360 health मल्टीविटामिन कब लेनी चाहिए | Right Time to Take a Multivitamin in Hindi क्या आप जानते हैं मल्टीविटामिन क्या होता हैं और मल्टीविटामिन कब लेनी चाहिए? पढ़िए यहाँ और जाने कुछ महत्वपूर्ण चीज़े।
sexual health Cut on Penis & Foreskin: Causes, Treatments, FAQs & More Hurting your penis is never easy. In fact, it is more painful than injuring other parts of your body because male genitals have thousands of nerve endings that are extremely sensitive. Cuts on the penis are discomforting but don't worry; they can be treated.
sexual health Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss or Gain- Facts, Myths & FAQs Masturbation may help you burn some calories, but...does masturbation cause weight loss or weight gain? Read on to find out everything you need to know about masturbation and its impact on your weight!
360 health How to Seduce a Girl: Ultimate Guide to Mastering Art of Seduction Expressing your feelings does not require the right time or right opportunity. It just requires you to pour your heart in front of someone you love as opportunities are lost in just the spur of a moment.
sexual health Does Masturbation Affect Height - Facts, Myths, FAQs In this piece, we will consider various factors of masturbation that may harm or benefit your health and address all concerns around "does masturbation affect height?"
sexual health The Ultimate Guide on How to Stop Nightfall: Ending the Nightmare 83% of men involuntarily ejaculate while they are asleep. While most of you know it as wet dreams, medically, this is called nightfall.
ayurveda How to Take Shilajit - Comprehensive Guide to Dosage & Precautions Shilajit benefits for men are abundant. Take shilajit the right way for the best shilajit benefits.
nutrition Protein Foods for Bodybuilding: 14 Top Recommended Foods By Experts! Looking for guidance on protein and ways to shape your diet? If you want to know what to consume, check out our list of the best protein foods for bodybuilding.
sexual health What Happens If We Release Sperm Daily? Can We Ejaculate Daily? A Harvard Medical School study indicated that a person ejaculating at least 21 times a month, had a 31% less chance of developing Prostate Cancer than those who only did it 4-7 times a month.
hair Know All the Benefits of Applying Almond Oil for Hair Almond oil helps improve hair health, but can it help in any major hair problems? Read on to know how almond oil for hair might prove beneficial.
FAQ Does Masturbation Affect Immunity? We Asked a Sexologist Despite masturbation being an excellent sexual activity, myths surrounding it remain rampant. So let’s take a look at the flip side. Does masturbation affect immunity in a positive way? Does masturbation affect the immune system by way of strengthening it?
sexual health Yoga for Erectile Dysfunction & Sexual Health for Men ~ Research Based Yes, Yoga does work for treating erectile dysfunction. Wondering how? Read on to find out.
360 health Pornography and Depression: Is There Any Link Between Them? - Explained by Science In an era where most of us spend the majority of our time over the internet, glued to our devices, the use of pornography isn't anything uncommon. But at what point does pornography become problematic?
sexual health How to Tell if a Guy is Circumcised: Circumsised vs Non Circumcised Circumcision has been a long and ongoing controversial phenomenon. Circumcision is a Latin word where circumcidere means ‘a cut around’. Are you also keen to know why a guy gets circumcised and how to tell if a guy is circumcised?
FAQ What Happens After Sex to a Woman & a Man: Everything to Know Sex is a great feeling. Wouldn’t we all agree? However, it is also a biological process. After achieving orgasm post sex, various bodily processes are at play, to bring back your body to its normal state. These processes are different for both males and females. Let’s discover how.
sexual health What is Kama Sutra? Top Kama Sutra Positions to Make it Worth While Do you also want to try different sexual positions? This article gives you an overview of the best Kama Sutra sex positions with some images.
sexual health 69 Position in Sex: Facts, Myths, Benefits & Tips Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? Why not try the 69 positions? Learn more about the myths, facts, and benefits of this sex position here.
sexual health Shower Sex 101: Best Shower Sex Positions That You'll Love 7 best shower sex positions to spice up your love life and make your partner happy. Read on to know all about it.
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hair What is Male Pattern Baldness? Causes, Cure & More As of now, there is no effective way that can stop male pattern baldness. However, some hair thinning treatment for males can slow down this problem.
sexual health Watermelon as Natural Viagra: Does it Really Work? Yes, you read it right. As per a study by the National Library of Medicine, around 24 men noted improvements in erectile dysfunction symptoms after consuming supplements that contained citrulline for over a month.
skin What Is Athlete's Foot? Certain lifestyle habits may increase your chances of catching a fungal infection between foot fingers. Certain situations that can lead to getting athlete’s foot are as follows:
sexual health Penile Yeast Infection: Causes, Types, Symptoms Penile yeast infection; is it serious or just a common skin disease? Find out the causes, symptoms and treatment of this uncomfortable disorder.
sexual health Balanitis: Penis Inflammation - Causes, Cure, Prevention, Circinate Balanitis, Zoon’s Balanitis One of the most common causes of balanitis is irregular hygiene, as it promotes skin irritation in men. As penis inflammation is caused by an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria, good hygiene plays a pivotal role.