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What is Shatavari? Uses, Benefits & Side Effects of Shatavari

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Farha Jawre , BHMS, PGDDPN & Lifestyle Coach, Reviewed on 25th January 2021

Tired of all the allopathic medication and looking for a natural solution to a variety of your health problems? Shatavari is what you need. Haven’t heard of it? Read on to know more.

What is Shatavari?

Considered a general health tonic by many, Shatavari or satawar is a medicinal herb. Also known as Asparagus Racemosus, it helps regulate the body’s system.

First discovered in 1799, Shatavari or Asparagus Racemosus is a staple ingredient in numerous Ayurvedic medicines. Due to its distinct nature of improving sexual wellness, it’s known as ‘Queen of Herbs.’

Shatavari plants can grow to a height or length of 1-2 meters and thrive equally well in well-drained, rocky, and gravelly soils. Shatavari in Hindi is also known as Satavar, Satmuli, or Satavari.

How to Use Shatavari?

Shatavari is available in different forms. Here are some of them.

1. Shatavari Powder

Shatavari Powder or Shatavari Churna can be consumed in milk along with honey. You can also choose to apply the same on your skin after making a paste from the same ingredients. It will help you get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you’re lactose intolerant, consume Shatavari powder or Shatavari Churna with warm water, almond milk or soya milk too.

In ayurveda, Shatavari powder is knowns to be a herb that boosts hair growth. All you need to do is take a tablespoon of Shatavari powder or Shatavari Churna with water everyday.

Also Read: How does Shatavari an ayurvedic herb help your hair?

2. Shatavari Tablets

Typically Shatavari tablets or Shatavari Capsules can be consumed twice a day in a dose of 500 milligrams.

Shatavari tablets are the easiest way to consume shatavari. While choosing shatavari tablets, be sure to check whether it is for men or women. Also, look at the shatavari tablet ingredients and ensure that all the ingredients contribute to the reason you have chosen to take Shatavari.

3. Shatavari Extract

Shatavari extract is another way to consume Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus). Shatavari extracts is the juice extracted from a Shatavari plant. Shatavari extract has a bitter sweet taste and has an oily texture.

Shatavari extract is also used to soothe wounds and improves digestion.

In order to get Shatavari's whole host of benefits,  ensure that your Shatavari extract is prepared from organic roots of Shatavari. Ensure to check the ingredients as some shatavari extract products are either mixed with tiny amounts of alcohol or are made specifically for women for breast enlargement.

Combine 30 drops of Shatavari extract with water, mix it well, and drink it.

4. Shatavari Granules

Shatavari granules or shatavari kalpa is an ayurvedic formulation of Shatavari and Elaichi. It is manufactured and sold by various brands online.

Shatavari Granules or Shatavari Kalpa can be consumed with milk. Mix 1-2 tablespoons in milk and have it twice a day or as directed by your physician.

Now that you’ve understood the different ways of consuming Shatavari let’s get into the uses, benefits, and side effects of Shatavari.

Side Note: Shatavari Kalpa is usually made for lactating women to boost milk production. If you are a man,  be sure to speak to your doctor before taking shatavari kalpa.

Benefits and Uses of Shatavari

Some of the Shatavari benefits and Shatavari uses, also known as Asparagus Racemosus uses, are:

1. Shatavari Powder (Satawar) Benefits for Weight Gain

Amongst the many Shatavari powder benefits, weight gain is one of the most prominent ones.

Due to its strength and rejuvenating properties, Shatavari can be used for gaining weight. Moreover, it helps the body fight outside infections that may cause weight loss.

Shatavari powder or Shatavari Churna for weight gain is highly recommended by health experts as it helps increase testosterone levels in men. Moreover, Shatavari’s price is also quite affordable.

Also Read: Natural ways to boost your testosterone levels

2. Shatavari For Sexual Wellness  

Shatavari helps in resolving fertility-related problems. As it is a natural aphrodisiac, Shatavari can help individuals deal with stress and anxiety. In addition to that, it can increase libido in men. It is also known for increasing stamina in men.  

3. Shatavari Kalpa Benefits and Uses for Pain

Shatavari Kalpa is an ancient blend of Shatavari and Elaichi that is known to reduce fatigue and pain.

Shatavari Kalpa uses include memory retention and overall nourishment of the body.  

It helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which can help prevent the chances of heart attacks.  

Also Read: Types of Fish to fight heart diseases

4. Shatavari Benefits and Uses for Cough Relief and Boosting Metabolism

Drinking Shatavari juice with warm water is excessively beneficial for getting rid of cough. For maximum benefits, it should be consumed regularly.

Further, Shatavari plant uses are many, some of which include a boost to the immune system and tissue regeneration.

Also Read:Foods that can increase your immunity

5. Shatavari Tablets Benefits and Uses

One of the vital Shatavari tablets benefits includes reducing edema (rising quantity of fluid in the body) and balancing hormones. These tablets also get recommended to patients with high sugar levels as they help lower blood sugar levels.

Also Read: Benefits of gokshura and how to consume it

Shatavari tablet uses include reduced abdominal distention and diarrhea treatment, arthritis, and chronic fevers.

It also helps prevent obesity as it is rich in natural dietary fibers.

6. Shatavari for Treating Wounds and Ulcers

Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties, Shatavari (Satawar) helps in treating ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, mouth ulcers, and canker sores.  

Moreover, the juice extracted from the leaves of the Shatavari plant can be used for addressing wounds.    

Shatavari Side Effects:

For those wondering if Shatavari has any side effects, the answer is yes. Here are some of the Shatavari side effects.

  • If you suffer from low blood sugar levels, you must avoid Shatavari, as it’s known for lowering blood sugar levels in individuals.
  • If you’re allergic to asparagus, avoid Shatavari at all costs. It may cause allergic reactions like itchy eyes, rash, dizziness, difficult breathing, or fast heart rate.
  • If you’re already consuming herbs with diuretic properties, try to avoid Shatavari as it may have a diuretic effect.


Shatavari is not a fad. It is used in Ayurvedic herbs and medicine for centuries. The ‘Queen of Herbs’ has enormous physical and mental health benefits.

From boosting the immune system, increasing memory retention to enhancing sexual wellness, Shatavari does wonders for your health.

The best thing about this supplement is that it can be consumed in different ways; Shatavari Powder or Shatavari Churna, Shatavari Tablets, Shatavari Granules, or any other form that works for you.

That said, you must consult a doctor before adding a high dose of Shatavari to your diet.



