Beard Growth and Thickness: Does It Actually Work? Did you know? The application of Castor oil on your beard is one of the best ways to grow it. Castor oil provides essential nutrients to your hair follicles, moisturises hair and helps it to become thick and lustrous. Castor oil also keeps beard dandruff at bay.
hair The Dos and Don’ts of Beard Transplants A beard transplant procedure involves hair being taken from the back of your scalp (donor area) and is implanted at the jawline, moustache, and sideburns.
hair Why Coconut Oil For Beard Is Effective | Benefits, Uses & More In the Indian subcontinent, coconut oil is used everywhere, from cosmetic products to food recipes. It moisturises your hair and reduces breakage. Moreover, it protects your hair from environmental damage and protein loss.
sexual health Jelqing Exercises: Do They Increase Penis Size? Many believe that performing regular jelqing exercises can increase the length and girth of the penis. Jelqing exercises are one of the few solutions which doesn’t involve any chemicals or medicinal substances. It is a simple technique that claims to increase penis size by using hand exercises.
sexual health Why Does Sperm Come Out Automatically At Night And How To Stop It? Adolescent or young adult males undergo several hormonal changes that can cause spontaneous erection during sleep. Such events are a part of normal development. It may also occur due to orgasms during sleep.
sexual health Stages of Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis is developing male gametes, known as sperm, within the male reproductive organs called the testes.
360 health Puffy Nipples Men: Why Are my nipples bigger than usual? Every man has nipples on his chest. A man's nipple is generally small, like a nubbin. The area surrounding the nipple is the areola. The areola differs in colour and texture from the surrounding skin.
sexual health Scrotal Dermatitis: How to relieve an itchy scrotum? Scrotal Dermatitis is a non-contagious skin infection that affects men's genitalia, specifically the scrotal skin, which contains the testicles. A man may experience severe itching, swelling, redness, dryness, and a rash on the scrotum and testicles with a scrotum skin infection.
360 health What is a Sentinel Pile and How Can You Treat It? A sentinel pile is a tag of skin that develops on the edge of the anus, below the fissure. It feels like a small bump or skin sticking out of your anus. It is generally harmless but can be tender, causing pain and discomfort.
360 health Anal Skin Tags: Symptoms, Causes, Recovery An anal skin tag, as the name suggests, is an extra growth of skin around the anus region, the end of the rectum. A skin tag is soft and completely harmless.
sexual health Sebaceous Cyst on Scrotum: What is it, symptoms and treatment A sebaceous cyst on the scrotum occurs when the sebaceous glands get filled with keratin material. A sebaceous cyst on the scrotum is benign and usually not a cause for concern.
ayurveda Ashwagandha for Weight Gain | Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight Gain Ashwagandha has often been recommended to people who are looking for ayurvedic medicine for weight gain. Ashwagandha has been classified as an adaptogen, and research suggests that it has immense stress-management properties.
sexual health Sperm Life Cycle: How Much Sperm Is Produced In 24 hours? According to research, males produce 1500 sperm in one single second. If we calculate, that is 90,000 sperms in one minute, 54,00,000 in one hour and 129,600,000 in 24 hours!
sexual health Scabies on Penis - Symptoms & Treatment | Man Matters It is an infestation of small parasitic mites that can affect various parts of your body. These mites usually prefer warm places like skin folds or genital areas like the penis.
ayurveda 7 Ayurvedic Medicines To Gain Weight | No side effects Healthy weight gain is vital as sudden weight loss can be an underlying symptom of insomnia, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, or excessive stress. Ayurveda is a tried and tested way to gain weight healthily.
benefits Raisin (Kishmish) Water: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, More What are raisins? They're grapes that have been dried under direct sunlight for about three weeks. One can also dry them out in vineyards or paper trays. Raisin water is when one soaks these dried grapes or raisins in water and strains the liquid to consume.
ayurveda Bhringraj Oil Benefits As per a 2008 study, Bhringraj hair oil increases hair follicles and efficiently prevents hair loss. Bhringraj also contains vitamin E, which helps fight free radicals that impede hair growth.
ayurveda Neem Benefits For Acne Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a fast-growing evergreen plant composed of loads of medicinal values. This medicinal plant has various benefits as an anti-allergic, antiviral, antimalarial, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.
360 health Why You Should Be Eating Neem Leaves On An Empty Stomach Neem leaves form a significant part of Ayurvedic medicine. With over 140 active compounds, neem leaves can treat several issues. Let’s dive deep into understanding the many scientific benefits of eating neem leaves on an empty stomach!
hair Alopecia Barbae: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Alopecia Barbae is a hair loss condition in which the beard and moustache get affected. It is a form of Alopecia Areata. This condition mainly affects the beard region. However, issues may also persist on the scalp.