FAQ Does Hanging Increase Height Permanently? While you hang, your entire body is stretched, including your vertebrae. The lower half of your spine stretches even further due to gravity, decreasing squeezing effects of the vertebrae.
FAQ How to Increase Height after 18 Years? Is It Even Possible? Many believe it is near impossible to make changes to your height after 18 years of age. Is this true? Let’s find out!
FAQ How Many Types of Sex: The Ultimate Guide for Everyone Whether you have had sex before or not, here’s the ultimate guide to the types of sex you should have at least once in your life. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!
FAQ How to Increase Height After 21? Is It Even Possible - What Does Science Say? Do you think a date has rejected you before even meeting you just because you were too short? Do tall people have a hidden preference during job interviews because their height symbolises command and power which is often associated with responsibility?
sexual health Kegel Exercises for Men to Last Longer in Bed | ED & PE Exercises Much misinformation, harmful remedies and artificial supplements are always doing the rounds when it comes to lasting longer in bed. However, what if simple exercises performed correctly could help with this issue? Let’s find out!
FAQ Is Paneer Good For Weight Loss? even if you go easy on the work outs, 70% of your weight loss journey depends upon the right nutrition. Let’s discuss one such food that should be on your plate right now- paneer!
sexual health How to Tell if a Guy is Circumcised: Circumsised vs Non Circumcised Circumcision has been a long and ongoing controversial phenomenon. Circumcision is a Latin word where circumcidere means ‘a cut around’. Are you also keen to know why a guy gets circumcised and how to tell if a guy is circumcised?
FAQ Can a Man with Phimosis Make a Woman Pregnant? There is a prevalent fear among men that if they struggle with Phimosis, they will be unable to conceive. However, a man with Phimosis can definitely make a woman pregnant. Hence, this fear among men is false. How?
hair How to Grow a Moustache Faster & at Home Naturally: 101 Guide Growing or not growing a moustache remains, till today, an individual choice. However, if you still decide you want one, here is the ultimate guide on how to grow a moustache faster.
360 health BEST Ayurvedic Weigh Loss Solutions: How They Work & Top Tips Sometimes you find yourself sticking to your daily routine and exercise regimen, but sometimes you slip up and eat unhealthy or don’t workout for days on end. It would be nice to have a little help from nature while you are at it right? Here are some Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss!
hair 10 Tips and Tricks on How to Grow Beard Faster for Teenager Many teenagers may be impatient and want solid, intimidating manes. Hence, here’s a way to grow a beard faster in your teenage years.
FAQ Ashwagandha Or Viagra- Which One Is Better? Ashwagandha has similar effects like Viagra in terms of enhanced production of Nitric oxide in the body to sustain an erection. Nitric oxide plays an integral role in penile muscle relaxation that allows blood to flow to the genitals, leading to an erect penis.
sexual health Everything to Know About What Happens After Sex to a Man & Women It's no secret that having sex can be a great feeling. But have you ever wondered what happens after sex? That's not a topic most information on the internet incorporates. Discover the biological workings of your body after sexual intercourse here, like never before!
benefits Top 10 Onion Benefits For Men and Everyone Else If slicing and dicing onions bring tears to your eyes- you are not the only one. Don't rush to conclusions with onion, though. Please read the whole blog to discover them in a new light!
FAQ What Happens After Sex to a Woman & a Man: Everything to Know Sex is a great feeling. Wouldn’t we all agree? However, it is also a biological process. After achieving orgasm post sex, various bodily processes are at play, to bring back your body to its normal state. These processes are different for both males and females. Let’s discover how.
benefits 21 Nutritious Mosambi Juice Benefits Which Will Make You Start Drinking It Mosambi is a beautiful, spherical citrus fruit that has multiple health benefits. Not only is it an excellent source of Vitamin C, but it also provides you with essential vitamins and minerals for overall well-being. Read on to discover Mosambi juice benefits that you were unaware of!
benefits 15 Proven Health Benefits of Dates for Men The natural sweetness and decadent flavour of dates often lead us to associate them with dessert. However, are you aware of the multiple health benefits of this superfood? Read on to find date benefits that you never knew of earlier!
sexual health How to Control Sex Feelings & Should You? | Expert Advice Still, sex is considered taboo in many societies and often brushed under the carpet. So should we not have sexual feelings? No. Should you control sexual urges when they crop up from time to time? Find out here!
benefits 10 Surprising Garlic Benefits for Men Which No One Really Knows! Garlic is widely recognised as a superfood for men. It contains several nutrients like magnesium, selenium etc., that can improve the sexual health of men. We have listed some of the top garlic benefits for men.
benefits Powerful Ashwagandha Benefits for Men That You Should Know The popularity of Ashwagandha as a herbal supplement just increases day by day. Recognised as a popular testosterone booster, libido enhancer and muscle-mass improver, it’s almost as if there’s nothing this ingredient can’t do.
sexual health Penis Enlargement Oils: Do They Work? Medical Expert's Opinion Various surveys conducted globally reveal that about 45% of men would like to increase their penis size. But can you really increase the length of your penis? Jelqing exercises, penis oils, vacuum pumps and creams are some avenues men use to achieve a larger penis. But do these remedies work?
sexual health Penis Sleeve/Penis Cover/Penis Extender: Definition, Purpose, Use Initially, penis sleeves were made for treating conditions like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. However, gradually, it became a sex toy. Men can use it to increase the length and width of their penis. These sleeves provide numerous benefits.
360 health Featured Steam Inhalation: Cold, Cough, Lungs, Benefits, Uses, Risks Steam inhalation is one of the most commonly used home remedies to free up your nasal passage. It effectively treats colds, coughs and sinus infections. Even though steam inhalation does not cure infections, it helps you recuperate while your body fights them off.
sexual health NoFap Benefits: Definition and What Research Says No Fap is a movement. A masturbation movement. Most importantly, it is an approach to the act of masturbation that involves abstaining from this sexual activity for prolonged periods and semen retention.
360 health Doctor Recommended Foods To Increase Oxygen Levels In The Body Maintaining oxygen levels in your body is paramount. Fresh oxygen intake supports overall bodily health and boosts the immune system naturally. So why not put harmful medications to increase oxygen levels aside and achieve stable levels through your diet?